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Tue, Apr 18th 2023 11:06   Edited on Tue, Apr 18th 2023 11:15

Session 1

77th of Beginning   applied in necen acal that’s why we’re there   illy just a couple of weeks after starting peregrination, purposeless, left in a hurry, not sure what to do, never really worked before, trained formally in combat but used to living in more city area, / sheltered elite. excited to be in necen acal but overwhelmed a bit, feeling out f place, but did some stuff wandering the city greeted at the great endeavor zeppelin , parked at a farmers field outside necen acal. rows and rows of crops   by captain harumi , I interviewed with her and another woman i dont know, a glowing intimidating Ko woman — ZUNI, ONE COLOR EYE NO IRIS WHAT IS SHE LOOKING AT   floral hide capri pants   go up platform with Zuni, step thru biggest doors ive ever seen, she’s got runic key card. all metal , lots of metal in big city so not super unusual   very tight claustrophobic landing room , lots of shit, and a hidden set of stairs   guard captain Zuni and expedition captain   shitty storage room, but upstairs dining is musty and dusty but wide open and beautiful. worn old beautiful cushions and decorations, fancy warm light. floors are dirty   key card and black board with daily chores: im in the rotations. stand on port side and keep watch, late night shifts, oof, bad time, 10 hour shift, 2 breaks, 1 lunch then desk area, workshop, desks all pushed together, somewhat lavish. huuuge glass windows —stern   going through the door it’s dirty, dusty everywhere   big glass doors , little outdoor patio vibe, planter, plants are all dead. wood railing, matches the 1920s general vibe, all plants are dead — can we create new plants   starts walking down long long plank with sidiing — THIS IS WHERE ILL PATROL, steel floor chain link fence —gardening proficiency? or flora skill?   longest walkway ive ever experienced, keeps going   short tattooed mokomoko chef. old sailor vibe , Whetu   ends in austere sterile balcony, a little more what im used to , Shandiin is very neat pristine, clean lines, clean minimalist aesthetic. (some folding chairs tossed around along with stone benches, hanging plants, half of them are dead half of them are alive, small, recent growth   large folding glass doors, accordion into another big space, big metal box, looks more similar shoved in. hideous. rusted material.   massive weird machine. no clue what it is. white austere, a lot of glass. was already here , no one knows what it does   then there’s a brick wall on the other side. with a big hole blown in the middle of it. that room on the other side has an interesting mix of aesthetics   politics check, two major aesthetics i notice : one moroccan tile, pillows, plastered walls with tile everywhere , mixed together with gothic architectural furnishings, pillars, gothic window dressings , gothic china cabinet   moroccan i recognize as older sunner aesthetic. vibrant color used to be in style. tilework is all older sunner, but dated , hodgepodge , steel grate stairs up to next floor. stairs and bathrooms just sort of plopped in here. excavated through ceiling into long room. glass glass minimalist white aesthetic, glass walls everywhere.   improvised curtains and blankets, one of the gothic curtains, various makeshift ways of covering the glass walls. small porthole at the end of the hall, but otherwise it’s all closed in. i dont see windows in the other rooms. Let’s get curtains.   key card is just for our added things. mainly for long passageway outside. to get through both ends you scan key card. also main door to lift.   beds sized. one big bed, one small bed, one couch Amaia, and eventually a third person. leave weapons at the entrance except for bows   staff archaeologists and historians, studying this vehicle   GUARDS: me amaia and niyol. amaia is in this room, niyol is across the hall.   —we’re allowed to take curtains and pillows from places, just dont disturb sitting room.   zuni has no sense of humor.   metal candelabras that we put in , we use candle light which is archaic   a mokomoko (amaia) shows up she’s on the day shift , which she thinks is dumb. Ily takes the couch   ily settles in for a couple of days, theres food left around, but Whetu isnt there to feed me. do i just eat a lot of cold food. i eat a lot of cold meat sandwiches
Tue, Apr 18th 2023 11:11

80th of Beginning   niyol relieves illy in the morning   Niyol quiet softspoken sensitive Ko, he’s helping me with plants   i usually get a good breakfast . on day 4, im about to take my last break right at the end of the watch   in the icebox, there;s a small blue floral orchidbear   orchidbear as hedgehog , he’s also the banana bat , dropping guano in the hanging plant place   xihuitl classics of literature   bathed in golden light,   pet eating mustard and family, // jelly and meat , me and niyol following it, it goes through door.   me and niyol meet and love little baby bear,   Aiyana Ko historian one of the early historians   sunners dont do coffee or similar stimulants   captain’s door: ornate tall painted white door, paint scratched away, gothicy   little brbrbrbr (baby bear) captain approves of bear. bear will do wandering around when illy sleeps   Aiyana more educated on animal behaviors, she’s head in charge of studying, following aiyana, helping out. Aiyana is having a rough time off schedule   many more people awake at night, more people , things are much better now. people have shifted schedules to Whetu   maintenance person. tezozomoc — patlana   Pet likes meat and sweet, jelly and coldcuts, steak and pie
Tue, Apr 18th 2023 11:12

