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A Castrovel Adventure: Part 5, Chapter 32

~O'mei Vaeol-Ile aye yao dinatha Motoraea Qabarata avea, o'lei ivoa dashassa.~ (In which Lady Vaeol sees how Qabarat’s Motorae year-end festivities build up, and then take a twist.)

From the Daylog of Vaeol-Zheieveil Yaranevae be’Son
6. Asealae 24,546 - 8th Month in Qabarat (2 days from last log)   A swift word ere I ready for tonight’s mirthtide, and of a dearer deed than another eve of wondering which lady or mistress will unheed me (and wondering what it may mean if they do not). While we came back from market, we walked by a wineyard and saw Oshis, Less, and Hanos sitting with Hauronil. I bemarked the ease whereby they drank together, four men idly talking, doubtlessly of things here in the city and back home in Son (and hopefully not spilling ill will of their wifemates), wiseless that three are Korasha and one Damaya. It bestruck me as wholesome.   We introd the wineyard, whereat I kissed all four and yielded Aeosel to his father. Then we beseeched to share their cup and bade our flagmates not teach Hauronil any new wickedness (although he outquoth he already knew all). Then we left them with an empty cup.     12. Asealae, 24,546 - 8th Month in Qabarat   Today the city right started the Year’s End holytide, since Qabarat holds too much business to fit within the Motorae. We have heard sureness that anyone who cannot afford to tarry worklessly may work no more than a half-day, and many seek leave for doleful happendom. The bowshoot and nimbleclimb trials have begun.   Yet more showily and nameworthily the forestanders for the He-Queen Title were today benamed before the Threefold House. They are seven, one from each city farthing, and took share in showmarch through the city. Unlike Lea and other cities, there is no heathen trial to see who can gladden the greatest wife-tally (though such deeds happen while they win goodwill). Instead, the city holds a choosetide on Motorae Eve, whereat all cityfolk may outname their beloved forestander, and the one most chosen wins the title. Although I know none of the forestanders, they surely show a pretty lot.   Yet our business was this eve’s mirthtide at the Blue Fey’s Shrine, where Aeosiss my father showed his new stonework. Within the shrine’s main hall, and under the noblehood’s leave, he offdrew a shroud from Taiase’s stonelikeness under the throng’s kindly buzz. As we had known, he had carven her in creamy marmlestone, catching her skin’s hue. Yet for her hair he had set an else shard of matching pinkish-red, behooving the pattern for her curls, and had inset a golden hairbraid. Yet instead of a likeness’s queenly stand, my father had carven Taiase kneeling; right hand uprisen bearing a milktree blossom, left hand hiding her bosom, as if she sang before an altar. Although he had carven a crown within the stonelikeness’s foot, it lay at her knee as if fallen. Reckoning the gathered ladyhood’s dull behavior, eyesome they had forelooked a more lissome, queenlier likeness, moreso the Sage-Queen Taiase had been twelve thousand years ago. I overheard a whisper asking why she wore no crown.   Yet Taiase, as the stonework’s benamed butt, gasped besmitten. We almost feared she might topple when she wept and Istae took her shoulder. Then our elder friend headed to my father and broke all couthness when she knelt. She took his hand and kissed it to her brow. ~Relesya-shyaeldis,~ - “You have honored me,” she sobbed. Then Taiase soothed herself, found strength, and stood. With eyes still wet but throat bright she outspoke that this Korasha, my father, had given her a gift beyond dearness: the fulsomeness's sight she had dreamed. Then she beread that all must ever strive to better ourselves. ~O’erosodi-eri kamaea diyavalam,~ she warned: “Too easily we mislove yesterness.” Then she withdrew, leaving an awkwardly swy hall.   Happily, Indith, Leiendil, and Hauronil again gathered, who cheered my father along with gift of another bottle of blossomwine (with warning not to drink too swiftly). I witted, however, that although there were not the only Elves here, not all mingled. I withheld ask what doleful Elven niceness kept them asunder. Yet it kept me not from wondering whether it was Hauronil’s sake. Had he left Son’s hatefulness merely to undergo another kind here? I remind Lady Sheneal’s warning that ~Rahyathalma~ - Thwartkind - here in Qabarat stays an unsettleness, and even for Elves.     