Hoffmeister Industries. Organization in Casmyr | World Anvil

Hoffmeister Industries.

"Do you want a non-magical alternative for your potion needs? Look no further!- Hoffmeister Industries got you covered! For the low low price of 2 gold per bottle on all standard potions! Buy 3 pay for 2!...only this week!",the barker yelled at the passers by, getting sour looks. "They're on every other street corner these day..a damn disgrace", the woman remarked to her husband, who shrugged.   Ah! Hoffmeister Industries, a subsidiary of House Grimes. They pride themselves on delivering safe alchemy to the masses. And they do deliver..But safe? Maybe..It happens..sometimes...   Everything from potions to counter head aches, to others that give you great strength for a few minutes, Hoffmeister have cornered the market in Landfill City.   Like most big business, Hoffmeister Industries is run by a single family. Nepotism is not only legal, but expected.


Corporation, Manufacturing
Alternative Names
Big Pharma, Snake Oil Salesmen.
Leader Title
Family Leader
Parent Organization


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