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Ophaelis Colors the Seasons

One day, Ophaelis, the god of art, wandered the lands of Eladria, searching for something that would peak his interests. But everywhere that he looked was nothing more than the boring surroundings he had always seen. He was not disappointed with Memoria’s handiwork. The trees, grass, plains and mountains that littered the lands were beautiful in their own right. But they were green.
  Everything was green. A beautiful green, but green nonetheless. It didn’t seem to matter what the season was or what the climate was or wherever in the world he was at that moment. Everything was monotonous and boring.
  Ophaelis fell lazily to the ground underneath a eucalyptus tree, groaning the whole way down. He had nothing to do, and no reason to do anything. His impatience mounting, he silently wished his seemingly endless boredom to cease as his eyes slowly closed and he drifted asleep.
  Not but four seconds later, his eyes burst open with inspiration as an idea formed in his mind. Without asking any of the other gods and goddesses if he could do it, he slapped the palm of his hand against the trunk of the eucalyptus tree he was just sleeping under. As if responding to his powers, the leaves on the tree changed. Where once bright green was replaced with red and orange leaves. And he loved it.
  Ophaelis walked Eladria with the sun, changing the colors of the terrain to whatever he could think of. The trees during harvest were no longer still green, but were now variations of red, orange, light brown and yellow. The snow that laid on the ground in winter was whiter than a unicorn's mane.
  Memoria, the goddess of nature, grew angry at Ophaelis’ apparent disregard of her creation. In order to appease her and to avoid her wrath, Ophaelis agreed to keep the world green during the spring and summer seasons in exchange for the new colors of harvest and winter.
  Ophaelis brought color to this world. His inspiration introduced the visible changes the world undergoes as the seasons change. It is also the reason Memoria grows cold and distant during the winter, as this is the season Ophaelis was able to permanently change. He is celebrated during the Moon of Burn in order to remind us never to turn our backs on things that inspire us, even if others may not appreciate it.
Written by: the_gay_secretary


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