Gorvenal Ashglade Character in Cassur | World Anvil

Gorvenal Ashglade

Fathoms Port Naval Protectorate, Merchant Marine, 1st Fleet, The Cossack, The Buxton, Lieutenant, Gorvenal Ashglade

Gorvenal Ashglade is a 23 year old male human sailor.   He has cropped, curled, gray hair and blue eyes.   He has silky brown skin.   He stands 177cm (5'9") tall and has a lean build.   He has a square, unremarkable face.   He is missing all the fingers from his left hand.   He quietly worships Istishia, God of water, purification, wetness. (True Neutral)   He always keeps score.   He is very conceited.   He sleeps fully dressed, ready to run.   He frequently asks questions.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Fathoms Port
Current Residence
Fathoms Port
Aligned Organization

Articles under Gorvenal Ashglade


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