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The Kahi are an omnivorous species, evolved from jackals. Their native tongue, Coptic, is the most widely spoken language now. Because of their deep connection with the stone, Kahi’s Native Element is Earth. Thus their Opposed Element is Air.   Despite their mastery over land itself, the harsh climate of Deshret did not soften the reality of their homeland. Kahi had to be clever and determined just to survive. Their ingenuity and interest in technology, aided by a bit of magic, rapidly advanced their society.   The discovery of the Mahina Isles, with its lush tropics and bountiful waters, encouraged many Kahi to depart Deshret en masse. They are now the most widespread species on Cé, with thriving industry and culture. Many Kahi have inherited an ages-long legacy and carry on the success of their ancestors; in the shadow of the austerity of Deshret, Kahi are determined to make the most of what these new lands have to offer. Their drive for results is often derided as cold and miserly by the other species.

Playing a Kahi

You likely...

  • Plan for the future and save money where you can
  • Value stability in relationships
  • Own an interesting (but unhelpful) gadget that you saw and just had to buy
  • Are well-informed about goings-on and enjoy gossiping

Other species probably...

  • Think you are mislery and overly concerned with material things
  • Find your curiosity to be nosy and intrusive
  • Are jealous of your proactive preparations and organization
Average Height
1.3 - 1.6 m
Average Weight
60 - 130 lbs.
Average Physique
Kahi favor their ancestral species most, with snouts and smooth short fur covering their bodies.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their fur is either black, brown, or grey. Their eyes can be black, brown, grey, yellow, or gold.
Related Organizations
Trait Unique to Kahi
Native Element Earth
Opposed Element Air
Active Hours Crepuscular (dawn & dusk)
Dietary Needs Omnivorous
Special Features +1 Earth DR, -1 Air DR, 1 XP in Engineering, 1 XP in Persuasion, 1 XP in Politics, 1 PP in armor proficiency, 1 PP in survival proficiency, 10 m/round land speed

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