Cathedris Themesong



Welcome to Degrunda

Northern-most country in all of Cathedris; this region is made famous by its shattered obsidian plains and complex network of long-empty lava tubes. Large dormant volcanoes break up this alien landscape in the form of great ancient eruptions, frozen forever in time.
here to turn the post card over and read more.

Degrunda; Land of Ancient Fire

  Degrunda shakes with great tremors at a near daily basis; the force of nature known as Codod endlessly slams the ground in a futile effort to restart the fires that the country once depended on. The God-husk's actions are mindless and without anything more than base instinctive impetus, and yet the country is rocked by the consequences of each strike.   This frigid northern region is irrevocably shaped by Codod and her history. Before modern times, before the gods died, Degrunda was criss-crossed by countless rivers of lava each spilling from the heart of a different super-volcano. Fire and brimstone poured forth and left behind great swathes of obsidian glass, creating great reflective plains situated above labyrinths of fiery lava tubes. It's said that the source of this seemingly endless fire was Codod's partner god, Farad; he infused a passionate inferno into the ground, and Codod used it to shape the country, the people, and life within the region.   But after The Seven Day War, the fires went out. The volcanoes ceased their eruptions, the rivers of lava froze over, and Farad's inferno was never again felt. All that was left behind was an endless and broken expanse of obsidian glass and cold rock.  
  In a manner seen elsewhere across Cathedris, once the gods "died", humanity floundered, but then eventually, flourished. No longer did they need Codod's protection as the fires that threatened the fragile lives of humans had receeded; the once dangerous expanse was now perfectly poised for urban expansion. On the fringes of the obsidian plains were incredibly fertile grounds made ripe for farming, and below the black rock glass landscape was untold mineral wealth that provided the people of Degrunda with everything they needed to thrive, and more.

Cover image: by Einar Ingi Sigmundsson


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Jul 14, 2024 21:46 by Chris L

Great little article here! Love the new format/css!

Learn about the World of Wizard's Peak and check out my award winning article about the Ghost Boy of Kirinal!

Jul 14, 2024 21:49 by Stormbril

Thank you Kitoy! :D I feel like I'm still warming up on how to properly use this format, but I'm sure I'll feel more comfortable with it as time goes on!

Jul 15, 2024 07:38 by CoolG

Yay, more Cathedris! Sweet CSS and postcard :D

Explore the dark and mysterious Inferncenem, the bright and wonderful Caelumen or the magical and fantastical Ysteria   Have a good one!   Feel free to check out my Substack: CoolG's Awesome Worlds! Join the Discord and chat with like-minded people!
Jul 15, 2024 08:04 by Stormbril
Jul 15, 2024 12:55 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

The new format is so great in an actual article!   It's nice at least that the humans flourished here after the gods died. I still feel sad for the gods though. I almost wrote cods, because Codod. XD

Jul 16, 2024 09:17 by Stormbril

I'm so glad to hear that! :D   I actually wish I had more space to write about how humans flourished here, there's a lot more I want to go into xD   also, Cod-husks, lol, ew xD

Jul 21, 2024 23:25 by Hayley Gross

Great work Stormbril! I gave a little gasp as the postcard turned around, that's some impressive CCS formatting. It adds a great extra bit of novelty to the article. The concept of obsidian fields would be breath taking and eerie all at once. I leave in the Pacific Northwest, but have been too the high desert around Bend, and there is park with amazing igneous lava fields. It's desolate but beautiful at the same time. I imagine Degrunda would have this effect to even greater extent with crests and swoops of black and smoky brown molasses colored volcanic glass.   Hayley ^_^

Aug 2, 2024 18:59 by Stormbril

Thank you so much Hayley! :D I am a big fan of adding fun novelty and interactivity, so I'm glad you enjoyed it :)   Omg that sounds absolutely beautiful though!! That's totally how I imagine Degrunda, too. I'm from Vancouver and so I get the mountains, but would love to see some amazing lava fields in real life!

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