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Ri'am is a large trade federation located on the northern shores of Mana Jacalba. Though occupants will often refer to the territory as "the great nation of Ri'am", no formal unifying government exists within the region. Instead, Ri'am is governed by a series of local sultanates, informal agreements, and above all else: a need for trade.   Ri'am is perhaps best known for the Infinite Caravan, a trade caravan consisting of close to a hundred thousand migrant workers, artisans, and merchants who travel up and down Ri'am with the season to harvest goods, trade with cities, and enrich themselves in the process. Many different offshoot caravans will deliver goods to Zir, Ibris, Nephysis, Qut and beyond. By naval vessel, merchant and emissary ships will travel to Balyntine, Alba, Bengion, The Masacali Consulate, Alba, and even to Mos Forma. In this way the entirety of Ri'am is enriched, and the merchant cashflow has ensured that with rare occasion, the cities of Ri'am have been at peace from outside forces. That has not prevented internal strife however, and currently the nation is at odds with rogue dragon sorcerers, a tyrannical sultanate, and a series of unusually well-organized raiders known as the Water Lords.   Of the goods produced in Ri'am, perhaps the most well-known to outsiders is a holy draft known as the Sun Orchid Elixer. Rumors of it's origin and ingredients abound, but the potion is fabled to extend the lifespan of any who consume it by close to a hundred years’ time. Some speculate that the elixir is infused with Sarenrae's divine essence, a claim rebuked by the city of Solestus. A single vial of the draft is said to sell for hundreds of thousands of gold pieces at a time, and the sale of the beverage has made a number of monarchs, nobles, and merchant figures beholden to the continued success of Ri'am.   While the Sun Orchid Elixer receives much of the prestige, most of the the Infinite Caravan's income comes from cash crops grown in Ri'am and minerals mined from its mountain ranges. Chief among these are Tobacco and Olives, along with Iron, Chromium, Copper, Grapes, Figs, Oranges, and ingredients for several key Medicines. For a long part of the federation's history, an additional source of income was from the sale of Djinn. While that practice has been abolished and is punishable by death in the city of Al'Jany, a considerable smugglers trade for the people of the lamp remains vibrant and lucrative for those who know where to look.   While the factions of Ri'am are unified by a desire for profit, they differ wildly on how to reach their goals. The Tyrant Sultan Hazim IV of Tijara has made a literal mountain of gold within his city with no signs of slowing it's construction. The Genie Council of Al'Jany trade openly and generously for news of their bound comrades or for old forbidden magics. The Republic of Zuhur are always on the hunt for fresh plants and roses to add to their lucrative gardens. General Kacht-Tul of Al'Sireuf trades constantly for weapons and materials of war to fight against Tiv Sul's monstrosities. What the Gnomes of Mich'Ada cannot build themselves, they will pay generously to acquire from outside traders. The Infinite Caravan provides all they can upon their infinite journey, and what they cannot provide, the Republic of Thieves in Arbaeyn will sell at a premium.   While the trade routes followed by the Infinite Caravan are well travelled, the bulk of Ri'am and the Infinite Desert especially remains hostile territory. Hidden tombs, caverns, and entire cities litter the interior of the desert for the bold or the foolish. With the rediscovery of the Tower of Wisdom in recent years, many now suspect that other legends once thought as mere fables may have more truth to them than they appear. The Old Wind Dragon Frezi in recent years has poured over old children's books telling the stories of a thousand legends, cross referencing tomes to see which may hold a kernel of truth. A scramble to map the desert may be soon on the horizon, and even cursed lands like Ahriman's Gate may soon be traversed in the name of exploration.


