Ancestries in Casmyr.
Human: The most common ancestry in Casmyr. More than 95% of all positions of powers are held by humans.
human lineages: Half elves have the same basic rights as other humans, on paper at least. Anyone with elven blood is mistrusted somewhat.
Half Orcs feel the sting of racism, but isnt actively hunted in the big cities outside of The Bristol Territory.
Any ancestry with Asimar blood is treated with reverence because of their percieved connection to the light.
Any Ancestry with Tiefling blood is shunned, except for gnomes which is killed on sight.
Halflings are welcomed everywhere in Casmyr, and has the same rights as humans, but it seems like very few halflings has any interest in power.
Dwarves are also welcomed everywhere in Casmyr. Most are citizen of the dwarven kingdom. Only a small handful is born in Casmyr with little to no knowledge of the dwarven kingdom.
Goblinoids are not trusted at all, even if a large group want nothing to do with The Dominion. Goblins have no right what so ever, and in many places killing a goblin is only a misdemeanor. Most Hobgoblins are killed on sight.
Orcs are not welcome in Casmyr, but small orc communities exist in most big cities, except for The Bristol Territory.
Changelings are killed on discovery by most small communities.
Beastkin are shunned, even the Straylor ex-patriots known as "The Blessed Ones". That is a real problem since The Blessed Ones are holy in Straylor and the Royal Family is filled with Blessed Ones.
Any ancestry that looks like anthropomorhic animals are not trusted at all. Especially if they look like werecreatures..In which case they are, most likely, killed on sight.
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