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The Church of Aemontrout (A-Mon-Trout)

Known among his faithful as the Starlight Pilgrim, the Healing Hand, and the Guardian of the Spheres, Aemontrout (prounounced A-Mon-Trout) (CG) is the God of wanderers, protectors, seekers, and those far from home. Protection, knowledge and healing are chief among his virtues, and the Pilgrim expects his followers to offer these services throughout their travels.


The church of Aemontrout has no official structure, or organized religious institution of any kind. Followers of the god of wanderers do so in their own way.


Aemontrout's followers can be identified by cloaks, often of green, or by the holy symbol that most wear proudly upon their person. Followers of the Starlight Pilgrim often keep dream journals, recording their interactions in the astral realms at night, as well as journals corresponding their travels and heroic deeds.   The cult of the Starlight Pilgrim is relatively new upon Celasper, and many interpretations of the god are still being developed. It is agreed Desnus 15 is his feast day, celebrating the victory of his followers over the horsemen of Pestilence. The day is marked with celebration, and it is not uncommon for villages to offer free meals to travelers in support of the gods protection. Those who do so are often blessed with healing, and with good fortune.   Also of significance is Neth 30, a day of darkest night, when the followers of Aemontrout hold vigil against forces wreathed in shadow. The evening begins with a light meal, before followers search out for unknown secrets, and hidden conspiracies in new locations. They take action to protect those without a voice. The origin of this date is known only to the god Aemontrout and his herald, but it is known that the god speaks more to his followers on this day than on any other.


The Starlight Pilgrim is not known on Celasper before the 6th era. Many question his appearance after the Silence, some questioning if he is a god at all. Others speculate about his timing. It is known that the church of Aemontrout came to prominence in Brevoy early within the 6th Era, as the followers of the God stopped a breach from the plane of Abaddon, and repelled the daemonic host back across the river Styx. It is believed that Aemontrout himself broke divine covenant to protect the populace, engaging in terrible battle with the horsemen of Death.   Since the Reckoning of Brevoy, the influence of the church of Aemontrout has spread across the former colonies of the Imperium, with a large base of his worship within Oceanea. He is among one of the two primary deities of Brevoy, with strong worship in Iobria, the Nomen Uplands, and with small sects in Ibris, Sardis, and Alba.   Much speculation has been made between the Starlight Pilgrim and the goddess Desna. The Pilgrim refers to her as "the old lady" and states that it was through her use of dreams that the Pilgrim first made contact with mortal worshippers. The two are thought to be staunch allies, though questions of how Aemontrout and the goddess of dreams are connected, or if Aemontrout knows of the her fate are met only with tears.

Mythology & Lore

The Starlight Pilgrim appears as a halfling in a green cloak filled with starlight. He is thought to hold a metal book with a hand upon one cover, and a shield upon the other, which he uses frequently in battle to change shape as he sees fit. Though the starlight pilgrim can appear in any form, he most often appears simply as another halfling man to worshippers and augers. In auguries he appears at a nexus of stars, standing upon a confluence of translucent spheres overlooking a great black sword.   The-Memory-of-Stars is his herald. A former mortal follower elevated to the status of celestial, the Memory acts in places Aemontrout cannot, often appearing to mortals who are out of balance or far from home to guide them to a place of shelter.   Many Azata's grant service to Aemontrout, and it is believed a large portion of Desna's realms actively aid him in the advent of the silence.   Aemontrout is often associated with Cats, and Wolves. Many attribute him to a lord of fish accidentally, which in turn has caused the god to grant his favor to many fishermen as well as a token of sincerity.

Divine Origins

Aemontrout is believed to have been a god on a now destroyed plane of existence. The enemies the god of protection have been chasing have supposedly persisted across time and eternity. Aemontrouts mortal origins, or indeed his celestial origins are unknown, and likely never to be known with his original plane's destruction.

Cosmological Views

Aemontrout resides in theory in the realm of Elysium, however he is known to travel often. The god frequents the plane of Celasper frequently in disguise, and is often found within the astral plane travelling the realms of dreams. While he is welcome throughout the celestial realms, he has been known to travel with permission into the hells, due to a longstanding agreement to allow for safe passage. Only in the realms of Abaddon and in the Abyss is he truly hunted, for both despise the Pilgrim's meddling in their affairs.   Aemontrout has no relations with the deities affected by the silence other than Desna. It is known that he has made treaties with several Archdevils to grant him passage through their realms unimpeded. He treats the gods Korggon and Taggrath with cautious respect, knowing the orc gods to be reckless but well meaning.

Tenets of Faith

Protect the weak at all costs.    The weary traveler should be offered aid, and should repay that aid with kindness.    If a place of safety is threatened, the stars must aid them in their defense.    Be remorseless to those who conspire against the defenseless.    My mercy is swift to those who aid in the defense of men, and I offer redemption to any who come forth to lay their secrets bare.    Those things kept hidden must be uncovered, for it is in secrets of blackest night, in the sword not seen until the final moment, that the fire will rise.


The Holy Text of Aemontrout is "A Seeker's Guide to the World Around Them". The book contains a great many notes about travel found useful upon the roads, as well as ethical discussion of the nature of protection and the duty of those who can to help those who cannot. It is thought to have been written by The-Memory-of-Stars based on her conversations with the god himself.


Priests of Aemontrout are expected to heal the sick, help the downtrodden, and to travel from place to place. They are adventurers, wanderers, seekers, and pilgrims. They know not to overstay their welcome in a given location, and after solving (or meddling as the case may be) any local affairs, they are off towards the sunset to sleep beneath the stars.    Aemontrout desires the uncovering of conspiracies and bringing truth to light. They are consulted to solve local problems, question customs and traditions, and bring those who would keep vile secrets to justice. They are also defenders in the places of darkness, and are known to travel into the dead of night, guided by starlight to keep the roads safe for others.   Reformed criminals, outcasts, defensive tacticians, and revolutionaries are those most likely to engage in Aemontrouts service as priests. The god has no center of worship, but a library is kept to maintain his followers journals in Oceanea, where his worship is very strong.   The Holy Symbol of Aemontrout is a Book, with a Shield on one cover and a Open Palm on the other.   Domains commonly associated with Aemontrout are Healing, Trickery, War, and Twilight.   Clerics are the most common worshippers of Aemontrout.   Paladins often take the oath of devotion, though a few will serve oaths of Vengeance if pursuing a grizzly foe across great distances.    Many bards grant the Pilgrim patronage for the god is a friend to the travelling minstrel.

Watch the Rising Fire

Founding Date
6th Era
Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
The Starlight Pilgrim
Pilgrims, Protectors

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