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Fri, Jun 30th 2023 07:20   Edited on Sat, Jul 1st 2023 03:37

Session 3

Where is the diadem?
Fri, Jun 30th 2023 10:17

notes on patlana sunner culture. patlana egg-laying? so some sunners/patlana have known mother and possibly father, and some were just an egg in a large community raised hutch. truly just child of the clan   patlana have less kids than ko and kahi? longer older generations, etc something? ko have fewest kids actually.   kahi litters? 2-4 in a litter?
deshret people, mostly nomadic, dont settle in one place (desert kahi) 2 short half days, crepuscular, 2 days each lit from a different direction those kahi use glass igloos? burying themselves in sand, for insulation Ce is one of two moons orbiting a gas giant. other moon is very bright. dawn and dusk sun and moon are behind the gas giant, which is why it's the darkest time of the day. incest taboo among patlana? dont want neighborhood kids sleeping with each other? but incest taboo is a human assumption.? world speculation: what actually has a biological basis, and what is a sociocultural thing. sex normal and common among sunners, but intimacy is more rare. what would actually be a scandalous relationship? public v private relationships. private relationships with family end around puberty/wind chime becoming, then you go off to school together and only have public relationships with family

Fri, Jun 30th 2023 10:27   Edited on Fri, Jun 30th 2023 10:32
Vignette: chore you will go to any lengths to avoid: many chores would be bettering themselves. trimming branches, gardening, cleaning up trash, various chores, a lot of beautification , not wanting to do kitchen or trash cleaning outside with big groups Pet: doing lines, taking dictation. hated writing. taking dictated notes for parents. mom's health she struggled with writing, // likes reading, doesnt like writing as much, or just doesnt like the chore of dictation. would pretend his hands were cramping Rajiv: favorite things to do were in the evenings, chores being done, could go listen to stories aroudn the campfire. fun stuff went on into the night. mornings he'd have to go visit an elder and make breakfast for them. the more you procrastinate the hungrier you get, there's a deadline. having to make food when hangry is difficult Favorite childhood toy you still keep around: Pet: ranged weapon, bone dart with scale from first molt Illy: feet bells from childhood dance troupedoesnt fit no more Rajiv: mountain spirit mask, ran into stuff with it

Fri, Jun 30th 2023 11:01
Sat, Jul 1st 2023 12:14

new celebrant getting ready to be appointed, it's never been done without sunburst diadem before in Shatah. canceled if we cant find says it makes a lot of bright light   sunsburst diadem part of the sunner community in Shatah. Every year on floralia the diadem goes somewhere else and then that's where they appoint the new celebrant.   rajiv doing magic esoterica to see what he can figure out about diadem , lol they just give the celebrant a different talisman so rajiv can do the magic with him   niyol helping with closing coffin, amaya ran back to ship   we're talking to celebrant. what are his interests in this? what happens to him when new celebrant appears? how is power distributed in this? Helena is new celebrant (galadriel vibes patlana) Atza is old celebrant (Ko)   Rajiv and Illy go to meet Helena (lol we're kids, we're like mystery gang, young adults illy's deception draw. celebrant is truly surprised. his biggest concern is that he is accountable, he gets the consequences of it being gone. Rajiv digging through celebrant's memories to see magic of diadem , other info about it diadem burts forth golden light (doesnt seem to have real form, just sunlight) crown halo effect , person utters a few words, then BLINDING LIGHT, then memory fades, celebrant remembers drawing out the diadem, like picking up a ball of light. there's weight to it. you put it on your head in the becoming and then feel the weight of it on you, and then also the light, the radiance. blinding flash of light, but the person who has diadem on can still see, everyone else is blinded.   they say the words at a ceremony that maybe activates it? or will? esoterica: viser of minds eye, once per day blindness within 60 feet, and you're immune to blinded and deafened   is it just for the value of this? the why? selling it? who got the key? keeping it away from other celebrant. (there is no "mercenary" in xihuitl, we're heroes)   I'll go talk to her other celebrant.   celebrant keeping things DL, people did see it open and we're confused, there are some rumors, but things still calm. 2 hours until sunset   key is one of a kind celebrant said he had the key as long as it's been in dendori. celebrant lives and works first time being the keeper of the diadem to put it on for someone else. up and coming town nearby they're getting the new celebrant.   suspects: Helena, her enemies, guards who brought diadem here? relations between dendari and the little town aspirant Helena. LIGHT OF DAY CANNOT TOUCH HER , she stays in the shadows behind the door. LOOK TO THE EAST GALADRIEL COMETH DARK QUEEN TREACHEROUS AS THE SEA ALL SHALL LOVE ME AND DESPAIR humble room, she is from dendari. she will not be touched by light until the light of the sunburst diadem   aspirant Helena do you have any enemies of course as one who aspires to do this, you get some notoriety, ther emay be many in the peregrines who resent that   "is the key gone?" "YES Rajiv shouts suspiciously" Atza freaking out. who would benefit? this would dark all of Shatah's faithful if she could not be celebrated today. sign of prosperity that we can celebrate someone every year.   "there havent been nonsunners in shatah in 100 years" there is a minority nonsunner population in area, when montlalli previously controlled shatah, sunners spread through area immigrated here, then shatah seceded. indigenous pre-sunner population of Shatah. symbols or racial profile? patlana, kieran that swim and fly symbol , flying waterhorse, it's a sign of prosperity, benevolent people here, unicorn.   politics check , she is def toeing the party line, she knows there's a minority but is happy to deny their existence. no real animosity either.   disgruntled person a few days ago who said some hurtful things , someone was rude about their hair other people that wanted to be aspirant? sunner peregrine doing this thing that seems wildly blasphemous? a sunner wouldnt do this? or a sunner would only do this if they wouldnt it to seem like a super blasphemous person did it   niyol and body gardener inspecting tomb and cleaning up glass -- Pet returns and gets Niyol to go off looking for next trail of the thief        
Sat, Jul 1st 2023 02:13

