Silvia Farrie

Silvia Farrie (a.k.a. The Mute Call)

She is yet to speak a word but advertises herself as a bard? Who is she going to inspire, definitely not me! Ye- oh, oh but she plays songs on her little harp? Aww that is so cute.... You're fired.
— clueless recruiter

Personal Attribute: Wildlife Rally

Silvia Farrie's Personal Attribute is of the Physical Manifestation type. She can create up to five gems which hold the power she weilds naturally, to command nature. She often uses this ability to grant her adventuring friends personal armies to fight alongside of. Whoever wears a jewel made by the Wildlife Rally can convey information to animals through humming sounds.
Silvia Farrie Token by ecl1psed with Heroforge
Animals are not brainwashed by the jewels. Wildlife Rally merely grants a selected few to communicate with nature. As a result, depending on the attitudes and charisma of the adventurers, a different number of animalistic soldiers will stand at their side. Additionally, the more jewels are produced, the rougher the communication between man and critter becomes, resulting in fewer species to be communicated with.

Physical Description

Special abilities

The Emergence of the Mute Call

After the events of Silvia's voice loss, she discovered that, even though her ability to commune with humanoids has faded, her communication with wildlife has reached a new level. With mere high pitched sound waves, she is able to command and talk to various critters. With that, she earned the alias "The Mute Call", given to her by travellers, adventurers and bystanders that have witnessed her in action.

Specialized Equipment

The Harp of Farrie

Born from a suggestion of Silvia's husband, the harp of Farrie is the main supporting weapon wielded by its creator. With it, she influences the emotions of her wildlife troops and fellow adventurers, turning them either more ferocious, coordinated or calm.

It's frame is handcarved and polished from trees growing Moonstone, which is in turn used for the tuning pins. Lastly, the soundboard is carved out and ornamented, made from slightly withered Undead Divine Tree wood.

Harp of Farrie by ecl1psed with Heroforge

Elven Daggers

Silvia Farrie Dagger by ecl1psed with Heroforge
Although Silvia is primarily a bard, she needs a way to defend herself in a more aggressive way and is thus no stranger to blade weapons. Along her journeys she aquired multiple daggers and even tried her hand at shortswords or even chain weaponry. The one weapon she is most fond of, and has shed the most blood with, is a dagger made and ornamented by elven hand. The blade is longer than most of its kind, giving Silvia slightly better odds in a direct fight. At first glance, the guard is made of nothing more than a few leaves stacked on top of each other, but it is actually quite durable.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Life as an Elven Root

Silvia Farrie was born and raised in a small Lightelf tribe called the Elven Roots, located in Earths Ancestral Zvaar, a vast forest in the kingdom of Zvaaraes. Consisting of around eight families, the elven roots have no time for conflict and war. They instead focus on living a happy life, led by their ideals of companionship, trust and curiosity.

Listen 'ere kiddo, 'tis not 'bout that city gal life out there a'ight? We in 'ere stick together an' stay outta peoples ways. 'Tis not that we fear 'em, just why talk to 'em when ya can just talk to them forests? At least the forest won't ya know... nevermind.

While Silvia's childhood was nothing but carefree playing, mixed in with the occasional lesson about the importance of preserving nature, there was one thing she gravitated towards at a very early stage, music. At eight years old. her father, Pint Farrie, took her on an expedition where they carved her own first flute. With him being a marvellous musician, there was no surprise that Silvia was a natural at playing instruments. In the next nine years, the lightelf would go on to master not only the flute, but the lute, guitar and her own voice as well. She was so good at singing in fact, that she learned how to call upon chirping birds to perform with her.

Yer won't believe what the kiddo is up to hun! She is singin' together with them birds yer just fed a minute ago! Ya really taught her well, didn't'cha? Who knows what she'll do in the future.

Silvia Farrie continued to sharpen her singing skills over the year. On her eighteenth birthday however, she found something, or rather someone, that would walk alongside her adventures for many more years to come. One day, while practicing her singing, calling upon the birds yet again, something was different. Her voice rang out so beautifully, that not only birds, but squirrels, bugs and various other critters appeared to watch her.

There was one thing she had not noticed though. Hiding from her sight inside the treetops, was a skeleton body, staring down his prey. This creature was a member of The Collectors, and he found his next victim. After a good hour, her voice came to a stop, the magical aura faded, the O'tharys in hiding left his post and Silvia felt a peculiar surge in energy. At that moment, not only did she unlock her the Wildlife Rally, but a little birdie friend yet stayed behind. As all the animals left to attend their own business, this little vibrantly colored sparrow was sitting comfortably on Silvia's hand.

Oh who are you, little one? Show's over, you can go back to doing uh, whatever it is you birdies do. Hey. Hey! oh... aaaand you're asleep. Fine. stay there, I don't need my hand anyway...
And so the sparrow stayed there. On Silvia's Hand. For a good week, until she decided to just take the little guy in. She gave him the name "Woodpecker" since the only time she can get him off her hand is when he is engaging in his favourite past time, destroying wood.
Woodpecker by ecl1psed with Heroforge

A dark turn

At the age of 19, Silvia Farrie met the man who she would call her husband in two years time, Nazaat Farrie. The two elves met in a deep part of the Earths Ancestral Zvaar, kilometers away from the Elven Roots tribe. Their relationship was well received by Silvia's family side, and with Nazaat being an outcast, there was no objection to the couple from his side either. At 21, Silvia finally married her Balanceblood paramour.

