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Servana’s Slumber

Back when the world was being created, before the War of the Gods, Servana traveled throughout Eladria using the small bodies of water that were under her domain. She would pop up wherever she wished, playing with the wild animals that drank from the rivers and lakes or inhabited the coasts and pools. However, there was no place she loved more than a single lake in the country of Sellia. She had found this lake by accident, though she was technically aware of all the lakes in this world. But this lake was her favorite.
  It was hidden away from almost everything except for the few fishes she had allowed to be there. Not only was this her favorite spot in all of Eladria, but these were her favorite fish. They were the most beautiful fish in the entire world, a school of multicolored lionfish. Though no one knew where they were, rumors of her prized fish spread through the earlier civilizations. Though many of these rumors were unfounded and small, the most vibrant rumor was that these fish would give immortal life to anyone who ate them.
  Eventually, the rumor reached the ears of four greedy mercenaries. Though none of them cared much about Servana, all of them wished to find this lake in order to eat the fish and gain the immortal blessing of this god. So they set out for three years in search of this magical lake. They fought several monsters and creatures along the way, though none of them were deterred from their goal.
  Eventually, and rather luckily, the four of them stumbled upon a lake in Sellia that was hidden almost entirely by the density of the trees around it. As their eyes looked upon the lake, they could not help but feel a sense of awe at the beauty of Servana’s reclusive lake. They wasted no time in harvesting all the fish from the lake and making their way back home.
  The next time Servana visited her favorite lake, which was near the beginning of the winter, her shriek could be heard throughout all of Sellia. In retaliation to the defilement of her impromptu sanctuary, she utilized all her power to freeze over the lakes, rivers and pools of water across all of Eladria.
  Her scream combined with the massive use of power drained her completely and she fell asleep. For the three months of winter, fishing in lakes and rivers became impossible, which caused hundreds of thousands of deaths across Eladria as many lost their main way of surviving. Sunathe, goddess of the sun, afraid that many would lose the ability to survive, and therefore pray and worship her, went in search of Servana. Sunathe found her, cold and asleep on a rock next to an empty lake. Knowing that she was the only person able to remove the ice that had formed over the world’s lakes and rivers, Sunathe used her power to warm up her fellow goddess and rouse her from her sleep. She asked Servana to remove the ice on the world’s lakes and rivers, and Servana said she would only do so if Sunathe punished the people who ruined her favorite spot in Eladria.
  Sunathe knew that spring would arrive soon, and Memoria, the goddess of nature and the earth, would be very upset if all the lakes and rivers were frozen over and unusable to the earth. So she spent several days secretly searching for the beings that had incurred Servana’s wrath by asking about the rumor of the immortal fish in Servana’s sanctuary.
  Two days before spring would begin, Sunathe approached four mercenaries who were loudly complaining about how the rumors of the fish were unfounded. Sunathe, angered by their blatant disrespect, transformed out of her disguise and cursed them. Since they had wished so badly for immortality, she would gladly give them their wish. However, every year they would still get older; their bones would grow brittle, their bodies decrepit. But they would never die.
  The story of Servana’s slumber is told to children in order to teach them not to steal or take things that are not theirs. Else incur the wrath of Servana and Sunathe.
Written by: the_gay_secretary


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