Underwater Decoy Flare

An underwater decoy flare is a special type of flare designed to operate at extreme depths. They were ideal for Cerulean marine expeditions where people would be working at extreme depths where their lights would attract the various creatures living at those depths. To avoid interference and predator attacks, bright flares could be used to temporarily distract wildlife or to light up caves and crevices. These flares could be attached to a stick or small rocket.  


Underwater flares were pioneered on Cerulean, but were more commonly used in Vassal Crater where exploration was much more hands on and the fauna could be more hostile. Trotans in particular enjoyed the flares as opposed to sonic deterrents. Flares are lighter, more versatile, and as is important to a lot of Trotans, not potentially harmful to any of the wildlife.   Underwater flares started to be used on occasion in other underwater exploration expeditions. Preccyoba is the immediate example with its somewhat similar underwater environments but other worlds such as Arquia, Laepa, and Chutar saw some applications of the flares.  


The decoy flares were not used all too often. Most marine species tend to live in environments where sunlight can penetrate the water and in certain underwater biomes of Cerulean, native flora bioluminesces and lights up the environment to an appreciable degree. In these areas, native fauna more often respond to sudden drops in light. In dark areas, the flares can be very useful. Prey and predator alike can be phototropic and thus are likely to be blinded by the decoy flares. On more than one occasion these flares have been attributed to saving the lives of divers in Vassal Crater with a few isolated stories elsewhere. That being said, the flares do certainly make a good light source.

Cover image: Celestial Grove Header by Savoic


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