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Chryssa Theophilos

Councilwoman Chryssa Theophilos (a.k.a. The Scholar)

Chryssa was one of the three founders of the great city of Kytheros. Her knowledge of geography, economics, and science were instrumental in the selection of the location as the first major settlement on the continent. Through clever dealings with merchants on the old world and through the assistance of her brother and close friend, her beloved city grew rapidly. She believed in the equal representation of all citizens of the city and would have a great deal of influence in creating the Council of Ninety Nine. She would later serve on the same board to push for investments in educational foundations and exploratory expeditions across the realm. With this same goal in mind, Chryssa established the Crag Guild to explore reports of ancient ruins in mountains neighboring the city.
Lawful Good
Current Status
1510 1690 180 years old
Bright, Teal
Long, sleek, white
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Founded Settlements


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