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Yullke, The Divine Creator

Yullke is the divine creator of Eladria and Cavas, and all things within this universe. They are the previous leader of the pantheon, and have an amazing amount of knowledge over most things. Yullke is the patron of Creation, and later in their life became the patron of Youth. They constantly reincarnate as they made a wish to never die. Their worship isn’t all that common, but all people pray to Yullke. Yullke lives within the crystal walls in the Great Halls of the Creator, with the Pope of the Eladrian Pantheon. Yullke changes through different bodies every time one of their old bodies dies.  


While they were functionally immortal, they were prophecied to die after making three mistakes. Yullke was killed by Krackle after he escaped his imprisonment and attacked Eladria.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Their colors are white and tan, and their symbol is two overlapping circles.

Tenets of Faith

  • Creation is neutral, as are we. Judge every situation with a fresh mind.
  • All things are made as intended. Never fault someone for their make.
  • Ideals come and go, nations rise and fall, all that is left at the end of the day is your past. Make the best of it.


Yullke’s holy day is the 5th of the Sowing Moon. This day marks the day that Yullke rose to be the patron of Youth, when they wished for eternal life. It is called Yullke’s Wish.
Divine Classification
Date of Death
16th of the Harvest Moon
Year of Death
1216 AA
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Krackle, after making their third and final mistake. Asking the Windsor Saviors to kill Eihael instead of reasoning with her.