QUN Palladium

Lead ship of her class, the Palladium was the first vessel ordered and delivered to the Quadriarma Navy of the Palladium-class of then experimental attacker-type ships.  


The QUN Palladium, hull number CK-001, was commisioned shortly before the outbreak of the Quadriarma-Emuligar War. It, and 14 other ships representing the Flight I models revealed substantial issues with the compact design around the engine section. Flight II refits rectified many issues. The primary engines were moved to a bident cowling covering the original rear plate and the vessels endurance was increased with more efficient cooling and increased fuel storage.   Serving under command of the Kanulegt Fleet, the vessel saw plenty of action during the QU-EM War. It once took a hit from a railgun round which tore off its port side missile bay but the Palladium survived the war and was eventually scrapped.

Cover image: Celestial Grove Header by Savoic


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