House Manescu Organization in Casmyr | World Anvil

House Manescu


Everything is smooth sailing as far as the house is concerned. Life is good. It is important to be friendly...even to enemies. The Manescu has a reputation for hospitality.

Public Agenda

Stay alive and play the big game of life.


The house is a political chameleon. It has remained a loyal follower of whom ever sits on the throne in Morovia and is on some what ok terms with everybody else..Not a small feat.   It pays lip service to the church, and has bribed enough clergy to stay on the churches good side. Its past is filled with scandals just like any other house, but has remained a major house for more than 1000 years...   As far as anyone knows, no Manescu has ever wielded magic, or made any pact with other worldly entities. Some people believe that they are very good at covering things up. There is some merit to this, since no spies has ever returned..They have magic...
Geopolitical, Great house
Leader Title
Family Leader
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Controlled Territories


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