Code 7 Gaming Community: Dungeons and Dragons


Thallior is the Capital city of Tirine and where the ruler of the Kingdom has the seat of power. It is the largest city in the Kingdom and is also the most heavily defended of all the cities.


It is the primary seat of power and is ruled by the King himself. The King does have the King's Court to help him with the daily running of the city.


Each district or ring within the city is seperated by a wall and the number of gates that lead into the the next section decreases by one. The outer wall has four gates will the first inner wall only has three gates. The buildings closest to the outer walls are shorter and grow taller the closer you get to the next wall with none of the buildings being the same height as the wall that seperates that district. The design is so that the defending archers will always have the high ground against an invading force making it easier to defend.

Industry & Trade

The city relies on importing raw materials and producing goods from them to export. For example the Blacksmiths receive raw metal and produce many different things with some of those things being bought by other cities to sell. Food is grown in the surronding farms and brought to the city to sell which then gets resold or used depending on who buys the goods.


There are five different courtyards within the city. One for each direction. The center courtyard is found within the keep at the very center of the city. The city has brick roads that lead throughout the wealthy portions of the city and dirt roads in what would be considered the poorer portions of the city. The Keep only has one entrance with a portcolis, while every entrance to the city itself has a gate and a portcolis.


The outer ring of the city is considered the poorer portion of the city and is where you would find the cheaper things the further in the city you guy the more expensive and selective the goods are and someone that is not dressed in finer clothes or armor would stand out. right outside the keep is considered the wealthiest of the districts and is commonly the location for nobles or wealthy merchants. The shops in this location are very selective of their clientel.


The city houses multiple blacksmiths, taverns, food locations and markets throughout the city.


Most people that visit the city are there to buy or trade goods while others will attempt to get an audience with the King. There are even some that will travel to the city to join the King's army and fight for their Kingdom. Not all soldiers are trained in the city but a good amount of recruitment does happen here.


The walls and the Keep are made of stone while the dwellings in the Wealthy and second ring are made out of wood along with most shops and taverns. In the outer ring only the shops and taverns are made out of wood and the dwellings are made out of clay which is very abundant in the surronding areas.


The city has access to fresh water due to a river that flows into a lake close to the city but does not run through it. There are trees to the Southeast and to the West of the city while all trees that attempt to grow within 50 yards of the city are cut down. To the North of the city is rolling hills and a lake to the South. You cannot see across the lake evening if you standing on the walls of the city.


The city has a very temperate climate and the temperature depends on the time of year. However, Even on the hottest day of the year
Inhabitant Demonym
primarily humans but other races are known to live there as well
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization