A Castrovel Adventure: Part 4, Chapter 9 Document in Castrovel (from Paizo's Pathfinder Setting) | World Anvil
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A Castrovel Adventure: Part 4, Chapter 9

In which Vaeol recounts how Vosaeth her oath-sister undergoes her own ordeal.

From the Daylog of Vaeol-Zheieveil Yaranevae be’Son
1. Zielae, 24,543 - 19th Day Afare from Lea, Northbound on the Retaea   I have chosen to write, in hope to settle my mind. Vosaeth is thankfully sleeping under the midwife’s keen watch while we pray for her health.   We left Lea on the Seventeenth of Vinelae, the day of my last logwrit, under noble farewell from Her Highness Lady Zhaene, Her Highness Lady Nimizi, and the matrons. We set away first northeastward as we fared through the lakeshore marshes and woods. When we reached the moors, we headed northward, a broad, open way without brambles or shrubs, and which let us make best speed. The Retaean Shotalashu stretched their long legs and dashed over the moors.   Vosaeth wished to fare northward swiftly, for she foreread the Blighttide Clanmoot would begin within the month. As the next few days overwhiled, however, her far-grown bechildness and thick belly hindered. For two days she drove hard, even long after we foreread halt.   On our third day, the First of Soelae, she could not rise, against her tears and curses. Thus we tarried and hunted even though Lady Zhaene had given full food-stocks. On the next day, Vosaeth foreset to drive even as hardly as ereward, until Ital the midwife-priest threatened to bind her to a Shieldhead’s wagon and have it drag her along like a bond-wretch. This made a frightful strife, for Vosaeth’s ~rauzhiafi~ - birth-might showed strong with her babe’s mind ringing with hers. Yet Ital, deedful with forthcoming mothers in this mood, yielded not. Their strife ended when my stormy oath-sister offstrode upon the the moor, shrieking threats.   Once she left sight, Tae with her babe Yaraess, Taiase, Remaue, Erymi, Draue, Sievae and I - all the mothers - afterfollowed. We found Vosaeth sitting upon a ledge overlooking a sand-gulch, hugging her Shota, shoulders shuddering. Her mind’s wrath outflowing almost staggered, as did her sorrow. Taiase touched my hand and bade we should bring us all into mindshare. Then we softly outreached and brought her into our link, so mildly as we could. We strode near, and Tae put her babe upon Vosaeth’s breast. Together we outthought we came under love and heed, and that we understood how she yearned for her kindred’s ease and safeness. We then swore our utmost for her and her unborn babe’s behalf, and besought that she listen. Here shame overcame Vosaeth. We took her in arm with many kisses on her weeping brow. Then we asked her to heed the midwife’s rede and led her back to where our housemates were upsetting camp.   The next day, Ital let Vosaeth ride Shotalashu for a half-day. Yet for the next half, she rode in a wagon, which let her rest. Still my oath-sister fretted, for we were not making the furtherness she had wished. Neither was Vosaeth alone set to bound deedfulness, for I was forbidden weapon-drill and any roughness, such as dashing Ess ahunt over the moor. Remaue, with the midwife’s yaysaith, deemed these things too harmful. I saw shrewdness in not gainsaying. So I have found else use for my tide while not afare. I have hearkened to the old soulcraft-drills from the Ihezoshu, wherein Taiase joined, and from whom I even learned some new things. If nothing else, since I have a year and more until my birthtide, I may strengthen soulcraft. Matched with the root ~keiazhari~ stances from newlinghood, I believe I shall keep fit, even while my belly has gotten its first thickness. I have also spent drill at both darts and the bow, for no harm forthcomes from a better shot.   So we kept fare over another two weeks. Every day the midwife-priest would deem Vosaeth’s health. Somedays, we fared but half, and every fourth day or so, we tarried. When we must halt, we wives together spoke with Vosaeth, to soothe her worry and shun strife. We sang prayers and laid kisses and idleness upon her great belly, which belooked so swollen as if it might burst.   