
"Alderman Patrick Do you have a moment?" Victoria asked.
-"Offcourse, Lady Winter."
"Stop calling me lady, we're not in public, Patrick."
-"You just called me Alderman a second ago."
"That's different."
-"I don't think so."
"Anyway, we need to talk about the Guard. They're to few to patrol and defend Icereach and man the castle. With the refugees passing trough crime has been going up. And by that I mean is that they are hungry and without money so they steal food."
-"So? You need more guards? Or cheaper food?"
"....maybe both? Do you have an idea."
-"Your father has never allowed anyone under 21 to join his troops. But the king is calling for people from 16 years old. We could ask the towns folk between 16 and 21 if they want to volunteer to train with the bow? They could man the walls incase the war gets even closer."
"My father will not like it. I don't want to send kids out there either."
-"No do not send them on patrols. Just train, incase of. Because when the hords are coming, they might be needed regardless. Could be wise to know which way to point an arrow"
"Doesn't really help our town patrol problem."
-"I think we can pursuede the temple to be more, how would you say it, generous. And remind them of their own values, serving the people carring for the poor and what not."
"Bribe or force?"
-"A bit of both" Patrick grinned
"I'll supply food from the castles stores for the first two free supper. You'll spread the word that the temple hosts a free meal every other day for the refugees, out of the good of their heart."
-"And the third?"
"We'll see, if they get the hint and buy it off the market."
-"They won't like it, but they might not want to loose their image."
"And have the sergeant of the guard look out over those free meals. Have him promise two meals a day for any one who joins the guard."
-"You wish to swell the ranks of the guard with foreigners? Thats dangerous my Lady."
"We'll keep them in a seperate unit. for the Town's wall, for patrols to the east."
-"They are running for a reason."
"You think they'll run again?"
-"most likely"
"Some might stay. and every extra hand is welcome."
-"We'll give it a try."
"Thank you Patrick"

Cover image: Header Castle Winter by Jacob-W


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Aug 7, 2024 05:34 by Marjorie Ariel

A difficult problem indeed. I like the style that you wrote this in, and I had no trouble following the conversation, despite the sparse dialogue tags, so your characters have unique voices! It's also a nice insight on how and why the force got formed, and the very every day events that can cause such things to happen. I hope the foriegn-born soldiers prove themselves, since both characters seem wary of them. (Also, I didn't notice any grammar mistakes ;)