Ri'am is a trade federation of religiously aligned city states. Conflict between these states is minimal thankfully due to a successful trade network organized through the Infinite Caravan. The individual city state's forms of government are as follows:   Tijara: Sultanate Solestos: Theocracy Al'Jany: Djinn Council Zuhur: Direct Democracy Arbaeyn: Direct Democracy Al'Sireuf: Military Dictatorship Mich'Ada: Meritocracy


The culture of Ri'am is first and foremost intertwined with the teachings of the Church of Sarenrae. The Goddess of Mercy is revered, as is the element of fire, which is treated as sacred in Solestos. It's appearance in the Infinite Desert is seen as a sign of divine favor. In keeping with its teachings, those who join the infinite caravan will never be turned away so long as they will work towards the Caravan's cause. The nature of the work offered is often tailored to those with disabilities to ensure that Sarenrae's mercy extends to every member of society regardless of circumstances.   Nature also plays a critical part in the daily life of Ri'am's citizens. Even for those living in the city of Tijara, the threat of the Infinite Desert is always looming, most children are trained from a young age on the necessity of water, how to find shelter in a sandstorm, and how to move through rough terrain without attracting predators. Most trees in northern Ri'am have long since been harvested, creating a source of national shame for most of its citizens to try and rebuild from ages long past. Within the City of Roses especially, efforts to restore the forests and gardens of Ri'am are seen as a generational duty, and some even believe with enough hard work, the infinite desert may even be made to bloom once more.   Mercantile trade is the lifeblood of Ri'ite society. Very rarely are goods not available for trade or purchase if a price can be agreed. A common maxim among traders is "a contract, is a contract, is a contract", and it is considered a taboo to break one’s word or go back on an agreement and against the will of Sarenrae besides. Other common maxims among merchants are "once you have the money, you never give it back", "never spend more than you have to on a service", "always overestimate your expenses", "keep your eyes and ears open" and "the bigger the smile, the sharper the knife". These maxims might make some consider that merchants of Ri'am are cutthroat, and certainly in Tijara especially they can be, but other maxims exist in the interest of the common people. "Peace is good for business", "Never confuse wisdom with luck", "the truth is more consistent than lies", "Vengeance will cost you everything", "profit is temporary, friendship is eternal", "An angry man is an enemy, a satisfied man is an ally" and "Belief must drive profit, never the inverse".   Legends make up a large part of Ri'ams folklore. Because so much of the country is hidden between constantly shifting desert sands, lost temples, old fables, and ancient kingdoms are all said to have some kernel of truth in them. What is clear is that the original Djinn binders did exist, and Genie magic is very real. Genies built the city of Tijara, and many other old cities besides, and Wish Magic is commonplace in certain parts of Ri'am. This of course has led to numerous stories about bad wishes, and freed Djinn, or about wishes that change history and culture. It is ultimately unprovable how many of these stories are true or not. Certainly magic items, buildings, and creatures are commonplace within Ri'am. The art of Magic Carpet crafting is a pastime, as are lamps, gems, pearls of power, and other arcane foci. Almost as common of the stories of magic are stories of merchants, and especially noble thieves. The phrase "honor among thieves" likely has no more accurate description than for the criminals of Ri'am who even when taking from others seem to go out of their way to avoid robbing from the poor, or each other.   Culture from Ri'am has been exported to other nations, the church of Sarenrae has spread across Celasper by way of holy missionaries, the art of Water Polo originated in Tijara, and the joys of tobacco and cigars likely originated from the shores of the nation. Above all else, the concept of immortality itself as mortals understand it likely originates from Ri'am by sale of the Sun Orchid Elixer. The cities of Ri'ams largely neutral policies towards other nations often makes them arbiters of dispute either economically or militarily. Tijara maintains a few strategic alliances however breaching this act of neutrality. One is with Balyntine, a state that shares Ri'ams religious convictions and from whom Ri'am acquires most of its lumber, and the other is Alba, as it's largest trading partner. Alba and Ri'am have perhaps more trade than any two nations on earth, and host permanent embassies, and compete in sporting and Water Polo tournaments.

Public Agenda

  1. Maintain the flow of trade.
  2. Expand the worship of Sarenrae.
  3. Maintain peace between all nations on Celasper.


Tobacco, Olives, Iron, Chromium, Copper, Grapes, Figs, Oranges, Citrus, Medical Ingredients, Alchemical Supplies, Magic Carpets, Lamps, Elemental Foci, Arcane Foci, Djinn, and the Sun Orchid Elixer.


