Maria Rowntree Character in Cassur | World Anvil

Maria Rowntree

Fathoms Port Naval Protectorate, Merchant Marine, 1st Fleet, The Cossack, The Vega, The Rushen, Master Warrant, Maria Rowntree

Maria Rowntree is a 38 year old female human sailor.   She has short, curled, black hair and brown eyes.   She has smooth chocolate skin.   She stands 162cm (5'3") tall and has a fat build.   She has a round, bland face.   She has a large tattoo of a fox on her right foot and an unfinished tattoo of the word life translated into dwarvish on her right foot.   She discretely worships Lathander, God of spring, dawn, birth, youth, vitality, athletics. (Neutral Good)   She is very patient.   She rarely speaks.   She has a story for everything.
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