On the Fourteenth of Soelae, Vosaeth tried to rise from bed, but could not. Softly we bade all the housemates stand down while the midwife-priest overwatched. Then we sent the Korasha to hunt and scout. Though I deem us a strong sith, it would not do well to let a Queenslayer, or even a grazing Duckbill herd, heedless of our lives, overcome. In rede with Honosil, Zhaunyth, and Leief, they told the Clanmoot’s stead still offstood a weekfare away at hard ride. Then we read with Ital, beyond Vosaeth’s earshot. She bade Vosaeth should stir no further, for she feared a hard birthtide.   Taiase, Tae, and I went to the dais, where Vosaeth lay half-slumberingly. We took her hands, kissed her brow, and in mindshare bade we should tarry here until she bear the babe. In shame my oath-sister named herself weak, which swiftly we naysaid. She bemoaned Lady Vei her mother’s forlornness, and that her babe would not be born among clan and kindred. Then she wept again in worry that she misthanked us as not seeming worthy to witness her child’s birth. As our antennae offkissed her fear, Taiase laid a sleep-dwimmer on her.   Another mood haunted Vosaeth’s mind. She full-witted her bechildness had gone hard. This bold reaverwife, who had outlived and won thurse-raids, feuds, weapon-trials, and who had ridden beside me at the Formian Warfare, feared her birthtide might prove too much. This fear I find, as I reckon my towardness, I too easily share.   Oshis too was wontlessly soft, even meek. I think he reckoned his deed’s share in Vosaeth’s illness, which had seemed so idle back in Qabarat and on the boatfare homeward when they had swived merrily, but now headed grim. He spent much while alone gazing on the moor, or crouching at Erymi’s knee.   In good news, the rest-day seemingly wealed Vosaeth. On the Fifteenth, she looked stronger and beheld her old mood, half-threatening the midwife-priest for another lag in reaching the Clanmoot, and spitting jokes that this babe behaved too much like its father and would not forsake her womb.   Laterward, she rose and sought Kaef her Shotalashu, bringing some sweetmeats and spoilingly naming him a selfish boy. Anon Kaef tightened waringly, as if athreat. At the same breathtide, Vosaeth groaned and clutched her belly. Then her womb-water burst, trickling down her thighs. Straightway Leief and Vohyd her haremmates, who had been ownersomely hovering, brawnily uplifted and hustled her back to the tent, where Ital already waited. They laid her against a bench propped against the dais for this right forethought while we wives gathered.   Then we waited, not the half-day that Tae’s birthtide had uptaken, but the whole day, the night, and the afterday also. Vosaeth had fallen into that eery birthmind daze while her body fitted, as Tae had done, linked with her child striving to come into the world. Our minds ringed her in ~saiahi~, outreaching and upyielding what soothingness we could, oddly leaving to do whatever bid the Ital gave ere comeback. Slightly I wared Korasha gathered at the tent’s door: foremostly Oshis and Vosaeth’s haremmates akneel, though more I heeded not.   Somewhen I know not, I began lilting the Retaea birth-prayers I had been learning for my own motherhood. The midwife-priest joined thoughtlessly, and the others uptook.   On the next evetide, Ital deemed something wrong. Her reckoned guess was that the babe was rear-breached and must be rightened head down to come forth. She would try the deed, which would be no easy thing. Then she cleansed her hands with seethed water. When all readied, she bade Erymi shove upon Vosaeth’s belly while she reached a hand into the bestriven wife.    The shriek from Vosaeth’s throat cut my heart to the soul and still haunts my mind.   Shortly Vosaeth awoke, as who could but not after such deep income. We outlaid her state and what must be done to head the babe and to save it and her. She asked if she might lose the babe, whereat the midwife answered not if it could be helped. My oath-sister grabbed me hand. ~Moare Miniade o'illi-imi karaeme o somavil ti shiafara. O’illi di vaeme o’shiniassi.~ - “I am a Miniada warrior. I will die only in battle or childbirth. I will not live as a craven.” In fearful answer, I could merely bid her hold faith and not lose hope.   At last, her worn, wracked body shoved forth a small, squashed shape and much blood: a boy, dark like both his mother and father, and hair too thin to tell the hue. Tightly we waited for his little breast to breathe while the midwife cleansed his mouth, and then struck his back. With a ruthful cough a weak wail rose through the tent.   