It is tradition for the Elven Roots to send a newly wed couple off on their own to experience the vast lands of the forest. Although this is no must, it was common etiquette to return with a collaboratively made item, commonly crafted out of stone, weeds and wood. With that goal in mind, the two ventured off into the unknown.

Silvia, have you settled on the artifact yet? I've given you idea after idea, what'll it be honey?
Oh c'mon Naz, my dear, give a lady time, will ya? All of your suggestions sound wonderful, you're the one making it hard to decide, you know?
Fine fine, take your time. I personally would go for the harp.
And why is that?
It's as gentle and powerful as you, my love.
— A conversation between Silvia and Nazaat

The night before the decision was made, Silvia and Nazaat decided to put down camp and take a nightly stroll around their current location. The two wandered through thick weeds and trees taller than they have ever witnessed. Nine months from that night, a child shall be born. One who would go on to change not only the future, but the past of Cathrea.

Back at the camp, both elves layed down to rest. Being woken from a particularely nice dream, Silvia heard a rustling of leaves that felt... unnatural. She decided to wake up her husband and check out the peculiar sound, maybe it was yet another fox wanting to steal their food. They walked for a few meters, looking for any critters hiding. Right as they walked past two tree trunks however, did Silvia step on a twig. It broke and she was flung into the air. The Lightelve was caught inside a net.

Take her. We should get back as soon as possible. And kill that guy, we have no need for him.
No! Don'-
— words before a murder

Silvia awoke in a dark cave, only lit by torches desperately hanging on to the little oxygen supplied to them. She looked around, trying to assess the situation she was in, touching not only her surroundings, but her own arms, legs, and head as well. When she got to her neck, she felt something wet and slippery. As she looked down at what she just touched, the faint glow from around her made her realize that it was her own blood. She panicked and tried calling out for help, but no sound came out of her mouth. Her voice was completely gone.

She was caught by an organization, calling themselves The Collectors. They had their eyes on Silvia since she departed from her home, due to her otherworldly voice, waiting for an opportunitys to snatch it away from her. Robbed of her voice and her beloved husband, she started crying silently, or rather, extremely high pitched. The one tasked with removing her voice encountered a small error in precision and left Silvia with a slight humming, so high pitched that no humanoid creature, and especially no skeleton body, could hear. The ones who could hear it though, were the ones she reached her entire life regardless, animals.

What do you mean she escaped?! An army of birds?! You useless piece of shit! Fuck this, whatever. We got what we came here for, let that girl run and get killed somewhere else for whatever I care.
— An O'tharys

Silvia Farrie ran. Away from the unknown cave she was in, away from the Collectors, and towards a vast forest, unknown to her. Two months passed. In that time, the lightelf cried and mourned over the capture, over her voice, and over her husband.

I could not even answer your last question... I shall carve the harp. I shall craft it with my own blood sweat and tears, and I shall return and avenge your spirit by slaughtering every. single. one. of those bastards.

In the present

After she gave birth to her daughter Revia Farrie she decided to put her up for adoption. She had no time to care for her on her quest to avenge the life she could have lived. Now, Silvia Farrie roams past the Earths Ancestral Zvaar, all around the continents of Cathrea with the name "The Mute Call", a name given to her by the first adventurers and travellers who saw her in action. 22 years after the travels' beginnings, she yet returned to the kingdom once called her home, Zvaaraes.

A woman named 'Caller' who communes with animals? In MY kingdom? By goddess Nev'eya, an impersonator, could it be? Alright, thanks, uh, what was your name again?
C'mon Woodpecker, we're off to Itavyien, let's meet that Caller woman.
— Silvia and a still attached skeleton head
WARNING: this article covers blood and death
Current Status
Current Location
Date of Birth
20th of the Second Blessing, 1583
Year of Birth
1583 AAP 59 Years old
Earths Ancestral Zvaar
brown, green
long, messy, oaken brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
155cm or 5'1
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Silvia Farrie by ecl1psed with Heroforge

The Collectors

The Collectors is an organization of O'tharys.Their primary goal is to find suitable senses and attributes in people and proceed to rip them from their bodies. Killing witnesses is no foreign thing to them. Their goal with this roguery is to reproduce. They need voice, soul and senses from different people and infuse a deceased childs body with them under a full moon. The better the ingredients' quality, the better a person will emerge.
O'tharys by ecl1psed with Heroforge

Beauty in the Beasts

Although her face is shrouded in cloth from the nose down, Silvia's beauty yet lies within it. The odd eyes have a certain aura to them, being able to charm even the wildest of animals. She built her fit body from the travels she has been through over the years.