The territory of Ri'am can trace it's history back to the Age of Night. Legend tells that during the banishment of the sun after the events of Earthfall, the goddess Sarenrae descended to Celasper to battle an unspeakable evil and took shelter within the Infinite Desert. Some theologians go so far as to speculate that the Infinite Desert was formed by Sarenrae's divine form touching the ground. During her shelter legend tells that she educated the first peoples of Ri'am and delivered unto them the holy word, and the sacred fire, and the means to live in a harsh world. Upon her ascent back into the heavens, the faithful attest that Sarenrae left a holy blessing, known as the Eternal Flame as a sign of her covenant with mankind. The Holy City of Solestus arose around the flame, and is considered the oldest continuous religious settlement on Mana Jacalba.   Other settlements have risen and fallen throughout history. The Tower of Wisdom and legends surrounding it date back to the Age of Wonder, and with it's recent discovery many now suspect that other lost kingdoms may exist within the Infinite Desert's great expanse. Among the more famous rulers is the Mythical Sultan Nazmiye I, the Signet Bearer. She is said to have first traversed between the elemental planes and using unknown magics, bound a number of Djinn to her service, using their power to usher in a great and terrible kingdom of untold magic and wonder. Legends tell that her descendants greed and hubris led to a great war amongst the Djinn for supremacy, and left all in ruin in it's wake. Among the other known ancient kingdoms, Kwrali is the most accessible, a powerful fortress that once controlled spice and tobacco production for Ri'am until it was destroyed during a disastrous war with ancient Osirion.   Among the modern-day nation states, the city of Tijara is the most ancient and the most prominent. The City of Opulence was founded early within the Age of Heroes and its sailors were the first to explore and map the Great Tijaran Sea. Indeed they claim to have discovered the isle of Alba, and of course the sea is named after their city. Tijara is by far the most populated city in Ri'am and its sultanate has endured in some form or another since the city's founding. The people of Tijara are said to have chopped down every tree on the northern coastline to make vessels to explore and exploit the water, and their great merchant navy remains a significant powerhouse to this day, even if most of their wood now comes from Balyntine. The city is filled with prominent magic built on the backs of genie kind, and while the keeping of Djinn as slaves is now illegal, many are still bound by forms of hidden servitude or corrupt business agreements.   The Infinite Caravan is said to have initiated in the immediate aftermath of the destruction of Kwrali at the hands of Osirion to take advantage of a trade vacuum. The migrant caravan has slowly gained support, supply and manpower over the centuries to the point of being its own massive city in the modern day. Where the caravan travels, miles and miles of tents and makeshift shops follow moving from place to place. Typically, this caravan has is guided by a Horizon Walker to scout the deserts path, but there are no clear leaders amongst its people beyond the most prominent merchants.   Al'Jany was founded by rebel Djinn who escaped their bonds but found themselves unable or unwilling to return to their homelands in the elemental plane. Unburdened and unbound they used their wish magic to build a city of their own next to a prominent oasis in the Infinite Desert. Since its founding roughly 900 years ago it has attracted several other rebels, freedom fighters and those wishing to gaze upon splendor, and now the city's school of magic is considered one of the greatest in the world. Al'Jany has been to war several times with Tijara over the use of slaves, but the dangers of crossing the desert has kept their conflicts minimal in scope. Today, the city faces far greater dangers from the hordes of Tosculi in Tiv Sul, and any plans for liberation are temporarily on hold.   Mich'Ada and Al'Sireuf are interconnected cities. The City of Wheels was founded first by Ibrisian settlers looking to take advantage of the Nephysian Corridor and trade with the Infinite Caravan. They soon learned they were not alone, as another group of settlers across the mountain pass founded a similar city within a hundred and fifty years, Thri-Kreen exiles from Keld. The two cities immediately began a trade alliance and even built great trams and sky trolleys to carry people between their settlements. While the City of Mantis has long since eclipsed its sister city in terms of size due to the influx of Thri-Kreen and the strategic importance of the city, the two remain incredibly close allies, with Mich'Ada providing the Manti with weapons of war, and the Thri-Kreen providing their Gnomish allies with manpower and natural resources.   Arbaeyn was founded by citizens who fled Kwrali after its collapse. Ostensively, the mission of the city is to guard the Mesektet gate to prevent Apophis from escaping the underworld, and to allow for the lunar passage to the astral realm for trade. In actuality, the underground caverns have become home to the greatest organized collection of thieves and scoundrels outside of Freeport. Trading between Zir, Qut, and Ri'am in equal measure, this band of organized thieves likes to take honor in their work, referring to themselves as a merchant's republic. Despite multiple attempts at raids to destroy the city by Ziran authorities, undercity has flourished. The holy mission of Mesektet has also never been forgotten, and it is not uncommon for many rogues to double as honest and honorable priests legitimately performing the work of the gods while robbing the alter. The poor are welcome in Arbaeyn, as are the disenfranchised, and some of the city's leaders believe their robbery is part of an "honest work" to keep the powerful in check.   Zuhur is the youngest city in Ri'am, founded by refugees from Qut and the Hyksos beyond. The Tabaxi fled their homes from the Ziran onslaught with little more than the clothes on their backs and the seeds in their pockets. The resulting gardens built in Zuhur are made of plants not native to Ri'am, and are considered by some to be a miracle of Gozreh. The city of roses is famous for its roses and the druids who grow them, and many paladins of Sarenrae will make pilgrimage to the village to see Dawnflowers in bloom, the holy flower of Sarenrae.   On the subject of Zir, the nation has provoked and attacked Ri'am multiple times in recent history, raiding border settlements in an attempt at eastern expansion. Under the current Pharaoh however, these attacks have ceased. The Sorcerer-King of Zir seems more willing to trade with Ri'am then see them destroy their fields and caravans to spite the invaders, and for now a tenuous peace endures. In recent years, multiple rogue dragons have fled from Zir into Ri'am, including the Blue Dragon Qivan, an exiled nobleman of Zir who has taken up residency in an abandoned temple east of Al'Jany. The Tosculi of Tiv Sul are less forgiving, and Al'Jany and Al'Sireuf have been in a state of conflict for much of the last century with their southern neighbors. Thankfully, the disorganization of the hives has allowed for long reprieves between attacks, for the cities to rebuild, but the threat of raids is always on the horizon.

