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Legends of the Broken Spine

This is a bard specific page to provide possible legends to pursue from across the Broken Spine. Legends refresh in port, and by spending one day in a major port you may learn new legends of the local area.    The Origins of the World: There is a legend that deep within the heart of Mana Jalqabaa lies the forgotten lands. It is an ancient series of valleys and oversized cities built for colossal titans. Deep within is said to be the original primordial beings, the Beast of the Land, the Beast of the Sea, and the Beast of the Sky. For reasons unknown it is said that all three beasts are no longer in their ancestral grounds. It is said the footprints of Behemoth, the Beast of the Land created the continents. It is said the tears of Leviathan, the Beast of the Sea created the great river runway, and in its travels, it created the oceans. It is said that the Ziz, the Beast of the Sky created the air itself in its ascent, and that great sky-cities followed it, only to crash during a terrible battle with the beast. It is said that the great sky cities of Mana Jalqabaa can still be found there, and are filled with treasures and revelations uncountable.    The Tragedy of Port Romance: It is said that some 70 years ago, A pirate "king" named Jolly old William founded a new kind of port on the shores of Mana Jalqabaa. His city would be dedicated to the arts, to culture, to storytelling. A haven for lovers and bards from the hardship of war and a utopia for all beings. So it was for a time, and his call attracted many poets, playwriters, painters and scholars who built a vibrant community to rival Port Eloquent or even Freeport. But it was not to last. In the waning days of Jolly old William's life, a darkness crept into the dreams of the residents of Port Romance, and a madness into their waking lives. Some reported being only able to see in yellow, and leaving yellow markings upon the town itself. Others claimed that things from the hills were watching them at night. Murders rose within the town, and Jolly old William himself was allegedly killed and thrown from his mansion into the streets below. The nightmares from the dreams of the town became manifest, and those who could fled for their lives, abandoning the town and the residents to the horrors from beyond the hillsides. Many great works of art are still within the ghost town, along with wealth uncounted, and to this day bards from across the broken spine often speak of a "great pilgrimage" to reclaim the town and restore it to it's proper glory.    The Personal Stash of Cayden Cailean: The accidental god was once a mortal man, and it is said that in the days before his ascension, he was an amateur distiller of adult beverages. The greatest of these beverages are said to be known as his "personal stash" of rum. So good is his private collection that it is said that a single drop of the beverage is enough to bring even the dead back to life so that they may have their fill. Of course the bottles of rum have traded hands over the centuries, and the number of beverages has doubtless waned, but some must still exist. If anyone were to know, it would be the merchants of Freeport who have been known to broker and barter for the rare beverage in the past, and may know where some still resides.    The Pearls of Besmera: One of the greatest known heists of the goddess Besmera is her theft of Shelyn's pearl necklace during a raid upon Nirvana. Of course, the pirate goddess didn't actually want the treasure for herself (it was far too gaudy), and so broke the necklace into a number of tiny pieces and tossed them to the ocean waves. Each of the individual pearls possess immense arcane power to be sure, but together if reformed would grant unknowable power and beauty to it's wearer. It is said that some clams and ocean creatures know the locations of some of the hidden pearls and that a friendly pirate can gather information on where some of them might have ended up, be they on far off island shores, or in the depths of the ocean's waters.    The Craters of Bag Island: Legend tells that the haunted craters of Bag Island may contain hidden watery tunnels leading to vast treasure from ancient beings that fell to earth long ago. The pirates of Slipcove have long since forbid any from delving too deep into the island's interior to investigate, but rumor has it that a Wizard from Bengion's foremost magical academy is looking for daring adventurers to deny the pirates of Slipcove and lead him into the island's craters. He may be found in Freeport for interested parties.    