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Yadis is the geographical name of a conquered nation that once controlled a small section of coastline along the Great River Runway. Once Yadis was ruled by a benevolent monarchy from the capital city of King's Port (Kibwe to the locals) until political and economic disagreements led to a conflict with the Pirate Lord known as the Hurricane King. The Hurricane King brought the wrath of two dozen ships down upon King's Port, and personally killed King Alexander Au-Arcos, hanging his body outside his palace as a warning to any who would oppose him. Of the King's wife Selena no record tells of her death, but she disappeared from the historical narrative shortly after the King's death along with all of Au-Arcos' known children. The Hurricane King spent little time executing all those who would not bend a knee to his rule and personally installing himself as the Monarch of Yadis.   Despite his status as monarch, The Hurricane King has very little interest in running the city itself, and allowed all councilors of the former king to continue their posts so long as they bent a knee to the one true king. Leaving behind a representative learned council in his absence, the Hurricane King turned south towards a nearby deep water port, which he renamed Hurricane's Crown and began personally overseeing the construction and expansion of the city. Kibwe as a result continues to be a bustling center of trade and commerce despite the political upheaval, and has slowly returned to normal over the last quarter of a century, despite some rumblings from within the city hoping for a return to the old monarchy.


The Hurricane King rules as an absolute monarch, with a council of learned advisors ruling in his absence.

Demography and Population

King's Port has a population of roughly 9,000 people, with another 2,000 living in Hurricane's Crown and another 2,000 in River's Edge. However there are a number of ships and travelers who make frequent stops in any of these cities, bringing in hundreds of additional visitors on a given day.   The Majority of Yadis are humans of the Zenj ethnicity, with large enclaves of Orcs, Elves, Lizardfolk and Merfolk rounding out much of the rest of the population.


King's Port: Known to the locals as Kibwe or the city of watchers, Kibwe is a thriving mercantile hub of trade, and one of the gateways into the Great River Runway. The city is highly fortified, possessing multiple walls and only two gates into the city from the North and West, along with a well established sea wall. None of these defenses were used when the Hurricane King stormed the city due to well placed bribes, and so remain entirely intact. Unusual within the city are a number of stone statues built into and on top of the walls, and around the city itself, the origins of which are said to predate the modern city. Many of these statues possess humanoid bodies and the heads of animals and have been dubbed Pillar Watchers by the locals. The Aspis Consortium maintains a headquarters in King's Port, as do the Pathfinder Society. King's Port possesses a Gold Refinery, prized by the Hurricane King's pirates, who like to flood the masacali consulate with fake gold in order to flush out true money from wealthy merchants. The Palace of the Hurricane King has been largely restored, though the body of the previous monarch has been interred near the palace gates as a warning to any who would spark rebellion. King's Port possesses shrines to Abadar and Iomadae as leftovers of the previous regime, but a shine to Cayden Cailean was commissioned by the Hurricane King to attract more brewmasters to the city.   The Banded Fort: Once the Banded Fort served two purposes, to protect Yadis interests from the nation of Moeras, and to monitor activities from the Hobgoblins of Virthal. However with both nations in disarray, it now serves very little purpose. It was repurposed by King Au Arcos and his council into a holding station for slaves to be sold in King's Port, and a training base for army troops, but this too was abolished when the Hurricane King ended slavery. As of now the fort is occupied by Tsadok GoldTooth, a member of the Black Table and the Hurricane King's second in command. Tsadok, a pirate himself has absolutely no interest in running a military fort inland, and so has outsourced it's responsibility and upkeep to a Half-Elven Ranger named Sylien. Unbeknownst to anyone, Sylien is a loyalist of the Au-Arcos government, who has been weakening the fort for years in the hopes of leveraging a larger super power to strike at the Hurricane King when the time is right. What remains of the Yadis army is stationed in the area, though has been dramatically reduced due to lack of need.   Water's Edge: Waters Edge is one of the few settlements that is mostly below water, with Merfolk occupying Lake Hamaa for as long as anyone can remember. Within the lake the merfolk produce pearls, coral constructions, and more unique inventions such as masterwork weaponry and armor for sale in Port Freedom crafted from underwater volcanic forges. Many of the Merfolk of Water's Edge are expert scouts, and provide services for a fee for those wishing to traverse the Great River Runway.   Barkskin River: The Minerals from the Banded hills mixing with the south moving river seem to have given it special properties and Merfolk from River's Edge yearly harvest water from the nearby river for bottling. This water mimics the effects of the spell barkskin, and provides a nice economic boost to the Yadis government each year. Fake versions of the potion are common in King's Port and elsewhere, and smugglers have even gone to attacking merfolk on the riverway just to steal the harvested materials for themselves.   The Long Jungle: Covering a large section of Yadis' territory, the long Jungle is famous for being one of the more reliable places to find Dinosaurs, and specifically triceratops' in the wild. These behemoths are coveted by herdsman and traders for eggs, and frequent expeditions are made into the jungle to recover Dinosaurs for military mount breeding in The Banded Fort   Hurricane's Crown: The Hurricane King turned most of his attention here after his conquest, and has been working slowly to turn it into a naval fortress unrivaled anywhere within the Broken Spine. Recruiting local merfolk to aid in the construction of underwater tunnels and hidden surprises within the sunken depths, the King has thrown considerable plunder and money into developing a school for artillery and cannonry. He hopes that staying ahead on ballistics spending will keep him ahead of the consulate in the arms race, and makes sure to attract young minds with a desire for pyrotechnics to come and work for him. The repurposing of Hurricane's Crown has caused frustration for the locals, many of whom were smugglers to begin with, as they have no desire for the extra added attention the Hurricane King's buildings bring on their activities.


Yadis has no state religion, though the worship of Abadar remains popular within the region. Attempts were made by local's of King's Port to build a shrine to Besmera when the Pirate King took the city, but these attempts were utterly rejected by the Hurricane King upon his discovery.

Foreign Relations

The Hurricane King rules through intimidation and fear. While Kaz-Medeem would like to see him dead, none yet have the bravery with which to act. The Hurricane King has been making active steps to prepare the entire Broken Spine for hostilities with the Masacali Consulate, and the Slavers of Okeno, neither of which recognize his rule over Yadis. The King has privately spoken of a desire to do something about the Kraken, but it is unsure if even he has the capability to stop such a threat.


The laws of Yadis largely stayed the same as they were before the Hurricane King took power with a few exceptions. Piracy became legal within Yadis, and their port was opened to trade with known pirate vessels. Any ship who pledged loyalty to the King has been granted amnesty under Yadis' law. In addition, the Hurricane King forcefully abolished slavery after coming to power, and executed a number of slavers within the nation of Yadis, many of whom has fled to the Emerald City for safety from his wrath.

Trade & Transport

Grain, Fruit, Vegetables, Jewelry, Gems, Livestock and Dinosaur Hides, Lumber, Ores, Spices, Salt and Textiles are among the exports of Yadis. Hurricane's Crown also now specializes in the sale of Niter and Canonnballs to any pirates in the Broken Spine.
Alternative Names
Kibwe, Hurricane's Crown
Ruling Organization
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Market economy
Official Languages

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