Unofficial event - Mixing symptoms 2

Last year, I made the Unofficial collaboration for conditions for WorldEmber. Well... Guess what this is? The second edition of it! I've renamed the collaboration to "Mixing symptoms" (althought left the old article untouched).

What is "Mixing symptoms"?

Mixing symptoms is a WorldEmber event going on during the whole challenge. During it, I'll release some groups of symptoms for conditions and you'll try write conditions for them! You only have to make one article to get the badge (yes! badge!). But to make this event to be possible, I need YOUR help!

The event makes its lists based on symptoms that you, the reader, submit! To do so, you'll need to fill up a Google form. Please submit only one symptom per user unless I tell that there's a possibility to add more symptoms (this is to avoid having too many lists to make it overwhelming). You can submit a symptom even if you don't intend on participating on the event!

Once the time to submit symptoms is finished, I'll make lists. Each list will be 3 random symptoms. You, as the participant, will have to make a condition that has AT LEAST these 3 symptoms (feel free to create as many extra symptoms as you want!). You can make as many conditions as you want (you can even make multiples conditins for same list of symptoms if you'd like!) but you only need 1 article written to get the badge!


  • The gathering of symptoms - People fill up the Google form (Nov 1 to Nov 30).
  • Lists released - Will share the lists of symptoms you'll have to use to make conditions. You can do as many as you want, only one needed for the badge (Dec 1).
  • Challenge duration - The time to write the conditions. Only articles written during this time are accepted (you can reset the date of stubs) (Dec 1 to Dec 31).
  • Gathering of articles - Will update this article to show all the amazing articles written during december! (January 1 to ???)
  • Rules

  • Articles must use the CONDITION template and have to be written during this WorldEmber (remember to reset dates of stubs!).
  • ONE symptom per person unless I say otherwise to you.
  • Make sure to properly mark articles as NSFW if they are so and to add trigger and content warnings. (They are IMPORTANT, I will not discuss that).
  • There's no minimun nor maximum of words! This isn't a judged challenge.
  • Can be any language but if it is any other than English, Spanish, French, or Catalan, I will be relying in the google translator. I recommend writing it in English, so other people can read it easily.

  • I had a question but y'all answered me, thank you very much <3


    In one of the latest streams, (one of the creators of WA) mentioned she'd love to see more community things happening inside of WA. So, before I say anything else, please sit down.

    What do you think of using discussion boards for this challenge?

    "Cato is not doing a spreadsheet? They must be gone crazy!" you might think! Maybe that's the reason, but I do also kinda of agree with Janet. I'd love to see some less used features to be used more and discussion boards is one of them!

    I made sheets because it feels easy to use for everyone, but what would make it easier to use than not needing to leave a website to open drive to work on this? I'd like to know your opinion. Would you want to try use discussion boards for this challenge? Let me know in the comments! I cannot stress how much I'd like to know people's opinion on this.

    Where do I submit or see the prompts?

    With this unofficial challenge, we'll be experimenting, not only by making conditions in our worlds, but also experimenting WA features that don't see too much love! This time, discussion boards!

    The following discussion board is set up to be expanded on the first day of the challenge to see the prompts. I've added an "Example condition prompt" thread where you can learn a bit how to submit the articles you have (a bit of description and articleblock), in it, other than learning how to submit, I've added some information about how to use threads! Never hurts to learn a bit more.

    Make sure that, when you submit your articles, you submit it to the correct thread. Each prompt will have its own thread. Make sure to follow some boards if the prompts call your attention, so you can see the amazing articles people come up with! And, one last thing, have fun!

    Note: the prompts' threads will probably be named "Prompt 1", "Prompt 2", etc because I don't know how to name it. If you have any other idea of how I could name it to be more friendly, lemme know!
    Cato's Creations Discussion Boards Unofficial challenges

    Mixing symptoms 2

    Fri, Dec 1st 2023 09:48
    In the following threads, you can see the different "prompts" for conditions that you can participate on! To participate, simply write an article and send a message in the thread with your articleblock! Remeber! Your condition has to have the three listed symptoms but can have any other you wish.
    Example condition prompt
    Group 1
    Group 2
    Group 3
    Group 4
    Group 5
    Group 6
    Group 7

    And we are closed!

    Thanks to whoever participated and everyone hyped about it! All the participation and hype makes me happy, as it means what I do makes people happy! I will be going through the articles written and adding a small comment on them, feel free to take a look at them! And expect more challenges this year, and specially, another Mixing symptoms the next World Ember!

    Badge of Mixing Symptoms by Catoblepon


    Such a horrifying condition! As the name indicates, the afflicted's skin falls out, albeit that's the last stage of the condition. I like how (while it cannot be treated) covering one's eyes helps "stop" it temporally! The nosebleeds must be very annoying to have constantly though.

    Contrary to the previous condition, this is a mild one! No deaths are caused and it's barely a bit more than the flu or a heavy cold. I really love the format, the structure, and the art's cute!

    Another horrible condition! Someone turned the rivers of magic to be poisonous to a certain group of people, which causes them a terrible sickness! War can do so horrible things...

    A condition that doesn't actually affect Goblins! Caused by fungal spores, it has three variants. I love all the historical information added to the article and the details of the effects on the economy!

    Merfolk condition! First of all, lovely CW at the top with a small non-triggering description of the condition. Loved the small prose as well as the description of the treatment and how the cure was found!

    As name indicates, this is about a parasit that affect stars! I think it's interesting that this parasitism is caused by another star! While it enters a body horror warning, I love the description of how the parasit changes the host.

