Code 7 Gaming Community: Dungeons and Dragons


For many years now Ceaton has been treated as a stopping point to rest on the trip from Thallior to the Eastern Coast and the shipping port Iriemore. That may have been what has made this settlement thrive into the bustling town that you see today. I has even set itself on the trade map by offering many items that found their way from Iriemore and makes it a less daunting trip to secure them. Ceaton has not tried to move away from the fact that it has become a hub bringing items and people from every corner of the kingdom to the town at one point or another.


Due to it's location of being a hub, Ceaton has seen the most diversity outside of the city of Thallior itself. Many different races have come to call this town their home and to raise their families protected by not only the Kingdom of Tirine and it's forces but also by the geographical loction of the town.


The town as ran by a lord that directly answers to the King of Thirine and would be held responsible if the town were to perrish in any way. The taxation only applies to the businesses in the town due to the Lord finding that it is a sufficent way to get the coin required to keep the settlement going while still encouraging people to want to live in the settlement itself.


The natural lay of the land is the best defense that the town could ask for. It is leagues from any opposing territory and even if rogue elements or even bandits were to try to attack the town the Town Watch would easily be able to repel up to a medium size force.

Industry & Trade

The way the town stays afloat financially is due to the fact that it is a hub between the Capital city and the Eastern sea port. It also acts as a trade port for Items coming from Nanderthon and Ellon. Due to the location of the town it has an easier access to wide spread items throughout the Kingdom with the only exception being the Port city of Haston.


There is no lack of wanting to expand the town from the store owners and other merchants that have settled in the town. They all have contributed to build many things that would be useful and sometimes even necessary to keep the town thriving. The community of merchants have almost made it their mission to make sure that the town continues to grow and to make sure that it does not fall into chaos before that can happen.


The town is unique in what would be called the division of the districts for the Kingdom in the sense that the town does not divide between the wealthy and the common people. The two disticts that the town has would be classified as the Merchant District and the Housing District. The Merchant district is the outer portion of the town and its comprised of all the stores and shops that you would pass to get to the Homes of the residents of the town. The Housing District is where all of the people of the town live. The richest of them living in the Keep with the lord or those that hold power staying there as guests of the lord. But the most common practice is for the people with more money to be neigbors with those that do not have as much.


The smiths of the town pulled together to equip the town watch with the best gear that can be provided. Every watch member is equiped with a full suit of armor from the blacksmiths, while the weaponsmiths keep the weaponry stock with the finest weapons that they have made. The town also has 2 inns that double as taverns for weary travelers that want to sleep in a bed, other than the keep itself these buildings are the two largest in the room and were built to host many guests within them.

Guilds and Factions

There has been rumor of a new faction growing within the confides of the town and trying to make a new for itself through out the Kingdom of Tirine. But the rumors due not say who this group is just yet.


Creaton was founded from the remnents of an old village that was the location of the War of the Three Kings. Even though the location has had such a bloody history the people of the town have made it their mission to insure that Creaton's future is as peaceful as they can make it.


Its not tourism that comes to the town, but it is the fact that it is a good stop for rest and a good location to go to any location that you might want to reach within the Kingdom or the Neighboring Kingdoms as well.


The town is completely built out of wood with the only exception being the Keep at the center of the town which is comprised of stone.
Large town
Owning Organization