Demography and Population

While humans are the most common race within Ri'am, there are several significant minorities, including Thri-Kreen, Gnomes, Catfolk, Dragonborn, Changlings, Kasath, Gnolls, and Genasi.   Of particular note are the Kasath, beings not native to Celasper. Though their derelict ships are thought to have crash landed in Qut, a noticeable population of them now reside in the City of Roses, making periodic expeditions into the Infinite Desert in search of lost technology.   By population both the Infinite Caravan and Tijara have well over a hundred thousand residents of every race class and creed, with each other city holding little more than a few thousand a piece.


Kwrali That Was: The ancient city sitting on the Raed River is said to have had it's founding during the Age of Heroes and was believed to be the original capital of the Mythical Sultan Nazmiye I, the Signet Bearer. While the city offered many splendors it could not resist the might of Osirion. Sultan Ahmaq the Fool brought disaster to the kingdom by attempting to repel an Osirion host by harnessing the power of Ahriman, the Destroyer. The King of Divs kept his promise by destroying the Osirion host, before turning on his summoner to lay Kwrali low and sink the city into shadow. While the clergy of Sarenrae has since dispelled much of the cities evil, the depths of the city remain unexplored to the present day, and the ancient palace and the true name of Ahriman remain undiscovered.   The Mesektet Gate: Considered a joint Ziran and Ri'ite monument, the Mesektet Gate holds a gateway to the Astral Plane, as well as to the Plane of Shadow. The God Ra is said to pass through the gate on his way into the heavens according to Osirion tradition and some Ziran scholars believe that there may be some truth to this claim. These same scholars theorize that the Unholy Serpent Apophis lies somewhere within its depths. While Zirans and Ri'ites both worship freely here, the bulk of the day to day operations are run by the nearby city of Arbaeyn, much to the government of Zir's displeasure. Each year, a gateway opens through a Moonpath to the Astral Plane, allowing for trade with planeswalking travelers and the Infinite Caravan, making the spot a lucrative stop on their journey.   The Raed River: Much blood has been spilt upon this river, which marks the territorial divide between Zir and Ri'am. Water from the river is plentiful, and in the north of Ri'am, the eastern bank of the river has a predictable growing season for a variety of plants and cash crops. Crocodiles are common sights upon the river, as are the occasional Selkie.   The Forgotten Range: This massive mountain range separates Ri'am from the dangerous Forgotten Lands. While a single path does lead through the mountainside, it is considered incredibly dangerous. Bandits, Griffins, Demons and worse guard the pass, and very few are foolish enough to enter in the current age.   The Orchard: The Orchard is the one place on Celasper where the Sun Orchid can be grown. The theories of why this is true vary, with the most common explanation being that it is a gift from Sarenrae herself. Entry to the Orchard is prohibited to all by the special order of Alchemists to maintain the plant's consistent growth. When it is time to sell the Elixer produced, a host of Genies from Al'Jany are specifically hired to guard and ferry the shipment across the Infinite Desert. Multiple heists have been attempted to steal the Sun Orchid Elixer. While none have successfully infiltrated the Orchard (to public knowledge), a selection of four vials was stolen 10 years ago by bandits in the Infinite Desert. The criminals who committed the crime have never come forward, and security has only tightened as a result.   The Epherium Corridors: A large stone plateau in the middle of the desert hides incredibly dangerous underground caverns. Treasure hunters and the mad claim that these corridors wind all over the infinite desert and allow for passage from one side to the other. Others believe that the name Epherium comes from an undiscovered cavern filled with the rare metal waiting to be claimed. Rumors persist that the name Epherium comes from title of a Titan sealed in the age of wonder, and others believe that it refers to a weapon of final judgement from an object not of this world. The truth is unknown and few are stupid enough to enter into this haven for monsters and Aeons.   