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Levia Stones


Physical & Chemical Properties

Extremely hard material, much effort is required to fracture/break and shape these.

Geology & Geography

Relatively common to be found in caves, fissures, and canyons. Also commonly mined from mountains and other locations where the rock experianced pressure events (such as earthquakes, eruptions and near fault or mantle lines).

History & Usage



Discovered by early communal settlements that would later trancend to the various civilizations and powers that are located across Carviat today. These Stones were originally worn and used decratively by those that were lucky enough to find them. Traded as symbols of wealth and status throughout these early settlements and utilized for various jewelry and ornaments.

Arrival of "Incidents"

As more and more were discovered, and more people began to come into contact with them, odd events began to occur. It seemed that some individuals had a connection to these stones and could manipulate them in various ways. As the individuals with these connections neared or touched them, stones would rise in temperature, increase or decrease in weight, glow with bright lights, or even gravitate towards or away from the individuals.

Rise of Vances

Those individuals with connections to the stones began to be sought out by people in power. These people were given many names from various civilizations but are now commonly called Vances. As more and more were discovered, the ruling classes began to utilize the "gifts" of the Vances, assigning them tasks and positions where their "gifts" would provide value.

Invocation and Imbuement

It was soon discovered by many Vances and those who worked closely with them that the stones and a Vances's connection to them had other uses. Vances with dedication and time could hone their "gifts" and utilize them to previously unheard of magnitudes. These Vances could "Invoke" their connections to the stones and cause more powerful or even new events to occur. Those who worked closely with the stones, both gifted and not, also began more indepth and methodical investigation into the stones themselves. Before long, through trial, error, and experimentation, it was discovered that the stones could be imbued with the invocations of the Vances. For example, one of the earliest records of this application was in forging. Levia Stones that were imbued with a Vances' invocation of heat replaced the coals and fires in the forge to allow for shaping and molding of metal to become much less of a dificulty.

The Empires of Levia Stones

As the ages' progressed and the technology around the stones began to evolve, so did the social and societal structures of these young civilizations. Conflict began to arise as governments formed and the civilizations began to discover one another. Cities rose and fell and wars were fought for various reasons across the three continents. From these conflicts the fledgling versions of the now various powers began to be born. Empires began to rise.

Everyday use

Commonly used in technology to assist in everyday tasks, weapons, various industrial technologies, and more recently in construct consciousness.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Construct Consciousness

In the more recent years another evolution to the technology and Invocations used by Vances and Artificers have caused some stir within the various societies of the world. Some Vances of extreme power have now been able to craft and clone entire consciousnesses in imbue Levia stones with them. Though initially those consciousnesses were unable to communicate or act upon their thoughts outside of communicating to nearby Vances, Artificers have worked to develope and create bodies and forms for these Levia Stones. Once these bodies, now called Similacrums, were augmented with the conscious Levia Stones, those consciousnesses were then able to utilize those bodies to affect the world around them. Most people across the world view Similacrums as non-living beings, as simple and disconnected as a hammer or machine in a workshop. However, there are some who feel that the Similacrum are a crime against their beliefs or an abomination compared to natural life.

Industrial Use

Levia Stones are used in almost every facet of industry. Imbued stones are used to heat objects, push or pull objects in machinery, augmenting objects to hit harder or weigh less, etc. Stones can be imbued with many different affects (although only one effect per stone), and are always being used in new and inventive ways by Vances, engineers, and Artificers.



In the stone's natural state, a Levia Stone is nothing more than a pretty crystal. A Vance is required to Imbue a invocation to the stone and a stone can only contain one Invocation. Currently most Vances have the training and capability to do this even as a novice, but the more powerful or experianced a Vance is, the more powerful the Invocation they can imbue. Vances are usually more attuned with a single "gift" and thus often specialize in a single type of Invocation.


Augmentation is the process of taking an Imbued stone and applying it to a physical object, passing along properties or abilities from the stone. People who specialize in this process and research are known as Artificers. The process is very precise and requires much training/study and knowledge of the imbued Levia Stone they are working with.


Levia Stones on their own are as harmless as an ingot of Iron or steel, however all imbued Levia Stones can be hazordous. Depending on the invocation imbued within the stone it can be catastrophic if misused or mishandled.

Reusability & Recycling

Levia Stones can always be reused and reattuned and reimbued, but these processes require the assistance of Vances of various skill levels to accomplish. A novice vance will not be able to attune or reimbue stones imbued with invocations from an extremely skilled Vance.
Opalescent and translucent
Common State
Solid, with crystalline structure

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