Dryskhell Thorgeans Ethnicity in Cathrea | World Anvil

Dryskhell Thorgeans

A lone man is blown away as easily as a pebble in breeze, but united, a mountain will form and spread throughout the realms! For the Dryskhell!
— Old Thorgean Saying

Historical Background

The Dryskhell Family ruled the kingdom of Thorgea from 822 to 1104 AAP and were the most oppresive force on Montoora the continent had ever seen. They were hardcore nationalistic dictators that ruled over the kingdom. Under the Dryskhell, the kingdom almost entirely conquered Zvaaraes, Ulk'inart and Dordensvel. The population of mostly dwarves that lived under their reign were later in history called the "Dryskhell Thorgeans" and are mostly regarded as brutal bastards that were responsible for killing millions of soldiers and civilians, though that is not the entire story, as it mostly is in history.

Naming Traditions

During the reign of the Dryskhell family, as a way to strengthen the nationalist mindset, no family names were given to the dwarves that lived there. Each name consisted of three parts: A chosen first name, a symbolization of the heights the child should reach in life (so "Pebble" if they were a bastards son or "Diamondspeak" for a royal member of the Dryskhell family), and the occupation they are practicing, which is only determined later in life.

Naming Examples:
Darian Pebblesworth Smith
Arnyss Boulderstrong Sage
Vathrera Mountaintop Crown


Beauty Ideals

While dwarves normally are more laid back in their beauty and hygiene, especially in the mountains, the Thorgeans were always a little more well put together. As the biggest weapon manufactoring kingdom in Montoora, Thorgea was never isolated and often welcomed individual merchants, guilds or ambassadors. Due to this influx of non-native visitors, the Thorgeans were influenced in fashion, makeup and general beauty standards over time.

Gender Ideals

During the reign of the Dryskhell, wars were fought left, right and center, so there was no time to differenciate between man and woman. To quote the Dryskhell themselves:
Yes, your daughter as well! What? She can hold an axe, can't she? Exactly, on with 'er, and Murduk, take this man to the others receiving a lesson in ettiquete at the moment.
— Soldier collecting new recruits for the sixth Dryskhell war

Aftermath of the Dryskhell Dynasty

During the Dryskhells reign, weaponry and armor productions skyrocketed. The arms race with the other kingdoms inspired new war technologies which were a tradesecret during the wars themselves. After the fall of the Dryskhell Family, the new diplomatic board took over and decided to capitalize on their advanced war inventory. Thorgea went from an oppresive force to researching and developing new war technologies which are distributed without discrimination throughout the realms. Now, Thorgea is a neutral state that sells goods to the highest bidder, or rather, as long as the price is right. As for the Dryskhell, they were eradicated in the large scale assassination now dubbed the Thorgean Liberation, where the then family leader Khourilde Wholemountain Crown, her two brothers and their parents were murdered by Zvaarian Assassins.
Ruling Organization
Dryskhell Family
Date of Instantiation
822 AAP
Date of Dispersion
1104 AAP
First Ruler
Vathrera Mountaintop Crown
Parent ethnicities
Related Organizations
Female Dryskhell Soldier by Midjourney
Male Dryskhell Soldier by Midjourney

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Thorgean Liberation
Military Conflict | Jul 2, 2023

Cover image: Dryskhell Soldiers by Midjourney


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Jul 9, 2023 09:19 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

I love this naming convention! :D