Motorae Eve, 24,546 - Qabarat (6 days from last log)   As foretold, today the city chose Nihoas of the Marshfarthing as His Lowness, the Motorae He-Queen. On the Threefold House’s forestair, Her Highness Lady Ivassil set a dinglestalk crown on head. She bequeathed him ~diyanoli~ - doomwrong - and knelt, before sight of a merrily loud crowd who started a gleetide of lusty dances that spread throughout the neighborhoods. Then His Lowness began his queendom with another showmarch through the farthings, where many bowed misworship rearward, although this was done so much to bethrill His Lowness as to yield offthank.   We saw the showmarch when it came though the Richfarthing. Against the wont, and although Sievae, Draue, Less, and Hanos offbowed and raised their hems, shyness overtook my better mind. I stood tall with Semuane, Istae, Kaure, Oshis, and also Taiase, who still reminds enough her elder queenliness against such misbehavior. Yet from the greater crowd rang jeers: ~A Zheieve Shaeve!~ - Haughty Outrider - ~A Dasra-Nyaeze!~ - Man-Hater - and ~A Laestimye!~ - Evermaiden - which last belied sheer foolishness, since I bore my son ahip. I could not bedream none else whatsoever did not uphold a shred of lissomeness. At the crowd’s ill will, our flagmates’ mirth shifted grim. They shut rows aring, soon whereafter we withdrew instead of forbearing a foully peaceless mood.   Rightly, the Motorae begins at this eve’s dusk. Hauronil has welcomed us to watch another rite, which he tells will be less hatefully merry. After duskmeal we shall meet him nigh the Elf-Farthing, where we may behold how the ~Damaelaura~ - the Damaya-Elves - cheer the Motorae.     1st Motorae   As forespoken, we met Hauronil’s household and gathered at the street running along the Richfarthing and Elf-Farthing wall. There we watched another showmarch unlike the He-Queen’s enthronehood. It began with a crowd of Damaya-Elves, all clothed in their best gossamer and glowsilk, glinting eartips stoutly set, and many hundred, so many I almost could not reckon canny. Under a neighbortree they crowned another He-Queen, although he looked nothing like. A gemstone in a silver-wrought band shone upon his brow, like an elder elflord from songtale (no lewd dinglestalks!). A silver necklace they hung on his breast and shoulders. Then they wrapped a green-gold gossamer skirt on his waist and yielded a tall begemmed wand to his hand. Lastly they bowed and knelt Elven-wise and sang worship that their ~Shaelauras~ - Elfqueen - beheld anew.   While grooms led a shieldhead into the neighboryard and helped the Elfqueen climb upon its saddlebed, we bewitted the gathertide’s mirth, which, although like the earlier He-Queen’s showmarch, beheld something less wild and more earnest. A purpose overtook these Damaya-Elves, almost as if they wished to outbode something. Then when the Elfqueen upsteeded and bestowed leave to the crowd to yield worship, Taiase and I had the same thought: ~Yei shaea o’difi huauaya,~ - “Thus should a queen rightly show.”   The Elfqueen upon his shieldhead then led the singing throng, many whomof bore witchlights or lanterns, from the neighboryard. We fell into row beside Hauronil, Indith, and Leiendil, where we clove mindshare and uptook the dance and song. Although our flag outstood as clothed under wontsome Lashunta wise, among the Damaya-Elves we forecaughtly witted not only men but also wives, cunningly donned until eartips and underbraided antennae right as the men. When they forsoothed we marched with them, they blessingly danced aring and bestowed many kisses. Then they outfound Kaure and almost lost their minds. They began a new song to behold the fierce mighty Korasha - doubtlessly come to reave these peaceful Elves! - while she shyly, naysayingly shook head. Then a foursome uplifted all fifteen stoneweights of her blushing, buxom flesh upon their shoulders, and then bore her forward, where she laughingly rode them beside the Elfqueen, who merrily hailed downward to her.   We followed a streetpath aring the Elf-Farthing, seemingly to fulfill it and thereafter we could not foretell. We saw more watchers along: on the Elf-Farthing side many Elves, some whomof also sang or even clove; on the far side some Lashunta, some whomof clove. Some withheld further off, as if they watched mistrustily. I waved to Hauronil and outthinkingly asked what they might betide. ~O’lani domya,~ he answered: “Hopefully nothing,” whereat we flowed along. I tried to not let his hint haunt me.   Then as we came by Ship’s End, another throng brunted from a sidestreet. I witted most were Korasha - and men - although with some whitworthy Damaya wives scattered reevelike. They yelled loudly, treatening wands or staves, and dared our showmarchers.   