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Fri, Nov 3rd 2023 10:30   Edited on Sat, Nov 4th 2023 02:28

Session 7

Descending into the Depths of the Amoana Circumcenter Hurricane Bunker / "The Mushroom on a Rock in a whirlpool at the Bottom of the Sea" (etc. in a hurricane, surrounded by a serpent, haunted by a giant lightning bird) -- Plethora Island
Fri, Nov 3rd 2023 11:02

At least some Sunners have been in space. Sunners in space are like the Jetsons with jumpsuits and glass stuff, or glowing tattoos?   Cartography -- where are these maps from. primarily Idylla? they and sunners maybe the most tech advanced. map is built showing span from idylla home territory and then out to the west   Wai wai --- water water, that's where the rest of the water is // massive ocean / moko moko name   akheleza is deshret and rajiv // almithaali spun off of that.
Sat, Nov 4th 2023 12:07   Edited on Sat, Nov 4th 2023 12:08

Vignettes:   Pet : tell us about a time that you found the rarest piece in your collection: --the hide armor that draws cats, found on an adventure. he had taken the form of a local cat /// larkspurr is a cat type vibe. so Pet just turned into a larkspur to go get people to feed him. Pet gets fed, maybe gets armor from the local cat lady. who's a kahi , hangs out for a while, kept getting drawn back to thatreally smelly armor that kept drawing in cats , so stays with them for a couple of days while the great endeavor keeps floating around nearby --- CATDOG. little dog/cat person, cat/dog person. it's a cat man actually, not lady. smells briny. soil, symbols carved into leather. branded. kind of a loner, but known. local cat man dog personality ("dog man cat person) Pet feels a little attached to the person, meets cat man as a real person, warming up to them. sees their kindness. if GE had stayed another week, maybe Pet wouldn't have left with it. but then ship started leaving. Pet was sitting listening to story that he mostly didnt understood. pet was a little wild swamp child who walked up. suddenly realize GE is leaving, panics. and turns into a bird, grabs or pulls in hide armor with the transformation without realizing it.   old cat man or grandpa /// briny soil, sweat/ people greeted him as "Thyme"   VIGNETTE 2: Rajiv tell us about a time you lost a bet // 2nd week of university in necen acal / he's very tall, much taller than most everyone else , very new to town, was trying to get in with cool kids , cool sunner kids doing drugs and being rebellious. he follows them and they tolerate him. some crazy drunk sunner kids bet him they can hold their breath longer. rajiv is pretty sober, they drunk. they cannonball in. rajiv is being ridiculous, waterlogged, clumy, sees one kid be under for slightly longer than seems weird, goes ridiculous dives in life guard style to help him   wakes up outside the pool. bruised some people by elbowing them, so offended them. other people have to carry you out. 2 named people. one sunner that gets bruised and pissed. and another person who he tried to rescue him, but then passed out. Niriki, moko moko she/they , bet it , and then ended up rescuing him. various stories. she meant well. Niriki eventually become good friends. establish a rapport. they look out for rajiv protecting him from the sunners rajiv ends up pissing them off. Niriki is probably still there for another year. was in for a longer degree.   illy: your first attempt at a goal you still hope to achieve   I tried to impress her, show off for my mom , and I'm still sort of trying to impress her? haven't really moved to a clear ambition beyond "impress her" /"show her"? "fuck you mom, but also watch this did you think that was cool?" I picked a fight, argued with and then got hit by another scion of a powerful house , had like a black eye or something. mom was not pleased with the fight, didnt care for my injury either, just cared about dirt on my clothes. never felt like I impressed her. whereas sister seemed like she played the game well. i never really knew what the dance was about // that was the result of my biggest attempt to play moms political game  
Sat, Nov 4th 2023 02:28

who's going down to lower level? delvers: us 3, and then research team after. harumi, scientists, buddy, with xyla and safina   we come out of broken staircase in lower level statue to the left, made of metal, diff from upstairs.. water to the right. orb on thing in front of us. faceless statue eroded down sunken in, remains of a face on statue   misty swirly orb, doesnt glow like this one . room to the left casts bluish glow, unlike upstairs we each have a light shroom   Pet looking into blurry misty orb, pulling in, we're in v misty room   Pet is well traveled , seen divinatory orbs , this is probs for seeing the future he says. as he looks at it, starts to see some stuff in it. staring deep into this orb, seems somehow linked to orb., // linked to the statue upstairs. from the angle of the statue, whether bird or serpent eyes, you're looking out of at the orb , maybe both bird and serpent. he sees takarut up there , divination of upstairs? watching the orb? it's a pixelly illusion, but it's an image of takarut doing magic upstairs on the other orb   Pet leads the way across threshold to the left, hears grinding of rock statue's arms are fused to its body pointing down, now they're coming up away from body ---> it says something in some language that we don't recognize and then initiative happens. then stone thing moves into range to attack pet pangolin really bright pink of dragon fruit it threw lighting at Pet , out of big arm Rajiv attacks with spear , part of facade crumbles away, more stone, hit for 4 damage preDR -3 physical evasion 13 damage stellar aim , it bows down its head rolls away, it was mostly stone but with metal rod up the center of its form Pet knocks head off of the statue ,   tries to recall Pet's memories of danger down here given him by veb. Rajiv tries to get lightning sword off the statue. doesnt break it, but cant fully extract it. if he takes it back to the ship, he can get it checked again to get it out.   rajiv goes over to the pool, sticks his muddy boot in it. clean! magical level of cleanliness. magic bathtub   we're checking out 2 of cosmology, I wash my hands in the pool. I'm used tofancy cleaning basins outside religious areas. it's a respectful thing. a sacred site for Kirin people? so Illy takes a bath. ritual purity bath. i get the sense that theres something more purposeful about this place methodical/intentionality   everyone takes a bath, to rajiv it reminds him vaguely of the expereince with the statue in theo ther cave   we go down lit path past statue, it veers off and leads to larger room. we see rows of seating , there's an altar, a big statue of thunderbird (WE ARE IN SOME GREAT TEMPLE!) sitting on altar , in same bluish light is a little jar , casts same light as other lanterns , there's another hallway off of this. 2 rows of seating. we're coming in off the side.   feather held up floating in jar, thunderbird feather. it's being preserved . scary , thunderbird is fire/air, deception check, it looks like it's following instructions, it's a program   we get to final room. there's 3 tombs. a big lightning altar and a lot of lightning stuff .   coffins are damaged, similar to statue , got a person on it, but it's kinda gloomy and cracked and opaque, kind of ugly   Rajiv takes coffin top off, there's some bones, some old metal armor   illys on guard, pet does fauna inspecting the bones in the coffin, working at it with rajiv solid black bones, he's never seen a patlana skeleton but it seems like it could be that. but it's got a beak??? and black bones, and small. patlana bones are usually white and it's wearing armor , necklace with a thunderbird on it, little lightning bolt in its claws   thinking about history lessons, patlana ancestors// they havent found the clear evolutionary missing link, but it's believed that our ancestors at some point could have had beaks. we def got larger over time too.   an old cave bird man , v v old. wearing armor? used to think kirin was the people, maybe the zodiac were just the gods , pantheon of Gods and then old pre - patlana race maybe?   thunder bird took us down here? we lit up and thunderbird was like domesticated ? domesticating the god. ?? worshipping the zodiac bird ? zodiac bird's dwelling place ancient technology of these patlana ancestors ?   feathers are all made in parallel. pet just straight up puts on this cursed thunderbird talisman from the coffin , then he gets the     how do i feel about this. // skeleton armor, talisman with firebird,   we close coffin, pet has talisman and fancy statue thing, we head back out to the front room