The Arches of Sorcerer's Harbor: One of the more well-known ruins of the Broken Spine lies directly in the center of Sorcerer's Harbor. The ancient arches are a prominent fixture in the pirate settlement, and serve as almost a tourist attraction to local sailors. However, recently, it is rumored that some of the runes on the ancient archways have begun to glow, and many worry that soon strange or unknown creatures may begin coming through the arch-portals. The purposes of the Arches are unknown, as is the identity of who originally built them, but an enterprising pirate could attempt to persuade the Free Captain of the Island Arronax Endymion into finding out.    The Pit of Raugsmoda: Deep within Motaku Island beyond the safety of Port Eloquent is said to be an ancient dungeon that was once home to a powerful lich. A legendary fight occurred there nearly a hundred years ago between a now famous piece of eight, the Minotaur Captain Falthran Pullsiva that expelled the lich to parts unknown and cleared her from the dungeon. Falthran Pullsiva spent many years exploring the pit until his death in pitched combat against the Hurricane King. With his death the remains of the dungeon has never been fully explored, and the location of the pit supposedly sealed by any who does not possess the piece of eight's key, likely resting at the bottom of the ocean where he fell near the hermitage lying between the Palace of Water and the Horn of Tiamat  A Monster Hunter's Guild: Rumor has it that Pathfinder Rothrodoro Guff, a Giff from Susa is restarting the old Monster Hunter's Guild in Freeport. With an aim on restoring civilization throughout the Spine and Mana Jalqabaa, he is accepting new contracts and looking for willing sailors and adventurers to venture into Mana Jalqabaa in search of adventure, plunder and epic game. Rumor has it that some of Pathfinder Guff's first contacts may be in Freeport itself where a number of shapeshifters have apparently infiltrated the cities populace.    The Treasure of Lake Vene: Deep within the heart of Shark Island lies a hidden treasure supposedly left by the pirate captain and piece of eight Vivienne Stormheart in between smuggling missions. With the disappearance of Ms. Stormheart, her treasure has never been recovered from the island. A hall supposedly consisting of relics from the Old Empire smuggled out through an imperial blockade, and a totem that allows it's user to speak to any animal, the treasure trove would likely make any up and coming pirate obscenly wealthy. Of course shark island accurately named, and who knows what dangers have dissuaded other adventures from pursuing the treasure deep within the island.    The Fangs, Horn and Teeth of Tiamat: The island chain off the coast of Port Eloquent are home to supposedly dozens of dragons and cultists loyal to them in the service of Tiamat, who believe the cave network on the island to be a great fane to her glory. Aashaq the Annihilator, a terrible red dragon believes herself to be the reincarnation of the goddess of dragons herself, and has a habit of burning any who disagree. No one would dare be stupid enough to try and rob from the dragon, but that doesn't mean that some drunken pirates have attempted to race through the eastern and western fangs on glory and profit in Port Eloquent. Aashaq the Annihilator herself is not unreasonable so long as her vanity is appeased, and she has treated with pirate captains before for temporary partnerships, but few are foolish enough to even attempt an alliance. Aashaq's horde deep within her home known as "the Gullet" is legendary, and is said to contain several whole ships taken as prizes and shrunk by the dragon, now stuck in bottles.   The Hand of Gozreh: Some sailors tell tale that they have seen a hand rising from the water towards the sky in certain remote areas of the water. Others have reported seeing the opposite, a hand stretching from the clouds towards the water. The hand will sometimes point the ways to great treasure, or so the legends tell, while others seem to think the hand is waiting for something to be delivered into it's possession. No sailor thus far has dared to approach the waterspout, and its appearance is seemingly random within the Broken Spine.    Besmera's Fane: Deep in the middle of Tellas Ocean northeast of Illizmagorti lies the legendary fane of Besmera. Those seeking forgiveness in the Goddess' eyes, or seeking great treasure and purpose often visit the shrine, located on a shipwreck near a waterfall far inland. Merfolk clerics and wardens guard the shrine and protect it from those who would seek to harm the goddess' layer, and its said that even sea monsters revere the shrine and will not follow into it's waters.

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