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Fri, Apr 21st 2023 10:40   Edited on Fri, Jun 30th 2023 09:22

Session 2

campaign notes for session 2
Fri, Apr 21st 2023 10:55

Fri, Apr 21st 2023 11:10   Edited on Sat, Apr 22nd 2023 01:12

Vignettes "there was something you always wanted to be when you grew up, what was it and why?"   rajiv : some out there ideas, goofy kid wanted to be a moon when he grew up very spacey kid very curious, excited about grand and fascinating cosmology and science stuff, exciting for kid who didnt have context of that. maybe had a too literaly interpretation of stories personifying these entities, wanted to be the moon/goddess. probably has tried not to think about that for a long time. dead name rhymed with moony, distancing himself from moon   illy ::: wanted to be a thaumaturge like my mom, air when i was little ---.. then wanted to be a teacher // still maybe on my mind. sharing connected, teaching people (speculation, maybe sister an engineer?)     pet: wanted to be pilot , mother was engineer, always surrounded by model planes, litlte mobiles he had as a kid , aerial vehicles
Sat, Apr 22nd 2023 01:09   Edited on Sat, Apr 22nd 2023 02:54

we arrived near the very start of the one day festival of floralia   Illy is on Dusk shift   Rajiv is on Day shift   Guard Captain Zuni likes blue (and brown)   paid weekly 125 deben each   when we need to return, there will be a flare lit off   it usually sticks around at least 6hrs   peonycock (peony/peacock)   floralia began for sunners in 868, about 400yrs ago   a smaller local community celebrated for a long time   politics used for gathering information/ knowing who to ask   "celebrant" is a high-tier sunner priest   it hasn't been to dendori in the past several years   formaldehyde smell in the cemetery, pet's parents smelled of formaldehyde sometimes after their work on the Great Endeavor   suspect didn't seem to take anything from the coffin they broke open, carried a rock up a ladder to do it, coffin is only decades dead patlana woman, mostly costume jewelry, rock was meant to smash the preservation glyph   has nile been a "gardener" coffin keeper?   bramboar (bramble boar)   sunburst diadem is a floralia-only traveling exhibit, gifted to towns as a relic for brief visits, supposedly magical, there is legend surrounding it, bestowed upon one priest each year as they rise to celebrant
Sat, Apr 22nd 2023 01:11

Arriving in Dendori --pagoda wooden roofs, streets cobbled and mossy, cherry blossoms everywhere, early morning arrival, lanters on   illy recognizes that it's Floralia, the festival of flowers on the first of becoming. from sunrise to sunset, -- we're arriving right around the start   pet leaning over railing as we descend from clouds   rajiv calling in sick , confidently lying to Zuni   niyol dawn rajiv day illy dusk amaya night SHIFTS   we are during day.   Guard Captain Zuni likes the color blue. and brown. waiting vibes, color palette , we'll buy her something   250 i got paid for my 2 weeks. of work
  • to go spend on our day off in dendori
  • we got Amaya and Niyol, 2 I explain floralia, coming into ones commuinty, the becoming when the sunner child presents their wind chime. one that they make with their parents, and then continue to carry with them and customize all their life. my one wind chime outside of the room. other ancestor ones are back at family household.   we collect amaya and niyol then go to descend   captain says she'll let off a flare if it starts moving. Pet says minimum time it'll def be at least a couple of hours, but otherwise not super consistent for how long it stays. ship generally stays at least 6 hours   we're on a east west road, to the east of dendori & the river   mantlalli west, then we crossed the river and now we're in shatah   mantlalli, home nation of illy, and technically home of rajiv altho yazabai. Pet who knows where he's from.   huge pink flowery peonycock animal (lol) pinks and whites and golds, traditional japanese attire dancing in the town, maypole like tradition being danced around. lots of stalls. big massive golden chest closed in the middle, with metal painted flowers on it   Dendori is on the map at least, 150,000, big town, not a massive city like necen acal or anything, but still sizeable town. mostly ko and patlana   rajiv buying clothes, slightly fem but passably floralia look illy & pet buying snacks tea and pie illy restocks on body paints, and a gold scarf for guard captain zuni flower   leis , flower crowns, bonfires, dancing, arts and crafts music is lots of harps and flutes people taking bird seed and throwing, feeding birds but also spreading plants, symbolic for beautifying the world, becoming part of the beautification of the world. growing together. take some flower seeds and make some paper lanterns for carrying the seeds, they'll be lit at the end and fly away, seeds warmed by the fire, flowering growing in the air and prepared to root when they land. little pyramid lanterns     we go hit the town, some clothes and accessories and baked goods and teas. sunburst headbands   is it normal for great endeavor to show up right before a festival? floralia has been happening for 400 years, established tradition. floralia adopted by sunners later. 868 floria was adapted by sunners, developed, made more pretty. floralia started, it was celebrated here earlier, then later taken by sunners   why is zeppelin here? old route? does it come here every year? is it on a cycle? an every year cycle or a longer than that cycle? has it ever come here before? politics check we're trying to check in with regular people   we meet a sunner priest celebrant, they have chimes ceremony later/ with a becoming ceremony which welcomes new priests, and a tour of the cemetery going on right now.   person we talk says they've seen and heard tales of the giant bird endeavour, but not seen it land this close before   boat tours , painting class im at home doing lots of little crafts with the chime, the Menrit made his chime out of old antlers, so my chime also fashioned out of bone, with other colors and feathers making lots of handcrafts, then excited to go to cemetery big glass skyscrapers with pagoda roofs , dazzling catching the light "built by our founder here, wanted to make sure we have something lovely to see, here by the water," river has been getting wider and wider, so they have to move it occasionally." it's a quaint midsize town beautiful cemetary. actual animals roving. people tending the plants, constant creation of this environment   persistent creation of beauty, not maintenance   tiers of glass coffins . people who plan what theyll die in, what theyll wear, how theyll decorate their grave, their coffin. Illy has indepth plans for death clothes.   a sunner dies and then becomes the wind. but a wind is not always winding. a wind moves,   menrit   ancestors moving and visiting us. do i have a couple of ancestors who can visit me? couple of great grandparents Pet growing up on airship surrounded by the wind, oof, introspective. their engineers invented these pagoda roofs.   people we're seeking to learn about? divining some of rajiv's ancestors? rajiv wearing his spirit mask. Pet asks the breeze to ask his parents. "you can just say mom" ask my mom and dada are they ok. "pet really freaking out this poor sunner"
  • sunners dont like wrinkles, people die or plan to on becoming. planning on death, so planned that you then, people exert control
  • rajivs on board with this, we become wind spirits, just not one of the four winds.   "the founder" -- inventor of pagoda roofs, another famous tailor from this area   cemeterys very peaceful places, sunners very comfortable with death. the dead winds recognize this gate to return to.                  
    Sat, Apr 22nd 2023 02:39