Then a riot almost outbroke, forwhy the Korasha, sleepless, worry-fraught, and too long watching with no word of Vosaeth’s doom, swarmed inward, but at the worst tide, forwhy Vosaeth was still bleeding. Anon Taiase stepped forth and daze-smote all fivesome: Oshis, Leief, Vohyd, Ovull, and Eneash, in a mighty witchcraft, and set them at the tent’s walls. So she offheld them while we gave Ital tide to work.   At last the midwife-priest overread while Vosaeth lay witless, the babe fighting breath while lying on her breast, and packed with clean cloth to forstay more blood-loss. Ital told, however, that she was badly torn, and the babe’s breath weak. She feared the blood-loss would akeep, in which sake Vosaeth would die, and the babe with her. She beseeched me and Taiase, as soul-seers, to shape a prayer-ring, and so to heal Vosaeth.   At that word, I shamefully bethought Seaevomel, whom we had lost on the Darkfloor, trying to save her from the bane-thing’s spawn rotting her body in prayer-ring that had lost. Grimly we yaysaid. Taiase loosened her daze-hold on the five men, who awoke befuddled. Swiftly we outlaid their help to save Vosaeth, and then set them aring the dais with us wives. Tearfully Oshis kissed Vosaeth’s brow and the babe’s head. Then I took his hand while we all sat and gathered in mindshare. We began the prayer-song as Taiase and I stretched forth our soulmight, and flowing the rest toward the midwife-priest and Vosaeth. So all night long we sang and prayed.   By dawntide, Oshis and I leaned together, for I wobbled so badly I almost toppled. Most others lay where they had fallen, outworn from song, three days’ sleeplessness, and the quickness we had willingly upyielded for Vosaeth’s sake. We watched Ital inseeching Vosaeth’s health, hand lightly touching first brow, then belly. All now Vosaeth needed, she beread, was rest and time.    Thankfully I stumbled outside where the other Korasha had kept worrisome watch, though I could hardly walk, and told the plight was ended. Ess bounded to me and licked my face. I hugged his mighty neck, knelt amid the grass, and slept. Laterward, a rainshower woke me. Stiffly I rose, bewitted thirst, and stumbled into camp. A swift look showed Vosaeth and the newborn still asleep, as forelooked, and all else so hale as canny. I found Remaue half-awake, hugging Lanaryel, and Kaure snoring on her shoulder. I kissed my heavenly wifemate and took our child in arm, to let her sleep. I carried Lanaryel outside to oversee the camp and play with the Shotalashu.   Oshis was sitting with Erymi, where also Tesine and Lenis were playing. He had the boy on his lap, brawny arms overwrapped, while his wifemate overleaned and kissed his brow. At once I knew he was thinking of Vosaeth and his youngest babe lying weakly, right within the tent. Then his sight lay on me, and I witted his fear, not only for Vosaeth and their babe yet unnamed, but also for me. Straightway he stood, hastened to me, and knelt. Then he kissed my belly, already thickening with his next child, while he hugged my knees and wept. I laid hand on his brow and wept with him.   Yesterday found a more wontsome wise as hunters went out and scouted the moor. Vosaeth has woken a few times, whereat we got her to drink broth, though not enough as Ital wished. The babe strives for life, against his slightness. At the midwife’s behest, Tae suckled him, for under Vosaeth’s weakness her milk flows little. Today has akept this pattern, wherein we merely watch and pray for my oath-sister.
Vaeol, Vosaeth, & their housemates have left Lea on the shores of Lake Arasene, heading northward to join the Blighttide Clanmoot.
Lashunta Terms & Phrases:
  • ~Rauzhiafi~ (/rɔ:ʒi.a:fi/; spiritual): birthmight; amplified psychic power a female experiences under late-stage pregnancy, lasting through infancy.
  • ~Keiazhari~ (kei:a.ʒa:ri/; spiritual): kata; choreographed group drills used in martial and psionic arts.
  • ~Saiahi~ (/sa:i.a.hi/; spiritual): mindshare; psychic communion
  • ~Moare Miniade o'illi-imi karaeme o somavil ti shiafara. O’illi di vaeme o’shiniassi.~ "I am a Miniada Warrior. I will die only in battle or childbirth. I will not live as a craven."

Cover image: by Damie-M


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