

Quick-footed and even quicker to get into trouble, this flirtatious tiefling tends to run headlong into adventure wherever it can be found.   Charming and lighthearted, those who cross paths with Sly often find themselves blushing nearly as deep a red as the boy himself. A charismatic performer, Sly doesn't mind getting himself into escapades, so long as he believes he can get himself out of them. His prowess in innuendos knows no bounds, but if one can tolerate the constant flirtations, they'll find him a good friend to have, and an even better accomplice.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

While considered to linger along the shorter side of the height scale, Sly is still very toned, especially in his forearm strength. He's athletic enough, though favors to dodge in and out among adversaries when sparring. Hit, and don't get hit in return.

Body Features

Sly has a thin, red tail with a tuft of hair that matches the thick mop that sits upon his head. His tail often curls around his leg when he's nervous, or deep in thought. When younger, he used to chew on the end of it.

Facial Features

Somewhat boyish in nature, Sly can still intimidate many with his extremely attractive face. Pupil-less, yellow eyes pierce straight through one's being, though often give the impression of mentally unclothing rather than soul-searching. A few scars linger from past incidents, skirmishes, and general carelessness: one underneath his right eye, and a few closer along his left jawline.

Identifying Characteristics

Brownish red horns, ridged, that turn away from his face line the top of Sly's head.

Apparel & Accessories

Sly often wears either a loose-fitting sailor's shirt, or opts to go shirtless entirely. Occasionally will sport a plain vest.   He usually goes barefoot, but will other times choose to wrap his feet and legs in white strips of cloth for protection- most likely if he's leaving the boat for any extended period of time.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Much of Sly's childhood is unknown to others, and he'll avoid most conversations surrounding the topic. It has been confirmed that he used to live at a monastery. He will open up more about his adventures sailing, which he spent a good portion of his life doing.

Gender Identity

Masculine presenting, hot.




He's fairly well-spoken when he chooses to be, but usually opts for a humbler presentation. Swears like a sailor.


Odd jobs here and there. There's not much he won't do, for the right price.

Accomplishments & Achievements

He's still alive.

Failures & Embarrassments

Sly doesn't mind the occasional embarrassment, and won't really take himself seriously, therefore not expecting others to either. In the case of failures, he doesn't like to talk about it.

Mental Trauma


Intellectual Characteristics

Sly is more street-wise than bookish, and often uses this to his advantage.

Morality & Philosophy

Chaotic neutral Sly views the world as something to explore, and himself as a sole ship passing through most of it. People are nothing more than fish to catch or dolphins to swim with, but it is always temporary and changing, like the sea. He refuses to let anyone anchor him down in one spot, and would rather spend the rest of his days sailing free.

Quick-footed and even quicker to get into trouble, this flirtatious tiefling tends to run headlong into adventure wherever it can be found.

View Character Profile
Dark red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Garnet red
136 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"To be fair, I did want a beer."
Known Languages
Common, Draconic, Infernal