Code 7 Gaming Community: Dungeons and Dragons


Stifield is a market town the primarily relies on trade as its main source of income. It lies within a central point to be able to trade with the Capital city of Thallior but also lies between Haston and Ingwood so that the only way to get between the two is to go through the town. It does not look like much from the outside with its wooden walls but inside of the market you are able to find items and materials from the realms of Ellon Nandorthon Gondolon and even Helleine. The only locations that would rival the diversity of the market here would be the capital city, Iriemore and Haston, but only because the demand the capital has for such unique and high quality materials and the other two being port cities that have more range to reach wider points of the known world.


Stifield has a very balanced demographic which remains evenly split with the attention that it gets in trade.


A fledgling Lord was named the ruler of the town, but this lord must pay homage to the King of Tirine. Oaths to the King were taken upon appointment to being lord of the town. These oaths would have included fealty, the call to arms, and a taxation oath.


It has very basic defenses made out of wood. Stifield also has a town guard but is not as large as what the other areas would be. Watches are rotated so that the walls and shop keepers do not get targeted at night while as during the day smaller numbers patrol to keep the peace.

Industry & Trade

The trade in this town is very focused on what travelers and residents need to sustain themselves. Mostly geared towards travelers due to that being where the gold would come from to keep the town thriving. The shops do tend to take on a bartering effect with the locals, but keep with the price points with the travelers that come through the area.


The town is full of shops and market stalls that would be open daily to make sure that they did not miss out on the busy traffic that moves through the town. Each merchant would not want to miss on any coin they could make off of the weary travelers.


The districts of Stifield would be less noticalbe to the passing traveler and would look like nothing more than permanent traders with shops versus the traveling merchants that would be more likely to be seen with a stall that could be taken down and moved to the next city that they came to, following the demand of materials where ever that might be. The market stalls are usually found closer to the walls and gates of the town, while the more permanent shops would be found closer to the heart of the town giving easier access to the wealthier clientel.


Stifield is host to several stores that would catch the eye of travelers and the needs that they would have on the open road.


Stifield does not have a lucrative history like some of the other areas within the Kingdom. Stifield was founded because of the long journey that seperates the eastern cities within Gondolon from the the city of Thallimor. It was said to be the reflection of Ceaton, but on the western side of the Kingdom. All who had a hand in the building of the town have high hopes that it will become just as lucrative of a trading hub as its sister city to the East.


Like Ceaton the town does not have a tourism based market. The town only means to be able to provide materials and a place to stay for travelers that are passing though on their way to their next destination. The city does not as yet have anything that would make it draw people to see that specific thing. However, there has been talk of an older lady that sometimes sets up her stall in the town. Any who seek advice from this woman always seem to find an adventure around the corner in their lives, but not all who seek this adventure return from it.


As the town is still in it's infancy of being built the town is comprised completely of wood with noteable influence in design coming from the sister city of Ceaton.


The town was built in the Shadow of the Western Forrest. However, the rest of the surronding area is nothing but rolling hills that reflect the morining dew in an almost magical quality.

Natural Resources

Several farmers have set claims in the surronding area that helps to provide all kinds of resources to the town. This ranges from different crops that are grown in the ground to livestock that are raised and sold as meat. Even a horse breeder set up in the area and began to sell horses they raised to travelers and even the Kingdom's Army.
Inhabitant Demonym
All races can be found in this town because of the diverse market