Catalurgy beyond natural limits
While appreciated, your concern is unwarranted. I can do anything.Catalurgy is magic in Cathedris; blood, known as Ichor, is harvested from the God-husks and fed through a Catalurgists veins, where the innate power is then able to be harvested and redirected. This power comes at a sometimes very grave cost, however -- Burn. As the Ichor courses through the user's body, it lets creates heat and warmth all throughout the body. If not mitigated, the Burn can cause lasting damage known as Burnout, and ultimately, death.
Buildup of Burn
Burn by itself, or momentarily, is not enough to cause lasting damage. To Catalurgists, it is just the same as expending energy -- be it physical, mental, or creative energy. No matter what is being done, it takes energy, and Burn acts just like that. The danger comes from repeat expenditure over a long period of time, pushing the body farther than it can go, or taking on far too many tasks at once -- this is what will eventually lead to Burnout.If I just push... a little bit more... I can get this done. I just need to hold on a bit longer.
When an excess of Burn leads to Burnout, the outcome is never good; Burnout for a Catalurgist means either death, or the loss of the ability to do Catalurgy. Organs, muscles, and even bones can become brittle and charred from heat cycling and overloads of Burn. It's not uncommon for some Catalurgists to wear gloves or large jackets to hide the burnt skin and scars.Sure, I might've overdone it a bit... but look at everything I accomplished. I view that as a win, even at an early end. I just wish I had more time.
Survival unlikely. Recommend transfer to Ash Halls for end of life care.
It's not often we see a patient still walking with Burnout that big and that fresh. Have the Ash Halls been considered?
I feel that opening quote in my soul. I'm pretty sure I might've said those exact words at some point. Awesome stuff :D As always, you create wonders
Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.
Yeahhhh... I think many, many of us have uttered something close to that quote D: I think that's what made this article so easy to write, haha. Thanks, Q <3