Pet picks back up the trail, going off from coffin into woods? then arched back going northward parallel to river. keeps following a trail, sees a big crane structure in distance. broken -- some kind of mine??   town getting a new celebrant just north east a bit.   niyol amaya rajiv illy -- new rope on mine. climbing down. Pet's boomerang lights up as a flickering candle when he's alone. Niyol starts climbing down, Pet following. Pet's light telling him when he's fully alone!   they both climb down into this carved out stone mine. a flicker of orange light ahead in the cave nahuatl tazul mine   the same name as the lady!!! from the tomb.   niyol is 7.5 feet long. our deer softboy. lanky awkward tall softboy   Pet becomes a cucumber stoat. OMG   two paths. Pet gives Niyol a pep talk, Niyol is a seed boy, not a war boy. Niyol is feeling pretty panicky. Pet is in control. (not kieran, KIRIN or qirin, mythological Chinese giraffe/unicorn type deal) (someone brought a gift giraffe to ruler in China, and so myth of kirin, silent flying beast, etc) walking quietly toward the fire in the dark, the smell of smoke, they step into an eerie burning area, small area of chairs, rug, trying to see if smell from before is pick back up-able here.   old smell, peolpe havent been there recently, 3 exits, PEt looking for fresh tracks. basket of jerkey   Niyol and someone else!! Niyol holding up a dagger and unlit boomerang, another person still descending the ladder. it is illegal to practice the kirin faith.   Lady Tazul , ancestors had been a very prosperous line, fallen from grace, cheap costume jewelry, mine ran dry, some kind of mineral // trustlite. early sunner settlers gifted the land and the mine. good upstanding sunner family. trustlite unique to the area. her great great grandmother was a celebrant of some minor renown for discovering the truslite.   Rajiv: could the diadem be made of truslite? Illy WAIT I KNOW ABOUT truslite! something made, not a found material. the diadem itself as the diadem fuels the machine that finds truslite truslite is mixed with water, then is antimagic water   part of mine preexisted , mine and diadem preexisted these sunners, may even have been kirin, artifact in mine, then tazuls expanded it. (was diadem created, forged? probablypresunners!! that was then taken by sunners?   Amaya - Fred / Niyol - Shaggy / Pet - Scooby / Rajiv - Velma / Illy - Daphne   Illy had 3 water cards stacked up for a natural 4 roll to make for esoterica to remember sunner lore about the diadem   Pet launches himself on Rajiv to protect Niyol, falls off rope   we all climb down Niyol invisible awkward deer boy.   Pet leads the way with stealth, the four of us , we're very bad at sneaking   lots of meat. Niyol is our only cooking guy.   we send niyol up top to pull up rope and make sure no one gets out   then the 3 of us quietly clearing the mine   next room, 4 sleeping bags, pink and gold and white clothes, book in a sleeping bag , and a blue geode book is some kind of journal , 3 days ago, anxiety about something that's coming up, 3 days to floralia, we have to do it before then. "we'll get it on the road" taking it before it arrived in Dendari? "ran into that bitch Helena" people that don't like Helena. clearly sounds like I'll find an in game mechanism for gathering peoples secrets and using it (diary with secrets)   clothes still warm (geode is antimagic rock?) (the dead woman's missing earring, glows in the dark)   we tell kirin we come in peace, we claim not to be sunners, i walk in the back   [patchwork of ruins still glowing, but all scratched up, not clear why it's still growing -- rajiv engineering check on these wild rune ruins. it's a machine having to do with the kirin statue, creating truslite. some parts still intact, creating light magic, and sensing approaching people. rest of glyph is set up so that whoever activates it appropriately with the right word, does antimagic and inspire    
Sat, Jul 1st 2023 03:37