88th of Beginning   fire starts, Whetu hurt , tezozomoc too, i help with fire, Pet reveals himself and is so gd horribly adorable   niyol is a thaumaturge — necrokineticist   Pet/Brbrbrbr calls it soulspell , aiyana takes whetu and tezozomoc in to town to get medical treatment, im taking pet to captain, and we meet with niyol. often magic is a high class thing. —ilhi takes Pet past Niyol on our way to see captain , pet figuring out what niyols magic is. niyol is uncomfortable with term thaumaturge, not really proud of it. got some trauma there   local poop birds “stool-pigeons” theyre part fungus, like toadstool. named by davey. excellent.   Pet used to eating fruit, not as used to the wheat in this random farmer’s field   Captain meets Pet as mokomoko, been alone a long time, maybe at least 27 seasons? “my parents were here, and others, but they all, arent here anymore” “so you used to live on this ship with your family. you dont know where your family is?” you dont have anywhere to go?” he glances in the direction of the planter areas, “you will have to contribute, we have a tight ship.” lol or at least a tight budget. “i learned to read to read to my mom”   they’ll make pet an intern! fetch person.
Tue, Apr 18th 2023 11:14

92nd of Beginning   Rajiv as a yazabai, doesnt want to identify as nomadic, doesnt have a satchel full of stuff, that’s a nomad thing, so he ends up with very little to carry with him, all just attached to himself on various pockets, loops, etc . fine make formal shirt and pants he used for school , fairly worn. big smile. excited about this big enigmatic mystery floating above a farm   green tartan sash reflecting his degree , he’s on his way up to the ship as the three people descend   Rajiv runs up and lays hands on whetu, so gentle, hes so kind. rewinds whetu back to the night before, reexperiences pain. Rajiv lays hand and makes eye contact.   meets with Captain, he’s so awkward and gentle and convinces captain to hire rajiv as medic. permanent address on the resume is his friend’s house, he’s sort of homeless couchsurfing. gives captain his address, hopes to hear back that same day, but she takes 4 days to get back to him. tells him to report the next day.   he gets there the next day before the platform is down. two hours later. hangs out with farmer for 2 hours   captain and zuni descends, zuni be scary. guard captain. all medics and guard people report to guard captain? is rajiv also a guard keeping watch? until a medical concern arises and then he’s in a flex position   THE HODGEPODGE ROOM you can access 2nd walkway with card   when youre on watch youre on watch for the entire ship, walking back and forth from front to back. but we were not properly oriented   WE HAVE 4 GUARDS! WE GET TO RESET SCHEDULES. More Like 6 hour shifts. Amaia gets night, illy gets dusk, rajiv gets day, niyol gets dawn   Rajiv finds mysterious machine tries to study it. meaningless to you. perfectly sealed with magic, put here with magic, inside has several moving parts, lot of runes inscribed in it, currently seems to be working. its doing a thing.   Rajiv rewinding Pet from bear to mokomoko, asking him questions , engineer in training rajiv doesnt have to touch to do his reconstruction, but he does cuz he wants.   How long has this project been going on? have they had to replace guards a lot? niyol’s been on for like a season and a half, now almost 2 seasons. he was one of the first, it was new. 2 maintenance ppl doing part of the cleaning. mokomoko woman, along with tezozomoc doing maintenance and cleaning Dandelions attacked some people aways back, according to Niyol, and after that they had to get some more guards along with maintenance down in Astoria Aorere for most of waiting, and all throughout of that region. then later on moved to necen acal   colorado river yazabai plus elemental mythos. feathered river is so abundant with water magic, you drink it you’ll become an animal permanently
Tue, Apr 18th 2023 11:15

97th of Beginning   meeting each other, getting to know the three of us and Niyol and others.   get Niyol to fuse some of the wood together on the doors to nothing from the hodgepodge those doors sometimes open themselves   ship rising up higher in the air than we’re used to, thousands of feet up you can feel it, shifting in the wind, crazy high   navigator is Miahuaqui “mia” patlana “looks like we’re going north” , but toward the feathered river   Niyol is a reserved quiet person, anxiety with bugs, etc. heights not phasing him. v chill Amaia is also new, hasnt been up high before   travel period, theyre working on getting through the ceiling of the dorm hall there are cherry blossoms blooming   Rajiv tells story of feathered river, mountain and north wind are natural enemies mountain grew tired and grumbly of north wind being flighty, dared him he couldnt go sweep up water and bring it back to the mountain (mtn range feathered river comes from) mountain tainted river with magic, when wind went to drink drank feathers and became the first bird. origin story for birds, and why there is no wind from the north.   Rajiv loiters around research team, trying not to be too invasive Ilhui doing plants with Niyol, cooking with whetu, ummmmm, reading my xihuitl epic and trying to read nahuatl lit baby bear working on nahuatl