Ahriman's Gate: When Ahriman was done with the city of Kwrali he did not immediately leave Celasper. The King of Divs lingered for a time, expanding his influence to solidify his power before his summoning expired. The pinnacle of his dark influence was a grand monument to pandemonium, constructed so that the King of Destruction might have a way back into Celasper at a time of his choosing. Hidden within the center of the Infinite Desert is a palace of Black Sand. Here the dead do not depart. Here the Div reign. Doom prophets of the Div evangelize that for each wish is made upon a Djinn, an Anti-Wish is forced into existence by the Div to counteract that magical weave. If this is true, Ahriman's gate may be the greatest source of Anti-Magic on Celasper. The relics of dead sultans, bound Djinn, A Staff of the Magi, and if the blasphemies are true, half of Nethys' face can be found within the Palace. At its pinnacle is a gateway to the realm of Ahriman, though none have ever drawn close enough to see it.   The Desert’s Howl: Perhaps the greatest evil in Ri’am is not a dragon or a worm, but the desert itself. The nature of the desert’s howl is unknown, but its presence can be seen back to at least the Age of Night. These stories tell nothing beyond how the desert changed… after its arrival. The creature is described by survivors as having long limbs, with the horns of an ibex and a gaunt, humanlike face with desperate eyes. Its mane is bristled black with hairs sprouting from its elongated neck, its skin gaunt and grey, with talons as black as night and cloven feet allowing it to walk upright. Those it does not kill upon its nightly hunts it transforms into horrible twisted monsters to stalk the desert. It can move across the desert untracked, and possesses the ability to spread a curse across the desert winds. This curse moves through men and beasts like a sickness, leaving those it passes plagued by nightmares and in the worse cases transforming them into horrors beyond comprehension.   Talisra’s Rest: The great cemetery is the final resting place of Talisra, perhaps the greatest Sultan in the history of Tijara. Until recently, the location was a site of pilgrimage for historians and a favored place to bury the dead. However as of two years ago, this is no longer the case. A group of bandits known as the Sands of Time have hidden themselves within the ruins, and disrupted all attempts to dislodge them. Much worse, undead have now been spotted year the cemetery, leading some to believe that powerful necromancers may be among the bandit’s ranks.   Sarenrae’s Embrace: Legend tells that Sarenrae touched the ground of Celasper on this spot, creating a large crater of super-heated rock around her. Inside the caverns surrounding the crater, she taught her teachings to the first citizens of Ri’am during the Age of Night. The spot remains a pilgrimage, but recent activity from massive worms has disrupted pilgrim activities. No one is sure why the worms are being driven to this spot, and attempts to dislodge them have so far been unsuccessful.   The Fane of Qivan: Home to the Blue Dragon Qivan, the ancient dragon is a rebel and heretic who fled from Zir after a coup against his house. The dragon so far has been content to remain within an ancient temple and plateau near the city of Al’Jany and has even repelled attacks from Tiv Sul, but has refused to formally treat with any official emissaries from the City of Magic thus far. Qivan has spoken to a number of mercenaries, adventurers, and scholars however who have approached his domain, indicating the dragon does want something, a boon no government would willingly give.   Wit’s End, Wisdom’s Entry: The ruins of an ancient unidentified metal craft intermingle with the entrance corridors to an ancient road that leads to the Tower of Wisdom in the Keldoan Mountains. Historians are unsure if Wit refers to the name of the ship, the name of a fallen celestial, or to the concept of knowledge itself. The name of the location comes instead from the old story book where the Tower of Wisdom is first mentioned. What is clear is that straying from the path to the Tower of Wisdom quickly invites madness. Something within the strange metal corridors quickly drains the sanity of all who approach, and what few survivors return speak of seeing things just outside of their periphery, whispering in incomprehensible celestial voices. The path to the Tower itself is treacherous, as multiple Divs, ancient puzzles, and a Storm Dragon guard the entrance to the Tower, and the numerous treasures beyond.   