ENCOUNTER IN MINE , indigenous patlana kirin   (let's all go design our own chars)   "we are the pauhui, our larger nation was called the Tlai. though the glyph was damaged, we believe now that we have the diadem is back, we can recover a part of its power.   plan "we fight off dendori, and rally our people to resist the shatah before the shatahani muster all their forces" i can tell she truly believes what she's saying, she's a radicalist, with no support, she is not deceiving us or deceiving us about shatah's history. currently slavery is outlawed, but when they first colonized the area, it was not. well before her time. most of her people have assimilated   rajiv believes the great bird brought us here for this reason. at the very least to be near this holy sight. ittihazza (aspect of dead / lost stories) rajiv followed lessons of itihaaza, and it brought us here.   "the pauhui people didnt build this, we found it. it was so beautiful it had to be divine, it had to be preserved. we've never come close to replicating something like this." they say the statue could be one of the architects.   channel mana into rajiv to reconstruct this thing   Niyol comes down saying flare has gone up. we are trying to convince these 4 pauhui radicals to take the diadem and run with us instead of trying to die here defending against dendori.   lolmg we're convincing these pauhui freedom fighters to come with us instead of standing here to die.   I find some wild rocks behind the thing   pet throws 4 mana to turn rajiv into a kirin, rajiv takes the hit, gets 2 mana and tries to reconstruct see this thing in action. see what it can do , still looks very cool vision of last glowing crystal scraped off glyph, it must have grown from the glyph at some point? removing them damaged it, but this last piece broke it. as you wind back further in time there is more stone, it looks healthier. the more they chipped away at it, the less it grew. they DUG TOO GREEDILY AND TOO DEEP the STATUE USED TO WEAR THE DIADEM. they took the diadem away at the end. sees back in the vision some patlana people discovering the shrine. people dressed more like pauhui , finding this place flowering with crystals, glowing from every direction, purple soft heavenly light throughout   damn sunner syncretism taking indigenous magic they think looks pretty lolololol many   people come in armor here worshipping at sacred site last couple visions harder to grasp, hazy, fractured , then he drops to 1 HP , he gets a glimpse of someone humble in origin with fishing pole on their back, finding the place   rajiv drops to his knees, feels a presence that allowed this to happen. allowed him to see that much. we take the last bit of truslite. niyol named horse winifred   2 on one horse, 2 of the other 4 say they werent known, they me and niyol on winnifred, , two patlana on each other, Pet and niyol and winnifred these are all horrible ideas, we let Niyol say goodbye to Winifred   we're flying up out of there,   Safina / Xyla Rebel Queen Safina & queen consort Xyla (accompanying spouse)   make them sound like relevant researchers? Pet goes to go hide the diadem as a buzzard keep diadem in backpack   heading along a path to intercept us, great endeavour moving toward us   Xyla has been studying lepotzli (their name for the holy site) says she can share about it and give info. Safina glares at her a bit.   Harumi basically offers "so y'all will give us more info on this place if we give you sanctuary?"   hopefully not letting harumi or zuni know that she's a wanted fugitive. (or will be, people dont necessarily know to connect her to the missing diadem)   suddenly our conversation is interrupted, as entire ship lights up with soft golden light, diadem's light fades as it goes into the whole ship. Pet sets diadem out of backpack and it lights up whole ship and diadem becomes a little less bright  
get 3 exp

Sat, Jul 1st 2023 03:37