    we share a meaningful affectionate moment in our group of 5 in the cemetery, group hug with the tour guide. lots of death. Pet asks the wind if his parents are ok. wind says yes. rajiv asks if his ancestors settled in a place like this ever, wind also says yes. sudden perception check for group   pet smells acrid smell, something off , comparing it to other smells, fauna check , smells like death, but not corpse, parents would sometimes come back smelling like this , starts smelling it. everyone in here is embalmed, then hermetically sealed.   tomb has been left open. broken open, pet caught smell (what is illy's relationship to sunner religion in this vs sunner politics lol) Rajiv finds rock that had been thrown to break open glass tomb, thrown from the ladder, uses magic to track it. rajiv runs after image of rock tracing it, with pet following   lady buried within last decade, recentish, not very close to the ground but highish, less prestigious in this area, , a lot of costume jewelry, not super fancy, --> lot of stuff left, embalmbing and burial is taught in sunner schools. one of my moms partners had passed away, unexpectedly. me as part of extended family participated in the ceremony. (did i want to be a priest as a kid?) close enough family that i felt obligated to particiapte altho we werent particularly close. they get magically sealed, magic laid into coffins, vacuum seal keeping out air. temperature stuff, etc the rock was thrown targeted at the glyph to open up the coffin. will need an engineer to put it back. Illy goes looking for a priest or someone to ask about and to get it fixed while pet and rajiv go hunting after rock, finds the rock's original resting place in a rock garden, then following tracks, but it came from gravel steps   we inform celebrant about what we found, celebrant goes to tomb, stays there, asks if they can trust us to help track the person (celebrant creeped out by Pet with knife) we're "heroes", (translated xihuitl word) , niyol goes to talk to the "body"gardeners" we're contractors. pet amaya raj and illy doing tracking (illy wants to do nahuatl and xihuitl translation)   Pet changes form to do tracking. Pet changes into a bramboar , exoskeletal brambles along his flank, tracking tracking. people moving out of the way.   the trail leads to the golden chest in the center of town. Illy has no idea what the chest is about. sunburst diadem is inside!   part of this country's ceremony in making new celebrant. only one celebrant a year. pretty prestigious role. more like bishop or cardinal in terms of prestige. happens at sunset. mantlalli has a set number of celebrants, but these people they just keep adding one a year. sunburst diadem is part of their local thing. trail just led back to chest. someone went straight from chest to tomb. who is that in tomb? who has access to chest? do we need to solve something before the celebrant thing at dusk where are we in days schedule?   talking to celebrant, doesnt seem sketched out. cant imagine sunburst diadem would be involved, but goes to check. incident seems like a targeted attack on poor lady? not super wealthy? stole on her earrings. glass cut her. ITS GONE      
    Sat, Apr 22nd 2023 02:56

    While on this day: Rajiv wants to open up during this first adventure and share some with us about his story /being Sooni (sp)   Pet remembers smelling formaldehyde on the great endeavor. parents smelled of formaldehyde sometimes when they came back
    Sat, Apr 22nd 2023 01:41

    For spelling purposes, it's Suni, short for Sunita
    Fri, Jun 30th 2023 09:22

    everyone gains 1 XP