Straitway the Damaya-Elf showmarchers whomwith we came flinched. Yet many gathered as if withholdsome from wrathfulness. Most true Elves faded into the Elf-Farthing, as did many else, although some gathered into troops, even if from no reason than to ward themselves. Atop the shieldhead, the Elfqueen and driver swiftly steered their great steed into the nearest lane samewardly leading, which I deemed shrewdness, since the likelihood of losing the great beast’s drightship foretold a too plighty wreckthroe. For our share, our flag gathered into a stout ring while Istae, Semuane, and I brought all into warmind. Tae, Sievae, Remaue, Erymi, and I held our children amidst, where also we safewarded Taiase and Indith quailing, Leiendil and Hauronil, while our other warriors linked to take the brunt.   Soon we met the foe, whereat we shaped a row facing them, though nothing shamed us more than to be so found weaponless before their threat. At our sight it became a queer, wild almost-truce when they witted not only did we not withdraw, but also that we were not Damaya-Elves as their foreaimed wretches. We bade them stand down while some outquoth they had no feud with us and bargained us to yield the street. Yet others instead threatened their staves. Their tally almost overwhelmed our flanks, but against our warmind their unready boldness proved slight. Then the Damaya-Elves, many whomof had doubtlessly served in the fird, clove our warmind and shaped on our flanks, stretching further outward until we outwrapped the foe’s edges. Before their breath, the showmarch-breakers, even against their weapons, found their behoof dimming. Our foes’ unsure boldness melded with fear, which grew their tightness.   Into the narrow gap that shed our feuding rows ran Kaure, who tried to reach us from her erstwhile stead riding beside the Elfqueen. At her breach through the foe’s troop, a gleeful shock overtook. ~A Korashe!~ they howled. My maidenmate went down throwing and punching. Anon our whole row brunted, slammed the foe off foot, and grabbed wands out of hand as we strove to win her freedom, which wrathfulness spread to the rows’ ends as a broader fight brewed.   From the rear, Hauronil and I shoved forward to reach Kaure. He leapt through our row among the tackling bodies, his too slim Damaya shoulders heaving Korasha bulk, and helped her stand ere he fell in her stead. While I shielded Aeosel with one arm, I grabbed Kaure’s hand and drew her into our rear. A twosome foes brunted into the gap after her. They tackled her while our housemates flinchingly squeezed them. One fell with her. The other shoved into me, shoulder too mighty while I fought to ward my babe.   Fright overtook me, and like a thunderstroke through our whole flag’s warmind. Oshis leapt from the row, murdersomely roared, and drove the foe from me, fists and elbows pounding into the fool’s head. Yet I heeded not as my fright shifted to dark wrath. I gathered soulmight and smote into the wretch’s mind, making his thoughts and fears seethe. Afterward, Remaue told it seemed as if I had refound my erstwhile birthmight, and that again I glowed dreadfully, tall with babe in arm, and all else within my four spans toppled like stormleaves. Then Taiase, who witted my dwimmerstroke, strode forth and loosened elder soulmight. She quelled the foes along our flag’s fore and made them kneel. Further at the edges, the other showmarch-breakers, behold their gap and withdrew from our behoof, some offstanding to reckon while others fled. Our flagmates and allies threatened the lot to leave, lest we bethrall them as well.   Thus we found ourselves owning the street’s fightstead: a twelvesome thralls kneeling under Taiase’s dwimmer. They ingathered two Damaya wives, whom we betook as their raid’s leaders, and the Korasha I had mind-smitten, who lay fitsomely witless, along with our Damaya-Elf allies: in all, a sorrowful sin and well beyond the wontsome leave of Motorae lawlessness. Semuane sought the Streetwatch so that we might tell truly. Then we heeded our housemates and friends, where Kaure, herself bloody and shroud torn, while Oshis helped Hauronil stand, who looked as if stomped in a wine vat. He hastily stumbled to Leiendil and Indith, who shudderingly wept, and hugged them. I bade him host them homeward. Of our lot, we had taken no few bruises and swollen heads, and our babes, once freed from warmind, wailed sorrowfully.   Bywardly came Semuane with the Streetwatch, which ingathered a Korasha reeve and a sixsome, who although they had come under Semuane’s behest, seemed rather withholding. We swiftly told the sin, whereat they took our witness and the thralls’ names. Then the watchreeve asked our will toward the Korasha groveling hopelessly. I sought thought from our wives, and also from our men, and found our deemship chosen. So I headed to the reeve and said: ~Tasra kezhaf,~ - “We ban them,” which is the first in my lifetime I spoke that curse. The watchwardens bullied the men afoot and herded them away, whence they stay in lockhouse until their doom fulfills.   