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Tue, Dec 26th 2023 10:02   Edited on Wed, Dec 27th 2023 04:12

Session 8 Notes

continuing the great underwater tunneling in mushroom land
Wed, Dec 27th 2023 12:15   Edited on Wed, Dec 27th 2023 12:33

Pet's vignette: first time holding a weapon (first time xforming w/ weapon) the night when shit went down , while camped out on Great Endeavor, under attack by unidentified group Pet was first to see the airship in the distance in the stormy night   PIRATES, ring the alarm, sends pet to hide, last convo with dad, password is mango. -- last time he sees his father , tall moko moko, -- Rajiv reminds Pet of his dad. kahi pirate sees him , notices, and then leave. he saw some masked kahi. they had some goggles.   Illy: last time you saw your childhood best friend -- farewell party, sending peregrination for citlali(c) she's going to some prestigious internship at some government thing in idylla , big deal, civic administration i've heard a couple promotions for her since then we smile at each other with gritted teeth, casting shade and being very showily polite , ceremonial parting she was excited to be going somewhere else, and getting away from here, (brief moment of humane/sincerity, she shows real excitement to be leaving Shandiin), usually we're just savage with each other and don't say a single true thing, ) (brief glimpse of humanity) she was not excited to come back, has spent 2 years away , usually 2 years and then expected you come back (doesnt always happen)   Rajiv : a day with his childhood imaginary friend out in the fields with the truffalo, imaginary friend is painted --- looks like a painting more than a real, a little Prismo-esque. stick figure character , pictogram of hero, that's rajiv's imaginary friend. lmao ---> telling and hearing stories from hero nonverbal Sik is the pictogram hero, the quintessential hero with way too many overlapping stories and qualities, , does not speak but is like a flip book , only visual , depicting various adventures. then he tries to stab a cloud.   Moony Suuni --> throws heroic lance kid's spear into cloud, Sik jumps off and hits cloud which explodes , then rajiv runs off to find his older brother         omg the art styles for our vignettes are so damn different. --> illy flashbacks --> bridgerton w/ a little violence Pet --> Arcane the show , more tragic spiderverse. -->
Wed, Dec 27th 2023 02:17

what are we taking or leaving in the altar/crypt end. we leaving coffin, inside of coffin   sitting at center of electricity. we take statue and leave one of two coffins closed. we put talisman back.   Pet is scout ahead getting 3 perception   Illy takes statue   back to pool, left and right , left going north another left right split   dead end left , waves off to the right   Illy goes to explore dead end, ATTACKED BY CROCODILE COCODRILO   it's water, +2 attack, +4 damage , nearly takes out illy, now attack pet, not looking good   Pet hits his head, knocked out, unconscious, prone, bleeding out--   we need to figure out how bleeding stuff works, cuz pet is dying. pet goes to 0, first turn, Pet on his turn started bleeding out starts bleeding out 0 , on his turn dies or gets disability (disability will be then proposed by player, approved by fortune teller)   Pet will have left knee issue Illy climbs by pet for pet disability v lingering injuries, diff varities of dis/abilities   Rajiv heals and wakes up Pet , after crocodile tries to kill   illy 7 above, does 8 damage, kills crocodile.   Pet   crocodile with legs, horned serpent with 4 legs, chinese dragon dealio. looks like statue upstairs   I retrieve dart,   illy sees thing and calls for help. Rajiv run up, tells illy to get out. illy hits and runs back, alligator misses 3x then hits him once. then illy climbs over Pet. then crocodile fucking eating Pet. maiming his leg. Pet's in pain   Deshret and their skateboard trends before they switched to sandboardin   Illy super jittery, Rajiv is in charge. convincing pet to xform into something with a healing factor   we get back upstairs Harumi says we're going back to ship, can't go down   Illy draws out map , , guard at the pool, other people can go take it   takarut, harumi , suten rekh xyla safina   Harumi takes Pet back to the ship , Pet relaxes   Illy walks others into tomb   Rajiv stands guard with buddies exploring stuff, trying to get lightning sword
Wed, Dec 27th 2023 03:41