Fashion Line: Nature

Silvia Farrie has amassed a vast fortune in gold pieces and equipment. Her favourite set of armor consists of various leaf-ornamented linen and leather pieces. Her pants are full of vibrand colored pieces of nature and her skirt is one entirely made of twigs, some fiber and leaves. Her headgear is not made by her, nor by any artisan, nor did she find it somewhere in a dark and ancient ruin, it is a creative project and birds nest of Woodpecker.

Fire, Ice and Mist as One.

Silvia Farrie is, and has always been, a sweet soul to those who she calls family. This cute face however is nowhere to be found when dealing with thiefs, mercenaries and murderes. When it comes to mercy for the sinful, you should expect not a single moment. In newer environments, even in a circle of close friends, Silvia might act reserved and shy.

The Legendary Bard

A rough start

Silvia Farrie wandered from city to city, across many kingdoms and beyond the Montooran continent. Before that, however, she had a rough start to her journey. Growing up being told to not bother strangers, having no self esteem outside of her tribe and not knowing what to do without her voice, the only thing that kept Silvia going was her iron will and Woodpecker, the bird that is accompanying her since the age of 18.

The only chance

It was hard to display her skills and earn a membership in the Zvaarian Adventurers Guild due to her advertising herself as a mute bard who is bad at playing the harp. After Igfis Buron took a chance on her, she flourished and brought the leader and their group great fortune. Being able to play songs for animals and commanding them through it became Silvia's own style of fighting.

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Cover image: by ecl1psed


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Feb 2, 2022 15:01

Great article with a sad but interesting story! Really sad how her husband became a side casuality of the collectors, but luckily they did not do a good enough job so she could escape. Those collectors really seem like an awful bunch.

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
Feb 3, 2022 08:43

Glad you liked it. The Collectors are indeed savages, and I should definitely refrain from singing around them...

With the gears of the mind turning everlong, see what they produce in times old and new alike! Ignotas, Where Fog Turns Into Steam
Feb 11, 2022 03:46

A tragic but well written story. The Collectors seem an interesting villain organization and she definitely has enough motivation for revenge. The tragedy is just compounded by her leaving her daughter behind. Does she have no contact with her at all?

Check out some of my summer camp articles, like the dangerous flying jackalope or dragon wasps. Or, for something more light-hearted, there is the whimsical language Gobbledygook and Jaden's interesting job as a guano polisher.
Feb 11, 2022 07:34

Up to this point she does not. I do have an artciel coming up on her daughter since she plays a big part in a book of mine. I plan on building on silvias search for her daughter at a later time, I have lots of loose ideas floating around ^^. Glad you enjoyed the read :D

With the gears of the mind turning everlong, see what they produce in times old and new alike! Ignotas, Where Fog Turns Into Steam
Feb 15, 2022 14:27

This article deserves much more attention. I love her accent, her story, and the little pieces of dialogue woven in. A shame her husband got only such a short role, I am quite interested in what she saw in him - she is going on a revenge spree after all. An intriguing touch that she even gives away her child for revenge, hinting at how dark she has become. Does she harbor any hope at recovering her voice, I wonder?

If you have some time, I would much appreciate your feedback on my entry for Adventure April: Carbon Copy Paradise
Feb 15, 2022 18:36

oh thanks a bunch mashd ^^ I have lots of open threads with not only silvia but her daughter as well, since she is a main character in a manuscript of mine. There is definitely some sort of action planned for the future between the two. Maybe the one Silvia neglected bears the key to her voice at last?

With the gears of the mind turning everlong, see what they produce in times old and new alike! Ignotas, Where Fog Turns Into Steam
Feb 16, 2022 03:44

Great story! I'd love to know more about Silvia's instrument and how her quest for vengeance is going. I hope she gets them.

If you're seeing this, I may have used your article for my 2024 Reading Challenge.
Feb 16, 2022 06:38

thanks grayish :D I will definitely update her in the near future. there is a lot of stuff i still have in mind for her

With the gears of the mind turning everlong, see what they produce in times old and new alike! Ignotas, Where Fog Turns Into Steam
Feb 16, 2022 04:58

I particularly like your opening quote and the conversation between Silvia and her husband about which instrument to make. It's bittersweet how she makes the harp in memory of him. I really like that.

- Hello from Valayo! Featured work: How to Write Great Competition Articles
Feb 16, 2022 06:40

thanks ^^ I love having small details connecting throughout my articles. It makes it really fun to read

With the gears of the mind turning everlong, see what they produce in times old and new alike! Ignotas, Where Fog Turns Into Steam
Feb 16, 2022 07:52 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

Nice article! This is a sad story :( She better kill all of them!!! >:( Are her parents even aware of what happened, or do they all think she died with her husband too? (or do they even know what happened to him?)

To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
Feb 16, 2022 08:02

Thanks amélie :D For all her parents know, Silvia left on the journey with her husband and never returned. Some may think the couple ran off, while some think both are dead. In truth, no one knows what really happened since the name Farrie only comes up outside their tribe associated with Silvias' daughter

With the gears of the mind turning everlong, see what they produce in times old and new alike! Ignotas, Where Fog Turns Into Steam
Feb 17, 2022 22:10 by Bart Weergang

nice work on all the art.