The watchreeve stayed to deal with the two bethralled wives, who under Wiferight forestood a more manifold catch. While one begged sorrow and swore the deed a misunderstanding and that she bore our flag no ill will, the other stood coldly swy. When I looked at her eyes, I guessed her thought: she deemed us betrayers as having warded the showmarch. When I reckoned her hatred’s depth, it frightened me. I bade the watchreeve we would bewray them for the raid’s sin, whereat, somewhat sorrily, he bade the two follow and spend the nighttide in lockhouse ere they met the matrons, although not ere Semuane and Istae yelled them dare.   By then the nighttide had grown late. Our children wearied, as did we, along with a threatsome gloom needing sure cleanse. With the watchreeve’s leave, we hastened homeward and went to bed, although Semuane’s mothers wanted the shametide’s outlay. I slept ill, feeling besmirched by the raid’s wrath and reminding the hatred staring from the one wife’s eyes. It has glummed me, although I harden will to brunt forth.   This morn, we yaysaid that Taiase and Istae should bode word to Her Highness Lady Sheneal at the Embassy while Semuane and I should give witness to the matrons. So with Kaure, Remaue, and Rivale we climbed to the Threefold House, whose great forehall stood empty. After a tidesixth waiting, I yelled hail, whereafter slowly a groom ran from the rear and begged sorrow. We asked for the matron awatch, who she told did not wait here but had withdrawn to her house under the holiday. So we got steadword, whereon we headed to Lady Saufi Seierye’s house. At the doorway, a haughty Korasha greeted us and told the Matron had yielded doomright for the Motorae's tide and was bound to the bedroom (which happendom this Korasha and his ilk found surely idlesome). We answered that would be well, so long as someone - we recked not who - could rightly hear our witness and oversee it logged. This answer brought the lady-matron forth, hastily wrapped in a skirt. Lady Saufi heard our sake and swore it logged, after which we left.   We then left Semuane at the house and kept forth to bear word to the Embassy and see whatever news Taiase and Istae had gotten. There Her Highness Lady Sheneal sharply chided us for getting muddled in the crowdstrife. ~Naea-shyaeldaf nyaea kolamya ho Rahyathalmara,~ - “I warned you of this city’s hatred against Thwartkind,” she shrilled. (Also, I have witted Her Highness’s speech has shifted toward Qabarati since her coming, but when she wearies or is shaken, as if she grovels to our hosts.) More boldly than wontsome, I answered we had been walking an open street, and asked where in Qabarat’s law or our cities’ trucebond it read we should beware such a shameless raid, even under the Motorae’s lawlessness. Then I outquoth that, if our deed so shamed Qabarat, we should deem it a boon. Her Highness stayed unbegladdened at my outburst and said she shall forelook the Outland Alderwife’s call at Newyear. Then she bade us ready to watch the Games.   More sulkily than I would shrive, I have stayed home instead of watching the Games, even though it would foreready me well to reckon the fighters for next year’s matchsomeness, which is why now I write this log. I mislike being chided like a wayward schoolmaiden when we merely took share in a peaceful cheertide until peace-breakers overcame, and then warded ourselves, friends, and blithe fellows.
Recap: Lady Vaeol's flag celebrated Heavenwatch with glowmote-viewing at Hauronil's blossomyard.
Lashunta Words & Phrases:
  • Relesya-shyaeldis (2nd-pers trans perf honorific): “You have honored [me],”
  • O’erosodi-eri (adverb): too easily
  • kamaea (spir acc): yesterness; the past
  • Diyavalam (incl trans): we mislove/wrongly romanticize
  • Rahyathalma - Thwartkind; cross-clade
  • Diyanoli - doomwrong; misrule
  • A: vocative article
  • Zheieve (fem): outrider; knight; cavalier
  • Shaeve (fem): haughty; queenlike; arrogant
  • Dasra-Nyaeze (fem): man-hater
  • Laestimye (fem): evermaiden
  • Damaelaura (comm): Damaya-Elf
  • Shaelauras (masc): Elfqueen; Elven he-queen
  • Yei (adv): thus; so
  • Shaea (comm acc): queen; queens in general
  • O’difi: rightly; rightfully
  • Huauaya (3rd-comm cond): would/may show off
  • O’lani (adv): hopefully
  • Domya (spir acc): nothing
  • Tasra (masc acc): 4th-person/ultra-distal pronoun
  • Kezhaf (1st-pers trans): I/we ban/curse
  • Naea-shyaeldaf (1st-pers trans perf honor): I/we warned [you]
  • Nyaea (spir acc): hatred
  • Kolamya spir acc possess): the city's
  • Ho Rahyathalmara: against ~Rahyathalma~(thwartkind)


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