Unofficial condition challenge

Who doesn't like conditions? They are fun and interesting... to write of course. From deadly to helpful, common or rare, scientifical to magical, illness or cursed, etc...
— Catoblepon who might or not be crazy at this point.

There is a great variety of conditions that can be written and I wanna write read more of them! They are a great way to give immersion to a world (at least I think so) and gives a lot to talk if a character has one (had to stop writing about conditions in a character because of wordcount RIP) and so I've started this! An unofficial condition challenge!

I might do more in a future if this works.


What you need to know?


These will be the things I'll look into when deciding a winner:

  • Creativity: Is it interesting and original? Does it tell us some interesting about the world?
  • Concept: Does it make sense? Is it detailed? Can it be believable in your world?
  • Presentation: Is it well structured and easy to read? Is it presented clearly?

While I do appreciate CSS (unless it makes the article hard to read) and I enjoy seeing new CSS, it is not something to consider to pick a winner.


  • Articles must be dated during the challenge, remember to reset the stub dates!
  • Article must be public and published. One article for person!
  • Can be any language but if it is any other than English, Spanish, French, or Catalan, I will be relying in the google translator. I recommend writing it in English, so other people can read it easily.
  • Minimum of 300 words. No maximum! (I feel I will regret this).
  • If necessary, add warnings! And mark entries as NFSW if needed! Security is important.
  • Submit your article in the comments :D
  • Use the condition template!
  • Must be sent before 31 of may 23:59:59 UTC+1!

Final of the challenge

My thoughts

After *checks time* three months, I've finished reading the challenge entries! Its been a hard summer with little energy to do stuff so it took me a long time to finally read all of them.

The challenge has 37 entries and I've loved to read them all. Some have comments, some not, that's cuz mental energy more than anything and me not knowing how to give feedback, but it does NOT mean I didn't like it or anything similar, I'm just an exhausted catoblepon.

While the challenge initially was going to have a winner... I don't wanna pick a winner, don't make me pick a winner! There are so many cool entries! SO! I've decided y'all who participated deserved a badge, so I commissioned Nnie for a cool badge! And I will shout out to a bunch of the articles because they have stood up in someway or another for me with a little text (I will also put links to the rest of the articles cuz they all deserve some love and they are a bit hidden in the comments).

The challenge articles

Butterfly Kiss
Condition | May 31, 2022

Curse caused by killing a shadow butterfly which takes away one's ability to see darkness.

Interesting, you can see through the darkness but the darkness doesn't like that and will focus you. At least you have a pretty mark now.

Condition | May 27, 2022

Cool remastered zombies, the structe is pretty as its a person writing on a diary. Having bio-tech implants ain't always good shows this article.

Cyborg Fever
Condition | May 31, 2022

A sort of overheating, affecting those with cybernetics

I don't usually see the side-effects of having cybernetics (or similar) pieces on your body, so reading this one was interesting and I like it!

Condition | Jul 17, 2022

The physical state caused by the venom of the Delirium Serpent

You've been poisoned! Now, is it cuz of drugs or cuz a snake bite you? Worry not, you can read here both effects about this specific venom.

The Fading Curse
Condition | May 31, 2022

A Fate worse than Death.

Fading away almost instantly, with no way of dying or going back to normal, now that's hell. Being there yet not being able to interact with anything.

Thick Ick
Condition | May 10, 2022

A pretty article with an interesting condition formatted like it is an informative paper! It's a condition that has two types of symptoms, will one get the respiratory infection or the parasitic brain infection? Quite love how it's structured and the CSS is also real nice. Beware, deformed images in the end that might distrurb some people.

Psychosomatic Inversion
Condition | Sep 11, 2022

A deadly disease affecting the most common type of Catalurgist; it forces them to re-experience all their past physica trauma, as old wounds and past injuries open and occur once more.

Pretty structure and CSS. It's a painful condition that can only affect Catalurgist and makes them revive their old wounds. I love that Storm wrote down the probability for catalurgist people and worldwide. The quotes are powerful, but it has some containt warning on top of the article.

Biology of magic use and magical exhaustion
Condition | Aug 9, 2024

Humans' biology quirk makes us the best at magic but has severe counterparts. Magical exhaustion will affect everyone at least once but can still have grave consequences. Knowing this does not make resisting the temptation of using too much magic easier.

