Captain Geddy Cokedrill

Cokedrill is the captain of The Lady Maru and has sailed to all four continents in Castria, a fact he doesn't hesitate to share with whomever will listen. Both, Cerviel Anoun from Morrison Island and Luxanna from Tanjira, sailed to Port Elesby aboard The Lady Maru, albeit at different times. Captain Cokedrill is a friend to the Anoun family, inlcuding a growing friendship with Cerviel since she entered University Aiobheean. He was present in the Market Square when the terrorist attack by the Azure Assemblage took place.   After Tyranx and the Azure Assemblage sacked Port Elesby and instituted martial law, Cokedrill went underground with The Morlocks and began helping them in their efforts to smuggle people out and goods into the city. Most recently, he assisted Cerviel and her friends - Luxanna, Aislin Mac Gerailt, Eks Ribcage, Al Vale, and Valrick Dapplecloak - in their effort to sabotage the Azure Assemblage controlled docks in Port Elesby. Specifically, he ordered his first mate - Byron Whiteglade - to sail The Lady Maru to Tortoise Landing in southern Valland to later rendevous with the party and provide them passage to Tanjira in the pursuit of Tyranx, the Terrible.

Seasoned captain of The Lady Maru, a carrack known for transporting cargo and passengers along the coasts of both Vanu and Tanjira. Geddy is talkative and prefers to delegate as many tasks as he can to his crew, particularly his first mate, Byron Whiteglade.

Current Location
The Lady Maru
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