Talisra Outpost: A fortress from a bygone era, built to repel the threat of Bengion when the empires power threatened to stretch to the shores of Ri’am. The invasion never came and the fort now sits with minimal occupation. The Sultan of Tijara has slowly been moving in new troops to the citadel over the last few months, though the reason for this unclear.   Hadiqa: The personal hunting grounds and gardens of the Tyrant Sultan are off limits to outsiders. Rumors persist that strange and exotic animals are brought here for the Sultan to hunt, and the most audacious claim that a dragon remains on the island as the Sultan’s consort.   The Westen Xane Range: The road to Ibris remains the most dangerous of the trade routes originating from Ri’am, due in large part to the hostile monsters within the Xane Mountain Range. Hydras, Behirs, Gorgons and Harpies are common place, along with living sandstorms, banished Divs and magic eating camels upon the base of the mountains. To frustrate matters, a mad Gnomish tinkerer by the name of Cicero possesses a fortress somewhere within the mountain range. The artificer sends out Thopters, gadgets and deadly constructs to harass travelers as part of his insane experiments, and the city of Mich’Ada has a large bounty out for his head.   The Hua River: The eastern river of Ri’am is not nearly as fertile as it’s western counterpart, doing little more than to mark the territorial divide with Ibris. Floods from the river are unpredictable, but a few farms of exotic goods due persist here regardless hidden amongst the rocky terrain. Some Marids make their homes upon the river, but rarely interact with outsiders.   The Keldoan Range: Several ruins of the old empire of Keld lie within the remains of the Keldoan pass to Nephysis, and the majority of them are now occupied by terrible monsters and metallic dragons. While the Thri-Kreen of Al’Sireuf have attempted to reclaim these ruins for many years, attempts to hold them are always unsuccessful due to Tosculi interference and ineffective supply lines. Also hidden within the mountain ranges in a small hidden valley is the Tower of Wisdom, perhaps the most famous monument of the Age of Wonder in Ri’am. Recently discovered by a group of Brevian adventurers, attempts to approach the tower have been unsuccessful, due to the interference of several hateful div who wish to plunder the tower’s secrets for themselves.   The Shrine of the Jackal: While werejackals are thankfully rare in Ri’am, they do exist. Those servants of the jackal or those who wish to join the hungry host will find a shrine to the spirit of hunger somewhere within the Infinite Desert. Referred to by heretics as “a most worthy friend”, the spirit of the jackal will enter into willing mortals on the night of the full moon, filling them with a bloodlust and hunger that can only be sated by human flesh.   The Skull of Hermos: The corpse of perhaps the most massive worm to ever live remains hidden within the Infinite Desert, still intact centuries after its death and refusing the decompose. This has led the spot to become a popular hiding spot for bandits or Water Lords within the region, and some have speculated that the treasures the great worm once consumed when it rampaged the continent remain within its stomach. If true, these relics may now be in the hands of numerous criminals exploring the body of the worm uncontested.   Bastet’s Shrine: There is a saying among the people of Ri’am that it is unwise to harm a cat. The reason for this maxim originates from the Shrine of Bastet. On moonlit nights, the goddess of cats will travel across the paths to those who have harmed her creations, summoning them to her temples across Mana Jacalba to fight for her amusement. The winners of these tourneys are often turned into her servants, guarding her shrines and her cats from now until eternity.


