
Benny (a.k.a. Benevolence Urixes)

An imposing yet soft-spoken figure responsible for most of the heavy lifting upon the well-worn decks of the Calliope. Within her dwells the strength of a bear, sturdy and determined to protect those she cares for.   An imposing yet soft-spoken figure responsible for most of the heavy lifting upon the well-worn decks of the Calliope. Within her dwells the strength of a bear, sturdy and determined to protect those she cares for.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

With a well-built body, Ben's physique clearly boasts the results of a lifetime spent training. Built to endure whatever blow is sent her way and strong enough to hit back twice a hard, Ben's towering height only manages to add to her imposing figure.

Body Features

Unlike her siblings, two firm hooves take the place of Ben's feet. Well worn and built for travel, scuffs mar their smooth surfaces even after the biweekly care that Ben gives them. The tip of her thick tail is shaped like a stretched spade, resembling the head of a harpoon. Her horns curve up from her forehead similar to those of a bull.

Facial Features

Anyone unfamiliar with Ben's gentle nature would find her face naturally intimidating. With hard features set into a perpetual expression of gruff neutrality, often perceived as distaste, Ben's face only begins to match her thoughts once she opens her mouth. Her pitch-black, pupilless eyes can be hard to read and a tad bit offputting in the way they resemble the darkest depths of the sea.

Identifying Characteristics

Across both firm shoulders, Ben proudly wears a matching set of dark tattoos. Resembling the claw marks of a bear, four jagged lines trail down to her elbows, interweaving and curling around her entire upper arms. One of the scratches, thicker and wilder than the others, is noticeably more faded when compared to the other rough lines of ink.

Apparel & Accessories

Ben prioritizes movement and comfort over aesthetic, clad in an outfit that excludes unnecessary features such as sleeves. The simple black leather of her top works similarly to a modern sports bra, providing support and a level of protection while still maintaining her full range of motion. Hints of fur can be seen decorating the edges of her waist trail, adding the slightest bit of personality to her utilitarian bottoms.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born as the eldest of the three Urixes children. Benevolence speaks fondly of her childhood memories. Appearing to be rather close to both of her younger siblings, it seems that her protective nature was present even in their youth. She and her siblings have all mentioned the death of their father, Freedom, but never go into anything other than vague details and fond memories. At some point, Ben left her family and home to begin traveling on her own, though the reason why is not exactly clear. But after spending time with the trio, it becomes apparent quite quickly that there are some fissures in thier relationship, centering on her multiple year-long excursion.

Gender Identity

Buff lady.


Ben rarely has the time to think of her own romantic life but in the rare moments that she has, she has come to a single conclusion: women.


Ben, like her siblings, was homeschooled by their mother, Devotion. While she was always more inclined towards the more physical subjects of their education, Ben still learned the basics of arithmetic and is fully literate. However, her vocabulary is noticeably made up of shorter words, finding no use in longer, more complicated versions of the words she already knows.


Throughout the course of her journeys, Ben's income has mostly stemmed from various manual labor jobs. Putting her own strength and work ethic to good use, Ben has worked everywhere, from the busiest of docks to the most rural of farms.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Remaining sane amidst the nonsense and responsiblities of her family. And most importantly... being a responsible pseudo mom of two little ones.

Failures & Embarrassments

The day she ran.

Mental Trauma

Ahahahahaha...eldest sibling syndrome amirite?

Intellectual Characteristics

She's rubbing those two brain cells together real hard...

Morality & Philosophy

Ben strictly adheres to her own moral code though it doesn't always align with official legislation. She is willing to do nearly anything to keep those she has taken under her wing, safe. The only hard line she draws is lying. While she understands the necessity of deception at times, she refuses to lie with her own mouth. Ben would rather stand silently and participate in a ruse through the omission of clarification than actively speak lies.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Takes everything a little too literally and so some jokes, as well as most metaphors, are lost on her.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Fluffy animals, small children, her siblings, quiet nights

An imposing yet soft-spoken figure responsible for most of the heavy lifting upon the well-worn decks of the Calliope. Within her dwells the strength of a bear, sturdy and determined to protect those she cares for.

Current Location
The Calliope
View Character Profile
Date of Birth
December 30th
Female (she/her)
Obsidian Black
Thick white curls
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark Lavender
185 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"...I am now concerned."
Known Languages
Common and Infernal