A long (and I really mean it when I say long) article filled with biology details and images that seem taken straight out a textboox, just like the whole article. I really enjoyed reading the article and my biology nerd loved to see all the details being so realistic. Althought it's filled with biology vocabulary, I feel Amé made it so it can be understood whether you know or not about biology.

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Apr 22, 2022 18:13 by Mochi

I will definitely try this challenge!

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my Institutes of Learning Challenge entry!
Apr 25, 2022 17:46 by Catoblepon

And I shall wait for your entry :D

May 18, 2022 18:03 by Mochi

Here it is!

Condition | Oct 26, 2022

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my Institutes of Learning Challenge entry!
Apr 23, 2022 04:17

Sounds interesting. I’ll try this challenge

Want to check out more read my bard article
Apr 25, 2022 17:46 by Catoblepon

Conditions are really interesting! Waiting for your article :D

Apr 25, 2022 17:28

Looks great! I already have something cooking up ;)

Apr 25, 2022 17:47 by Catoblepon

Uhhh... you left me intrigued

May 10, 2022 12:24

There it is, my entry! Dimigi

Apr 25, 2022 23:08 by Nathaniel M. M.

Going to see if I can do this. Give me a few days.

Apr 26, 2022 11:21 by Catoblepon

Don't worry about time, you got more than a month! But I shall wait for your article :D

Apr 26, 2022 18:55 by Sarah Buhrman

Here is my submission. Enjoy.

Apr 27, 2022 21:38 by Emily Armstrong

This was such a fun challenge! I hope you do more! Warning: Horror world, minor body horror text, horror imagery:

Check out my worlds of Beckettville and Culinarypunk!
Apr 28, 2022 09:22 by Lenosallose

Here is my submission for the challange! ^-^

The Herzauge Blossoming
Condition | Apr 30, 2022

A condition that gives the afflicted heart-eyes and aphrodisiac saliva. Also increases fertility.

Please visit Miand'Mésvéstell.
"If you look upon the stars, know that you look upon a light of the past."
Apr 28, 2022 21:38 by Morgan Biscup

Have a condition! Was good to have an excuse to write this one up.  

Condition | Apr 28, 2022

To be labeled Irreplaceable in the Confederation is to be given a badge of the highest honor and the deepest pain.

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
Apr 29, 2022 04:37

I've been needing to write this article for over a year. An unofficial challenge about conditions is as good of a time as any!  

Condition | Aug 13, 2024

Being colorless is a condition in Regalti where they are not able to change color anymore...

May 1, 2022 19:19

Here's my submission! Turns out Shadowrun didn't have this status yet, so I made it.  

Condition | May 2, 2022

When it comes to alcohol, hindsight is 20/20 - and cranky because it has a headache.

Am I my brother's keeper? No, I'm the centre-forward!
May 2, 2022 20:57 by Stormbril

I managed to get something written! :D

Psychosomatic Inversion
Condition | Sep 11, 2022

A deadly disease affecting the most common type of Catalurgist; it forces them to re-experience all their past physica trauma, as old wounds and past injuries open and occur once more.

  Thanks for hosting this challenge, Cato! It was so fun to get over a bit of writing block and make something horrific and interesting xD

May 5, 2022 17:57

That was a nice little challenge. Have my entry and enjoy. :)

You wanna see what we did for the last events? Go, click here: Eddies Major Events
May 6, 2022 17:12 by pyrrha

Thanks for doing this competition; it was a lot of fun! Here is my entry:

Condition | Dec 29, 2022

Rotting from the inside out

May 18, 2022 05:17 by Amelia Nite

Not really looking to win, but I found this challenge to be a fun one to complete! Thanks for making it!   Furnace Affliction is a deadly physiological poison that turns vampires into lava. TW for the squeamish: death, gore, torture  

Furnace Affliction
Condition | May 19, 2022

May 18, 2022 20:54
May 20, 2022 06:03

I'd been looking for another challenge to exercise my creative writing muscles! Here's my submission:

Condition | Jan 8, 2023

May 21, 2022 10:35

Nothing came to me during the art challenge, but fortunately, I did have a condition in mind that I wanted to bring to paper!

