
Commander Bijlgrot (a.k.a. Bill)

It is yet another day for battle. You fight today, not for yourself, but for your husbands and wives, sons and daughters, mothers and fathers. Some of you will give your lives today, there is no doubt about that. Do not shy away from your fate, for I will meet you on the other side when our time has come, to drink with you in Odins halls.
— Bijlgrot

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born in Nagdrahl, a major export city for metals and minerals in the southern regions of the Zwirn Mountain Range, Bill was raised by a family of miners. From his youngest years onwards, his mother, Torynwaelline Wyvernmace, or Tori for short, taught him the ways of blades and blunts. Theothrec Ironhide, more commonly known as Theo, his father, taught him an honest days of work inside the mines of Nagdrahl. The reason both of his parents do not have the same name, despite their marriage, is quite simple: They couldn't decide on which name they wanted to take on, so they kept their respective ones instead.

Early Life

Bills day consisted of waking up for his daily 200 morning bladeswings, after which he went on a five mile walk with his father towards the "Blankmarble Mine" where he extracted pounds over pounds of valuable metals, which are either being shipped to the city of Teunia or exported outright to various merchant guilds and aristocratic smithys. After his shift, he and his father hiked back towards their home where they more often than not saw Bills mother scrimmaging against some local knights in practice armor. After food and drinks, Bill often joined his mother in fights with different weapons, depending on the day, honing his battle knowledge. Towards dawn, Bill had some time of his own which he used to either get more hours of bladework in, or explore to surrounding peaks and valleys.


come his 16th birthday, Bill was put infront of an ultimatum. He had gotten job offers from both the military in mainland Teunia for his outstanding weapon skills, and the leading Teunian mining guild, the "Golden Vein", where he would be stationed more north, right at the base of the "Restless One". This is a volcano known for his activeness and constant flow of magma, highly dangerous, yet profitable.
The Way of a Miner
After careful consideration and multiple talks with his parents, Bill chose to accept the job in the mines. His reasoning being, that with the current war going on with the trolls, he wouldn't want to risk his life, and instead work in a relatively safe environment for better pay. So he set out, getting stronger over time and developing into one of the fastest and most efficient miners in the area.


Three years into his mining career, Bill had already made a name for himself inside the Golden Vein. Working on a remote volcano meant that he had days of travel until the nearest town. Every month, the mining camp sends out a convoy of workers that ship the gathered minerals towards this town, named "Kasthera". That day, Bill was assigned for exactly that job. Once arrived, he and his buddy "Fingramri" or simply Finn, bought themselves some drinks inside a tavern where they overheard some drunkards talk of the last invasion in the south. Trolls are supposed to have overthrown and killed every last citizen of a few hamlets and two towns, "Morndeur" and "Nagdrahl". Wait, Nagdrahl?


After he had heard that his hometown was all but destroyed by the trolls, Bill broke down and quit his job as miner that day. He blamed himself for not being there. He took blame for choosing the comfortable life of a miner over a soldiers duty. If he was a soldier, he could've fought against the trolls. If he had just become a soldier.

Military Duty

Bill ventured west, right into the city of Teunia. Without a single breath wasted, upon arrival, he stepped foot into the Teunian military post, enlisting into the army. Without ever mentioning the names of his parents, and chosing to never label his last name as well, he started as a simple soldier in training.

Rise in Ranks

With his aptitude in weaponship and his hightened strength, Bill started working his way up in the ranks. He became known for his ruthless rage on the battlefield and the crushed skulls of trolls he leaves behind in a red trail. Each and every troll he kills is liberated of their teeth, which are being added onto the warhammer, his comrades called "Trollbite". Not even five years into his military career, Bill found himself in one of the main war squads of the army, being led by Barra Magmasmith, a dwarven woman that collects scars like Bill collects teeth.


With this squad, Bill liberated countless sections of the land that once belonged to the dwarves. However, Nagdrahl, his home, is still in control of the trolls. Now that the war has come to a slight stalemate, Bill is trying to find another way to give the dwarves an advantage over his sworn enemies.
Chaotic Neutral (CN)
Current Status
Travelling with a squad called the "Astral Stones"
dark brown
long, braided, orange
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
tanned, battle scarred
4'8'' or 146cm
207lbs or 94kg
God of War, Odin
Aligned Organization

Cover image: by ecl1psed


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