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Maiden of Solidite Karianne Azurblå (a.k.a. She/Her)

Personal History

Karianne doesn't know her heritage, not even the people who raised her know it. She was left at an Orphanage by a man, who found her in front of his doorstep. The man told the personal of the orphanage that he had no clue how to raise a child, but that he wanted to stay involved. Making him her adoptive father, in name only. Karianne was at the age of ten tested by the Sodilite Clan, but she was so nervous that she failed to call upon the magic in the gemstone. So the Sodilite clan didn't enlist her as a member and didn't train her. Karianne still practiced a bit with before the clan noticed they had made a mistake.

Education and Employment


Karianne is the oldest beginning Maiden of Sodilite, in the history of the clan. Still, she tries to learn faster than the younger childeren in her class.


Karianne is still in training.

Sodilite Clan

The Solidite Clan is a group of women, who can call upon the magic in the Solidite gemstone. Which was the favorite type of magic from their ancestors. There are men who call upon the magic, only this is rare.  


The clothing is made off wool and fur, to keep the witches warm in the cold climate that is surrounding their village, in the mountains. The neckless is given to the Maidens at their first day of training, on the neckless are hanging Sodilete stones. The mantle with blue fur is only for Ladies of the clan. The staff made from Sodilite is used to focus their magic. On their wrist they have bracelets also made from the gemstone.

by Nathalia Books by Hero Forge

Sodilite Clan outfit


Family Ties

Current Location
Sodilite Village
Parents (Adopting)
Light Bleu
Long light blond, with blue high lites
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
1,60 meter
85 kilogram
Other Affiliations

Famous quote's

I maybe a Maiden, who is just started her training. But I am not a push over.
— Karianne

Cover image: by Canva
Character Portrait image: by Nathalia Books by artbreeder


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