Ri'am maintains no official military, with most cities maintaining forces of guards and elite magical task forces to deal with larger threats. The Muharib are perhaps the most proficient soldiers in Ri'am, employed by the Infinite Caravan. These Camel Riders are professional soldiers who guard against threats along the Infinite Desert. Individual members face initiation rituals against monsters and some of it's more veteran members are said to be capable of laying Purple Worms low.


The Church of the Dawnflower is the official religion of Ri'am. Smaller churches exist to Shelyn, Bastet, Ra, and other deities aligned with the cause of good, but all are equally eclipsed by Sarenrae's light. Cults to Rovagog due exist within Ri'am, but their numbers are thankfully few.    The city of Solestos holds the Eternal Flame, a holy reminder of Sarenrae's love for her children, and many make pilgrimage to it every year from across the globe. Solestos is home to eighteen holy warriors, celestials from the Age of Night, encased in stone who surround the Eternal Flame. It is said that if the fire is ever threatened, they will return to life to smite the intruders and reward the righteous.   The city is home to the Dawn Council, a group of holy clerics, paladins, and even celestials who guide the church of Sarenrae in its holy dealings. This council often calls for clerical missions to spread the love of Sarenrae across the globe, and they have been particularly effective in doing so compared to many other religions in the greater pantheon. Despite the Silence some eighty year's prior, messaging to its clergy prior to the god's departure and the presence of numerous celestials have allowed the church of Sarenrae to keep a steady hand through uncertain times. Its current leader is the ArchAngel Sonato, Who Brings the Word after the death of the Peri Habun some twenty years earlier by the Order of the Black Rose. The city has recently received the blessing of a High Empyrean, though they declined a position to serve on the Dawnflower's council.   Solestos will offer shelter to any refugee in need of protection, often using contacts in the Infinite Caravan to allow asylum seekers to disappear and begin a new life, or else ferrying them to foreign sanctums run by repentant Drow, ascendant Tieflings, or freed slaves.   Currently the church of Solestos seeks the whereabouts of a holy weapon once wielded by the Knight of Roses, a key cleric from the Balyntine clergy. The sword "Brotherhood" has been spotted in the city of Tijara and many take it as an omen that Sarenrae is attempting to communicate with her faithful through the silence. Other factions are interested in locating the weapon first however, including the Lich Queen of Mos Forma, who believes the weapon may be linked to the "Fifth Man Theory" surrounding the Silence.

Foreign Relations

Ri'am has no unified diplomatic channels with which to negotiate foreign relations, but individual cities try hard to remain peaceful with one another and with external nations. There are some exceptions to this however:   Allies:
  • Balyntine: The chief provider of Lumber for all cities in Ri'am, it is also the home of Saint Ayla, considered by many to be the last prophet of Sarenrae before the Silence.
  • Alba: The trade hub is considered an cultural, and economic ally of Tijara and all of Ri'am by extension.
  • The Masacali Consulate: Since the foreign crisis, relations between the Masacali Consulate and Ri'am are cold. Solestos' desire to support the worshippers of Sarenrae who make up the bulk of the city of Taj Shahar's population has only worsened conditions with the Consulate's assembly.
  • Zir: Zir has been to war with Ri'am numerous times. The most recent peace reached fifty years ago came after the infinite caravan threatened to destroy the great harvesting fields of northern Ri'am and burn the Sun Orchids. The threat of inheriting a vast desert without profit has cooled a Ziran desire for conquest for now, but border skirmishes along the Raed River remain common.

Infinite Plenty

Founding Date
The Age of Night
Alternative Names
The Great Nation of Ri'am, The Trade Federation
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ri'ite, Tijarans
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
Official Languages

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