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The Joto Rainforest

The Joto Rainforest is one third of the single largest continuous jungle in Celasper. However while the other two thirds of the jungle are occupied by a variety of races, the Joto Rainforest primarily belongs to the Elves. The Elven tribes control the majority of the Joto Rainforest and it's surrounding territory, which stretches east into the Spice Coast, and north towards the Forgotten Lands. To the west lies the kingdom of Shujaa whom the elves of Joto have come into conflict with several times in the past. The Elves greatest enemy however is the "great darkness", which depending on who you ask can take many forms.   To call the Elves an unified block of a species would be a vast mistake. The Elves of the Joto Rainforest are said to have emerged from the fey gates at some point within the distant past, and are considered to possess one of the oldest known histories in Celasper. At one point in time before the fracturing, the Elves were said to rule the nation of Mualijae, in opposition to the Serpentfolk Empires and the ancient sky cities. Sometime after the age of darkness, the tribes split into their current iterations. The three tribes can be broken down as follows:   The Alijae: Red eyed elves who concluded the best way to combat the evils of Lamashtu's incursion were to align with infernal entities to oppose them. They are cousins of the Elves of the Emerald City to the east, but are not of the same faction, as the Alijae have rejected ongoing bargains or subservience to Infernal entities. The Alijae collect and create masks of their own ancestors, and currently work to reclaim the city of Nagisa. Elves of the Alijae are rumored to be vulnerable to evil due to past deals with devils, and they believe that the great darkness has yet to truly arise, and must be studied to understand.   The Emujae: The Emujae are fond of face painting with different hues, have a fondness for the hunt, and shun gold as a symbol of ancient dragons. They are nomads who millennia ago used their own blood to trap the avatar of Lamashtu between worlds within the elfgates to prevent a demonic incursion into the material plane. They live as nomads primarily, maintaining few permanent villages, and possessing a strong tie to the land. In battle, they will hack slain enemies apart to allow their bodies to feed and grow the jungle, and allow for insects and scavengers to consume their prey. To them, the great darkness is external and upon them, ancient evils that stir and hunt across the Joto Rainforest and beyond.   The Kallijae: The Kallijae believe that the great darkness can be found within, and have turned against external wars and battles in exchange for self perfection. They revere no gods, and practice absolute control over the self, keeping no possessions as a result. Instead, they collect that which they believe others cannot or should not control. Relics, artifacts and talismans of evil are collected by them and stored within their sacred city of Haven to prevent those who are not enlightened from harming themselves or others. Their insular nature has resulted in the dwindling of their people and they are currently the smallest of the elven tribes.


Bere Nibi: Located within the Burning Jungle, Bere Nibi is a small settlement primarily composed of Kallijae youths and their trainers. The Kallijae use Bere Nibi to train and foster their youths in the art of self-discipline, and defensive tactics. Bere Nibi as a camp is held with reinforced mortar, to protect it from potential forest fires. The Forest of Agoyben: Known as the Burning Jungle to outsiders, the forest of Agoyben is famous for the crackling tree phenomenon, where trees of gold will crackle and combust before traveler’s very eyes. The cause for this burning is unknown, with cause ranging from a tree based disease, to a curse of the Umasi, to even a spawn of Rovagog waking from within the cage.   Ijo: The westernmost settlement in the Joto Rainforest is home to tribes of Ekujae who have settled down. It is filled with retired warriors, and is off limits to non-elves attempting to visit. Its border with Shujaa leads to frequent border skirmishes, resulting in more defenses than the Ekuaje would like to impose upon the earth.   The Circles: Located to the south of the Burning Jungle, the Circles are part proving ground and part academy, where the Ekujae train warriors to combat demons in the most practical way, against live opponents.   Haven: The capital of the Kallijae people and former capital of all elves. The hidden settlement lies deep in fog on lake Miliquu. Seals and wards against evil protect the artifacts from within from scrying, protection, or escape.   The Door to Red Star: Myth tells that it was here that Old Man Jatembe fought the King of Biting Ants, an extraterrestrial enemy from beyond the stars themselves. Whatever the truth, the series of Stones that sits at the doorway are unsettling and unnatural, and closely guarded by the Elves of Joto, and the mages of Nantambi.   Jaytirian: Located close to the entrance to the Kufaatii Savannah, Jaytirian is home to one of the few non-elven races who call Joto home. The Sabosan are a race of reclusive bat-like creatures, hunted to near extinction long ago and now living in isolation in their treetop city. The rumors of bloodsucking from the Sabosan are true, though they do not hunt humanoids.   The Lost City of Ird: The mythical birthplace of Old Man Jatembe no longer exists, if it ever existed at all, but rumor has it that the mausoleum near the northwest of the Kufaath Savannah is where it once stood. Myth tells that here the Old Man fought a force that could not be defeated, and so rather than fight the ancient creature, he buried it within the city of Ird and burned it to it's very foundation.   Nagisa and Buyisela: Known as the White City, Nagisa is a pristine series of white pyramids in the middle of a dusty savannah. Believed to have been an elven stronghold, the history of the city has been lost, even from the elves who lived there. The Alijae now seek to rediscover and reclaim the city, setting up a camp in the nearby settlement of Buyisela from which they may explore the demon infested city, and uncover hidden truths about the Elven race.   The Aerie: A large plateau rising nearly 200 feet in the middle of the Kufaatii Savannah is known to be an accursed area, with plants growing twisted upon the plateau, and birds being far larger than normal. Children born near it often have marks upon their bodies that cannot be read, and rumors persist that the plateau may be haunted by the dead, by scions of Pazuzu, or other unspeakable horrors.   The Broken Circles: A series of ancient stones that may have belonged to an ancient people, though who is largely uncertain. What is known is that beneath the circles are a series of intact caverns that the Alijae are in the process of mapping.   The Barrier Wall: Seperating the Forgotten Lands from the Joto Rainforest, the barrier wall is the resting place for several of the ancient sky cities, and if rumors are true, the ancient civilization of Kho itself. Magical secrets are buried in the mountain pass, though on rare occasion merchants from Ri'am will brave the journey through to connect with traders in Joto. A small dedicated group of druids from all three elven tribes guard the wall, mostly to warn travelers of the dangers of passing through.   Earthspear: Somewhere within the Barrier Wall are the mythical remains of Earthspear, a great library carved inside a mountain deep into the earth. It is said that Old-Mage Jatembe's spell book still remains within, waiting to be uncovered by those who can breach its magical defenses, and discover it to begin with.   Haldun: A fortress settlement far to the east and home to the organization Rainwall, primarily dedicated to acting as sentries and wards for those who seek to cross the Tamarem or further north to Ri'am. The elves of Rainwall are from all three tribes, and patrol the barrier wall for safety.   The Tower of the Stonewardens: Built on the shores of Lake Uumama, the tower was built by Stone Giants, and is still inhabited by them. On a clear day, those within the tower can see up to a hundred miles away. The Stone Giants who reside within the tower use it to study the stars, the moving of planets, and the sounds of thunder.   The Tomb of The Thousand Tusks: Sitting at the base of the Barrier Wall near Lake Uumama, the tomb is a labyrinthine crypt believed to have been built by a terrifying Asura to hunt Elven adventurers and those seeking the forgotten lands. The myriad of bones surrounding the tomb are subject to myth and legend, without clear explanation. Some rumors speculate that the Asura Kaisadvaisad still resides here, with a Emphrian lord in captivity for their long term plans.
Alternative Name(s)
Old Mualijae

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