Code 7 Gaming Community: Dungeons and Dragons

Cadun (Kay-Dun)

Cadun is a smaller town that lies on the boarder between Tirine and Ellon. Many years ago it was a thriving location that was well on the way to becoming a thriving trade hub for materials coming in from Oriand to the North and Ellon to the Northeast. That is until Cadun was overrun by a pack of were-wolves that sought to call the town their new home. Without knowing the traits of were-wolves and being well versed in the lore, you would not know from the outside that Cadun had been turned into a den for the pack known as the "Blackmoon".


This town is completely inhabited by Lycanthropes that have the affliction of Were-wolf.


The Government of this town is ran by the pack status. The Pack Leader is the one who lays down the rules that govern the town and all others are expected to obey.


This town is lacking in what would be seen as physically raised defences, However the defences that truly matter within the town are the werewolves that defend it.

Industry & Trade

Since Cadun was taken over, it does not trade with any of the big trading companies established within the cities of the Kingdom. Most of its trade goes to Ellon but they do not trade for materials or import any goods. This trading system and the travelers that venture through the area are the only source of income for the town.


The buildings and roads of this location did not make it out of the infancy stage of growth. Cadun does have locations that would be commonly found in most towns. Examples of this would be the store to by your traveling materials such as food and clothes. It also has a forge and blacksmith that does produce some very unique weapons. The center of the town would have to be the tavern owned by the Pack Leader that was ironically named The Wolf's Den. The tavern is also the location where all decisions are made and councils are held.


Cadun is much too small of a town to have different districts to make it up.


All of the valuable assets are held by the Pack Leader. However, the town does use the surronding farms to supply the materials needed to fill the stores. Cadun also runs a mine that lies 3 miles due West of the town that supplies all of the materials that the Blacksmith needs to make weapons, armor, and anything else the town might need.

Guilds and Factions

The only organization that plays any role with Cadun is the Blackmoon Pack. It is the center point of Cadun due to every inhabitant in the city is part of the pack.


Cadun used to be a newly thriving location within Tirine and was well on its way to developing into a good trading point with the terriotries of Ellon, unitl a pack of werewolves decided to move in and call it their home. Inflicting every person there with the curse or gift that they had.

Points of interest

Cadun does have stories that surrond the town. Every now and then, a traveler will go missing after passing through the town. They would not show up at their destination, but anyone who goes to Cadun to ask about the traveler will hear the same story. That the adventure was in the town, had a good meal or drink and finally left in a direction that would be the path of their next destination. Another story is how some people will stay for a single night in Cadun and suddenly uproot their previous life to stay in the town, claiming that had fallen in love with some charm or another that the town held.


The entire town is made of wood with the exception of one singular building. The Wolf's Den Tavern is the only building in the town that is made out of stone. This could have been to make it more noticable or because it is the newest building that was built. Some believe that the tavern wasn't built until after the were-wolves took over the town. Others say that it was built by the wealthiest person of the town and they were the only one that could afford the materials to build from stone.

Natural Resources

Cadun does not have any farms that belong to the town itself and none of the inhabitants farm the land. However, Cadun does use intimidation and the ploy of taxes owed to get what they need from the farmers that are within five miles of the town. The only thing that the inhabitants of the town actually do themselves is hunting for the meat that goes toward the town.