    I enjoy seeing the differences in symptoms between the different groups of age! It always makes conditions feel more "realistic" for me.

    Fun format to read! Written as a textbook or a poster from a teacher to a student perspective. The "Learn your ABC" is a cool way of showing both symptoms and actions to take when seeing the condition.

    Condition about consequences of using divination's magic to see the future. I love seeing magic causing conditions.

    A nice format! Learning about the condition from a report about it! I love the historical details of this conditions that makes both people and animals go bersker, and I was happy to read a treatment for both the people AND the animals.

    The opening quote made me laugh. Dwarves really need to beware metal related illness, they keep getting some! Love how it used to be confused with another illness, the dragon sickness.

    No vault jumping and no drinking? Well maybe one? NO! But...

    I love lava and I love conditions, so this is perfect! Learn what happens to people living in very high temperatures when they visit not so hot places.

    You can become a metal person with this condition! Altho the process is a bit harsh and I think i'd rather stay how I am.

    If you think somethign's about to happen and wanna hug metal, might be a good idea to move to a place without mushrooms.

    I've said it before, I'll say it again, I love when magic causes conditions. This is a horrifying one btw, but I feel l just read a research paper.

    Im supposed to not follow the voices, but they sound very nice, surely they aren't bad?

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    Author's Notes

    PLEASE lemme know your opinions on the discussion boards idea!

    Please Login in order to comment!
    Nov 3, 2023 15:49

    I would like to try this with the discussion board because I would like to know how and whether I could use it for my own world.

    Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
    Nov 3, 2023 16:02 by Catoblepon
    Nov 3, 2023 15:49 by TJ Trewin

    Form filled! I think using discussion boards is a fantastic idea for unofficial challenges, especially if reading and commenting on other entries is encouraged :D

    Journals of Yesteryear

    I just finished some new art in my latest article: Pinecrest College of Aviation!
    Nov 3, 2023 16:03 by Catoblepon

    Thank you for your opinion! I always want to encourage to reading and commenting other's people work!

    Nov 3, 2023 17:24 by AP.

    Oh this sounds like fun! I think I'll give this a try, and I love the idea of using discussion boards! Definitely a great idea to make use of one the features that gets a little...lost/forgotten. I'll submit a symptom when I have the brains to think of one... xD

    Nov 3, 2023 18:45 by Catoblepon

    Thanks for your answer! And take all the time you need for submitting the symptom, you have the whole month after all

    Nov 3, 2023 19:28

    Another condition challenge? You can count me in!. I had tons of fun last year. And as the others said, using the discussion board is a great idea!. I have never used it and its about time !

    Nov 3, 2023 19:37 by Catoblepon

    Time to learn I guess then! :D I've used them a bit before so I shouldn't struggle too much to make them xD

    Nov 3, 2023 22:21 by Mochi

    Sent my prompt! Loved this last year, so excited to write some weird conditions for my planet based on you! <3

    I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my Institutes of Learning Challenge entry!
    Nov 4, 2023 10:40 by Catoblepon
    Nov 3, 2023 23:01

    Sure, I would try the discussion boards.

    Nov 4, 2023 10:41 by Catoblepon
    Nov 4, 2023 00:33

    YES! this was one of my highlights for WE last year. I think Discussion boards may be a great way to do the unofficial community challenges. definitely worth at least trying.

    Check out some of my summer camp articles, like the dangerous flying jackalope or dragon wasps. Or, for something more light-hearted, there is the whimsical language Gobbledygook and Jaden's interesting job as a guano polisher.
    Nov 4, 2023 10:41 by Catoblepon

    I'm glad it was one of your highlights! It's such an honor!

    Nov 6, 2023 18:20

    This is great! I love the idea of using the discussion boards for the challenge!

    Nov 6, 2023 18:40 by Catoblepon

    Perfect! Thanks for answering <3

    Nov 7, 2023 13:53

    What if we created a new world, call it “Challenge World” for now, where folks could host challenge discussions, have articles featured for both official and unofficial challenges, tag streams, and other content? I could volunteer as tribute. I wonder if we started brainstorming on how to use ALL the features of WA to support challenges. What about campaigns, maps (to different worlds and challenge blogs), manuscripts? :)

    Now playing: The Longest Journey, Episode 2.   Ironsworn RPG Actual Play Fiction: Tales of the Inner Council!
    Nov 7, 2023 14:47 by Catoblepon

    It could be possibly attempted but one thing to consider is that not a lot of people can participate as author in there (because WA has limit slots in the worlds). I quite like the idea so, if you don't mind, I'll come bother you in discord to talk about it :D

    Nov 7, 2023 15:01

    Bother away!

    Now playing: The Longest Journey, Episode 2.   Ironsworn RPG Actual Play Fiction: Tales of the Inner Council!
    Nov 9, 2023 10:34 by Fall

    I'd like to join this year, I missed out last year but loved reading through the entries. So to add to the discussion, yes, I think discussion boards would be a good thing to try. It seems like a great feature and just needs the community engagement to make it a success.

    Nov 9, 2023 17:22 by Catoblepon

    Thank you for your opinion! <3 I hope this year you can join us :D

    Nov 20, 2023 19:40

    I'd like to give the discussion board a try but I'm in either way. Send a symptom your way.

    Sit down, my friend, and let me tell you of Aran'sha . A world where the sands shift and the stars sing, where the wind carries secrets and the twin moons keep silent vigil over it all.
    Nov 20, 2023 20:38 by Catoblepon

    Condition time is so sooon!