Buddy leads me up into storm and over to ship -- leading Buddy   Illy gets onto the ship with buddy and with the fancy thunder thing   clean j   we have a total of 6 guards + intern and guard captain niyol amaia, illy rajiv, xyla safina, then Zuni and Pet   Zuni Pet Illy all back on ship   2 days on ship   Rajiv looking at thunder thing   illy arcana 1 out of 2 needed. I have seen graffiti that is used for making bombs. they make partial bomb signal. this is not that but feels like it's a piece of a greater whole, structurally   can i use deception to pass off other peoples secrets as my own   unhealthy pathological lying that Illy has got going on some sort of water primary magic, water / secondary air artifact , Illy gives it to Aiyana for her to hold on. it's a very special cog   thunder orb maybe has to do with the original orb that's shielding the other diadem Pet's got a limp we unearth the protolana plethora dont care about bones   rajiv wants to get a little academic credit illy doesnt care much? illy cares about history, learning, but not sure what kind of recognition or significance illy is looking for   Pet's splint as disability tool kit? nah it's just part of healing? might find some other kind of disability kit, stops him from using standard action as move action   trauma of crazy crocodile attack Pet got limp, chewed up knee, wanted to take the hit instead of either of us, felt bad about sending illy down that hallway Illy got hurt , saw Pet go down after he got out of the way --> worried about Rajiv feeling responsible for both of them getting hurt   how to handle Pet disability ? negotiation between fortune teller and player. arc, or footnote, effects and ability to mitigate effects kit and proficiency   amaya and niyol safina xyla and one of who we guard they come back with injuries, no deaths PATTERN TO THE PATHWAYS if you take a left, you have to take a right. if you take two lefts , alligator attack you have to alternate left and right, if you deviate at all, labyrinth, crocodiles attack N or S path, theyve just done N path, but the we who guard the vast enigma beyond color's shape says N and S path are the same.   minute details, there are straight lines carved into the ground, like the straight lines carved into the upper area , like in the landing area outside. similar but parallel lines. sensing and somehow bringing in horned serpent into that. Rajiv successfully blocks the magic.   other hallway sounds like water.   it's an air dead end. there is also water, lightning, etc. is the left right go on forever, an illusion, or a hallucination. or maybe only way to bypass it is to go straight   we go further in, to intersection, we find symbols about 12 turns into the labyrinth symbols are on the T of the intersection, straight ahead of us could this happen from erosion ? rajiv studying flora 3, this is not natural symbols this is written language   i don't understand the language, but it's pictographic, Rajiv having Sik flashback. -- serpent depicted here, little slithery stair serpent symbols illy uses deep politics knowledge to get a better esoterica role serpent following that left right pattern like us, it keeps moving along this path, seems to be stuck, going through the motions, doing the same thing over and over again, being caged, for   forming a circle out magic water monster.   the whole point of this maze is either to trap horned serpents or the giant serpent   it was 12 in cuz the zodiac ?? we'll do 13th, then we go back.      
Wed, Dec 27th 2023 04:12

we take that discovery to akahata. he says horned serpent is usually depicted as member of zodiac that is opposed to order. thunder bird is upset with the chaos of the horned serpent.   if it follows the pattern it's trapped, it's stuck in a loop, if it were to get out of the pattern it could escape. the thunderbird cult, trapping horned serpent vaguely with some kind of vast magic set up thing. is alllll of this around us a big thing built into keeping the horned serpent trap. thunder bird in control here?   3 magic circle things   1 look see orb the burny orb through which you look the little lizard thing   suten rekh, lizard orb, wraps around burny orb , now we can see diadem inside more clearly     clear language on wall might be a taunt or telling people they're trapped. it's a dead end labyrinth.   let's go look through look see orb , misty orbs, Pet is using looksee orb   akihata says theyre opposed. but here they dont actually look all that opposed? this is also a temple to the horned serpent, not necessarily a cage, a temple, meant to teach some kind of lesson, doesnt do things straight forward.   thunder bird temple has a very straight forward orderly thing meanwhile the horned serpent temple is more complicated.   horned serpent pretty chaotyic and violent