A Castrovel Adventure: Part 4, Chapter 8 Document in Castrovel (from Paizo's Pathfinder Setting) | World Anvil
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A Castrovel Adventure: Part 4, Chapter 8

In which Vaeol and her housemates consider leaving Lea for their tour’s next stage.

From the Daylog of Vaeol-Zheieveil Yaranevae be’Son
15. Vinelae, 24,543 - Leiss Farmhold   This tide here as Lea’s guests has been too dear, and for many reasons. I am sunderly thankful of the hap to come to know my brother Devaeas, who had left Son while I was young. I deem him a right noble soul, having found the boldness to break our kindred’s unhappy bonds and craft a new livelihood, in matehood with Elarue, whom I worshipfully name sister, and her stalwart kindred. There is also a peace overholding this city, in the lake’s small waves lapping the shore. I have heard that Heaventide sunrises are a true wonder. Also, Devaeas has many times spoken of taking me ahunt to the eastern shore, and of the many queer beasts found there. Yet that thought must wait until a toward tide.   Earlier, we met with Vosaeth, Tae, Taiase, and Istae and overtalked our next deed. Vosaeth outspoke wish to go northward to the Blighttide Clanmoot, for her birthtide nears, and she would have her babe born among her clan. Taiase was torn. Yet much as she loves Lea, also she loves the Retaea, and recks the elder Clanmoot and how it has outwoven until now. So we gathered the house and put forth the thought that we leave Lea and join the Miniada for the Clanmoot. All yaysaid. Thus we sent word to Her Highness Lady Zhaene, with ask to let know Lea’s Matrons, that we beg leave in two days.   Then Elarue and my brother Devaeas came forth and asked to come with us, and even bring my nephew Shaess. They outlaid they would seek the clans’ leave to hunt Qoelu, though they foremostly wished to spend further tide with us. I could not withhold and almost wept while the others yaysaid.     18. Vinelae, 24,543 - Lea   Today we go from Lea. I woke early, from a sickness fit ere foredawn, and could not sleep afterward. So I write, sunderly since I know not when I may write again.   Yesternight Her Highness, Lady Zhaene welcomed the matrons to an embassy mirthtide for our worship, and foremostly for Lady Taiase. They made pretty speeches, though many had little to do with us. Markedly, Her Highness, Lady Nimizi forgave Vosaeth for her yesterly misdeed, aqueathing that the Retaean reaverwife had behaved right nobly. The High Matron then gave back Semuane’s elfsword that I had yielded in bond-token. Thus Vosaeth’s ban is lawfully lifted, with freedom to come again to the city as she wills.   Afterward, Lady Zhaene bowed kindly and kissed me. She deemed I have behaved as a good sway upon Vosaeth, and if stronger peace is fostered between Lea and the Clans, then it would be well. She asked what next Son’s wayward daughter (as she has named me) will do. I answered we merely would go to the Blighttide Clanmoot, ready for Vosaeth’s birthtide, and spend the yeartide with her folk.   Lady Zhaene then asked whether I truly believe our while among the Retaea will prove so nice as such. Blithely, and feeling foolish, I asked what I should so forelook. She answered that I know something of how hallcraft plays so snaresomely among city matrons. She then told that I should see how it outplays when a score of clanwives, none beholden to the other, and each with her own warrior-sith, gather and try to settle feuds. She bade me go among the clans, witness what I may, and then tell with her when next I come. She forewarned glibly that what I learn will enlighten.   The mirthtide’s height happened when Mistress Veiemi the buildwright came before the matrons and begged leave, which Her Highness bequeathed. Veiemi then knelt before Taiase and yielded a stone wand. She told it was carven from a marmlestone shard of the bridge’s islandward footshaft, from a cracked brick the workers outswapped, which she believed was one of the oldest stones built into the bridge. She told she gave it in oath-token, forwhy, if the bridgework keeps astride, it will end within a half-year, and then the bridge shall be ready for lawful opentide. As foreword, she besought that Taiase shall again come and oversit the benameship upon the bridge that twelve thousand years ago she had forebidden.   In answer, Taiase outcame from the board, knelt with the bridge-mistress, and took her hands. She spoke that the bridge belongs more to Veiemi than to her, forwhy the mistress had put her own work and livelihood into it, and moreso belongs to the cityfolk. Veiemi naysaid and told that Taiase’s showforth is the gods’ omen, and thus she must witness what she had begun. Taiase offered that she will come and witness the benameship, but if she may stand among the priests and sing the blessing-prayer. Veiemi laughed and upyielded the wand, saying it beholds her oath to end the bridge ere five months’ while, and also Taiase’s oath to come and fulfill her word. Tearfully Taiase took the wand. Then they kissed under the hall’s cheering buzz.   I slept early, for the mirthtide’s bubblemead had gone straight to my head, which also might behold something with my earlier illness. Remaue and Kaure had to lead me woozily to bed and chided me for besottenness while bechild. Nevertheless, I feel better. I shrive I eagerly forelook coming again to the wide Retaea and witnessing the great clanmoot, even against Lady Zhaene’s forewarning, or maybe forwhy.

Cover image: by Damie-M


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