Code 7 Gaming Community: Dungeons and Dragons

Haston (Has-tun)

Haston is a Port City on the Western coast of Tirine. It was the first attempt that Tirine had made at getting into the sea trade. Haston has an on going agreement with the secret city of Rifmore to help supply them with the materials that they need. Haston has sea trade routes to the Kingdoms of Gondolon, Helleine, and Oriand. Very few merchant ships are in contact enough with the Wood Elves to be able to trade with Erel. Most materials that come from Erel are received through the merchants based out of Rifmore.


Due to the on going contact with Rifmore, you will see more Tiefling residents in Haston than any other city in Tirine. Haston is, however, still primarily human based population with very few elves and even less dwarves.


Haston is ran by a lord who follows the laws set down by the King of Tirine. An overall taxation has 35% of the taxes collected going to the Thallior for the Royal coffers while the remaining percentage is used to improve the city.


The defensive walls of the city are 3 feet thick. The walls have three gates that lead into the city and each gate has iron bars that slide from inside the walls through key points attached to the gates and to the other wall to ensure the gate remains closed. The walls next to the Ocean are topped with Ballista to provide better accuracy against ships, while the walls that are inland are topped with catapolts to cause maximum damage to large numbers of enemies during a seige. The ramparts of the walls extend 8 feet above the walk way with intermitent slits for archers to shoot through. The City Guard are entirely armored and armed with Spears and swords, unless the are primarliy archers which they are armed with bows and swords. Every 50 feet along the wall is a stock of arrows for the archers.

Industry & Trade

Haston is home to some of the greatest craftsmen in Tirine due to the ability to export their goods by ship. The sea merchants will purchase the goods from the merchants within the city and hope to turn a profit at their destination.


Haston was founded on the concept of sea trade, even though it does have land based trade its primary imports and exports are by sea for a wider reach. The Sea Merchants are the ones who funded the building of the Docks for the Port. It is also the only section of the city that are outside the Defensive walls so the merchants also funded the construction of Defensive walls for the docks. The road based merchants funded the brick road to be built that connects the docks and the city to lessen the wear on the wheels of the carts and wagons that are used to bring the goods to the city.


Haston is seperated into several districts. Each district is geared to what you are specifically looking for in goods. The Steel District is everything that you could possibly want or need in the way of Armor or Weaponary. The level of skill within the Steel District ranges from Novice Smiths just beginning the road out of their apprenticeship to Master Smiths who have been crafting their wares for years. There are Smiths that have studied from different cultures as well. From the Dwarves and the Elves. The Silk Road is the district that holds the majority of the tailors within the City. The Slaver District is unique in the city of Haston in reference to the fact that Haston is the only city within Tirine that actually houses slavery in any manner. The Slaver's District is exactly how it sounds. It houses the purchase and auction of slaves to the general public. No one from the Kingdom of Tirine would purchase a slave, however, Orcs have been known to buy slaves from Haston in bulk along with the Kingdom of Helleine. The Gem Distict is where you would find all of your luxury and expensive goods. Only the wealthy and Noble individuals can afford to shop there so it is generally not open for common use. The District of Wonders is generally sought out by individuals that are looking more into the magical side of things. The Vine District is where one would who is into Alchemy would buy all of their supplies for their potions. At the direct heart of the city is where the courts are held.


Two or three taverns can generally be found in each of the districts. The taverns will usually have a few rooms that they rent to travelers, but will only rent for the right amount of coin depending on which district you are in. The city's court holds it's own Master Smith and Master Tailor to provide service to the members of the Lord's family and the council. The Master Smith provides the equipment for the City's Watch. Construction is underway to expand the Defensive wall to a new section to incorporate farmland and grazing for livestock within the protective walls of the city.

Guilds and Factions

Haston houses a hub for the Mercanaries out of Rifmore that serves as a operations center on the Mainland. Contract offers are generally sent to this location so that Rifmore's location remains a secret. The offers are then given to Rifmore merchants who will serve as courier for the offers to the city. This hub holds no political influence, but does serve as an extra layer of protection for Haston.


Travelers will come from most points of the Kingdom to see this lavish city that has stood the test of time and become such an iconic trading location.


The entire city was built by masons down to every building, while most of the interiors were crafted using cedar from the surronding forrests. Carpenters used the oak trees to craft most of the furniture that you will find within the city. It is a rare sight to see such a large city to be crafted entirely of stone without it being carved out of a mountain.


Haston uses natural springs and wells within the city as their source of fresh water. The city is built next to the ocean which is set with a sea foam green color. The surronding land is flat and from the top of the wall you can see individuals traveling from a great distance.
Owning Organization