Condition | May 21, 2022

May 22, 2022 15:34

Finally got my entry done for this challenge :p  

Dorodir Curse
Condition | Dec 8, 2022

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
May 24, 2022 23:48

Here is my entry: Vitreous Blight

Author of Labyrithis and more!
May 26, 2022 07:18 by Diane Morrison

All right, I'll bite :D   Here's my entry:  

Condition | Jan 11, 2024

Author of the Wyrd West Chronicles and the Toy Soldier Saga. Mother of Bunnies, Eater of Pickles, Friend of Nerds, First of her Name.
May 27, 2022 21:53

Sorry for the lack of images, time is running out ^^ Here's my condition :

Condition | May 27, 2022
  Thank you for this challenge and the motivation to create even more conditions :D

Join Worlds you may also like, an initiative for a user-curated navigation between similar worlds!
May 28, 2022 17:58

Hey hey, I made an article for this;

Cyborg Fever
Condition | May 31, 2022

A sort of overheating, affecting those with cybernetics

Hey, how you doing. Well, I hope.
I made this, check it out, that'd be nice.
May 28, 2022 18:20 by Dragon

Not a normal condition. XD

Condition | May 28, 2022

Dragons in space? Click:
May 28, 2022 19:13 by Secere Laetes

I finally finished my article about a condition - unfortunatelly in German. If you are interested I could translate it with deepl and pm that to you via discord. Should have a better quality that google translate.  

Condition | May 29, 2022

May 29, 2022 16:45 by Catoblepon

I'll translate it with google! Don't worry!

May 29, 2022 17:34 by Secere Laetes

Okay. I hope you have some fun nevertheless ^^.

May 28, 2022 22:29

Last minute entry: I was initially unsure if I even wanted to write this article as I wasn't sure if I wanted to nail down the lore on dragonthralls, but this ended up working out okay.

May 30, 2022 19:05

Is it still May? It is where I live. So I write something (that should be treated with all the caution of any article about probably-violent dead, even if the affected person always survives.   I should be able to link to the Ephemeral Death entry using BBCode, right?   Thanks for giving me a reason to write about it!

May 30, 2022 20:55 by Catoblepon

You are good! There are still 1 day and 1 hour 4 minutes :D

May 31, 2022 02:42

My condition article is done! It was a nice challenge.

Silent Diphtheria
Condition | Oct 22, 2023

Want to check out more read my bard article
May 31, 2022 14:01 by Michael Chandra

I already had this idea back with the Edge challenge, so finally wrote it down in words! I may write the serpent and recipe later on, but all the basics are here in the condition:

Condition | Jul 17, 2022

The physical state caused by the venom of the Delirium Serpent

Too low they build who build beneath the stars - Edward Young
Do you live in or near the United Netherlands? Are you a Shadowrunner, or other kind of criminal? Do you have teenage offspring that needs the ability to turn to crime themself? Say no more, our School of Hard Knocks is ready for you. From crafting molotov cocktails to learning how to pick a lock, we have all the classes your child needs to become a criminal in their own right. Corpslaves not to apply.
May 31, 2022 19:50

I have done the condition before but not in my main world, so let's see what I can do :3   Here is my entry:

Purple Smoke
Condition | Dec 11, 2022

Come visits Terraloga and the story of a fictional Ancient Roman trying to rule the world.

May 31, 2022 21:51

Ten minutes to deadline but I managed it! Not my best work but I hope you'll get some enjoyment out of it.  

The Fading Curse
Condition | May 31, 2022

A Fate worse than Death.

Jun 1, 2022 02:18

It's done! I hope you will accept it, even though I handed it in a couple of hours too late ^^"   Here it is: Pregnancies and Childbirth

Check out my On the Shoulders of Giants article: Satlonia
Sep 11, 2022 09:28 by Annie Stein

Thank you so much for running this! Wow, what a lovely badge ^^

Creator of Solaris -— Come Explore!
Sep 11, 2022 20:05 by Catoblepon

It is indeed lovely, thank you for doing it! Glad you had a good time :D

Sep 11, 2022 16:50 by Stormbril

Thanks for hosting such a fun challenge! :D

Sep 11, 2022 20:05 by Catoblepon