Underkeep - Roots of Cardinal


Underkeep is a sprawling underground city, with twisting tunnels and caverns that lead deep into the earth. The city is divided into districts based on the types of crafts and industries that are practiced there. The surrounding caverns are filled with veins of precious metals and gems, making it a valuable location for mining and craftsmanship. The Dwarves of Underkeep are known for their masterful architecture, with intricate carvings and stonework adorning every corner of the city. Buildings are made from a combination of stone, metal, and wood, with each structure designed to complement the natural beauty of the surrounding caverns. The most prominent landmark in Underkeep is Yggdrasil itself, which serves as a symbol of the city's sacred duty. Other notable landmarks include the Grand Forge, where the Dwarves create their masterpieces, and the Temple of the Ancient Sovereign, where they pay homage to their creator.   Underkeep has a sister city which travels the skies called Aerondor The cities reunite on a yearly basis when the tip of the mountain makes its return trip to bring back the magical energies it's collected from it's trip.


Underkeep's culture is steeped in tradition, with a strong emphasis on family, craftsmanship, and protecting Yggdrasil. They take great pride in their work and their heritage, and are known for their fierce loyalty to their city and their people. The dwarves of Underkeep enjoy a variety of activities for entertainment, including storytelling, music, and games. There is also a strong tradition of friendly competition among craftsmen, with many contests held throughout the year to showcase their skills. The cuisine of Underkeep is hearty and filling, with a focus on meats and vegetables that can be grown or harvested underground. Dwarven ale is also a popular beverage, and is known throughout the region for its exceptional quality.


Underkeep is a city built deep beneath the earth, nestled in the roots of the Yggdrasil tree. It is home to the Dwarves, a race known for their masterful craftsmanship and fierce dedication to protecting their sacred charge. According to legend, the Dwarves were created by the Ancient Sovereign of Peaks and Caverns, who imbued them with his love of craftsmanship and artistry. Drawn to the power and beauty of Yggdrasil, they built Underkeep to serve as a home and a place to guard the tree from harm.   Underkeep was split into two sister cities when Aerondor was founded by Nym Campion.


Underkeep is a tightly-knit society, with a strong emphasis on family and tradition. Dwarves are proud of their heritage and take great pride in their craft, with many families passing down their skills and knowledge from generation to generation. The population is predominantly made up of Dwarves, with a few other races living and working within the city. There is a small division in social classes based on skill and expertise. Those who have achieved great success in their craft are revered and respected, while those who are new to the craft are expected to learn from their elders.


Underkeep is governed by a council of elders, who are chosen based on their experience and knowledge of Dwarven law and tradition. They are responsible for making decisions that affect the entire city and for representing the city in matters of diplomacy and making final decisions on matters of great importance. The leader of Underkeep is actually elected by the people of Aerondor and Aerondor elects the leader of Underkeep to ensure the goals of each city stays inline with one another.


The city has a well-organized system of law enforcement handled by the Stoneguard, a group of elite warriors who are tasked with protecting the city and enforcing its laws. They are well-trained and equipped, and are fiercely loyal to the council. Underkeep is located in a region with many dangerous creatures, including orcs, goblins, and trolls. However, the city's defenses and the skill of its warriors have kept it safe from attack for many years. The greatest danger to Underkeep is the potential threat to Yggdrasil, whether from natural disaster or outside interference. The city's defenders are always vigilant for any signs of danger to the tree. Crime is rare in Underkeep, as the dwarves take great pride in their city and work together to maintain order and security. However, there have been instances of theft or sabotage, which are dealt with swiftly and harshly by the Stoneguard.


The economy of Underkeep is largely driven by the Dwarves' masterful craftsmanship and their access to the rare and powerful material found in Yggdrasil. The Dwarves use the wood, leaves, and sap of the tree to create intricate and powerful magical items, as well as beautiful and durable works of art. The demand for these items is high among the other races, who are willing to pay top coin for the chance to own a piece of Dwarven craftsmanship. The Dwarves also trade their goods with other cities and kingdoms in exchange for food, raw materials, and other necessities.  The sister city Aerondor is an important part to underkeeps sustainability as it invigorates the land with magical energies and brings supplies. Aerondor also acts as a trade vessel for Underkeep as it purchases goods to trade with other cities in order to land there.   In addition to their craftwork, the Dwarves of Underkeep have developed a sophisticated system of mining and metalworking, allowing them to extract and refine precious metals and gems from the earth. They use these materials to create stunning and powerful weapons and armor, which are highly sought after by adventurers and warriors.   Despite their reputation as expert craftsmen, the Dwarves of Underkeep are also skilled farmers and ranchers. They raise herds of sturdy mountain goats and cultivate fields of hardy crops that thrive in the underground climate.   Finally, the Dwarves of Underkeep have found a way to harness the geothermal energy of the underground hot springs that flow beneath their city. They use this energy to power their forges and workshops, as well as to heat their homes and other buildings. This has allowed them to become largely self-sufficient other than Aerondor, even in the depths of the earth.


The dwarves of Underkeep are deeply reverent of Yggdrasil, the mystical tree that grows in the heart of their city. They believe that the tree is the source of all life, and that its roots reach deep into the earth and connect all things. They offer daily prayers to Yggdrasil and make regular sacrifices to appease its spirit and ensure its continued growth, protection, and a safe return of Aerondor  

Threats and Conflicts

The city faces dangers from marauding creatures such as ogres, goblins, ettins, and trolls, who are lured by its riches and relentless in their assaults. Added to that are the creatures that find thier way up from the Deep mines into Underkeep, even if a rare occurance it's one that makes it's mark. Internally, the city’s prosperity invites the peril of theft and sabotage, with incidents, though infrequent, being a significant cause for concern among the Stoneguard. The reunions with Aerondor, while vital for Underkeep’s sustenance, also present moments of vulnerability, as the city's open channels for trade and energy transfer could be exploited by cunning adversaries. The most sacred threat looms over Yggdrasil itself, whose safety is paramount; any harm to it could spell disaster not just for Underkeep but for the connected life it sustains.

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