Vassal Crater Marine Ultrasonic Rifle

An ultrasonic rifle is a directed energy weapon that uses a sound wave of a frequency above the normal hearing range intended to disrupt or damage tech, structures, or wildlife. They are almost exclusively used as a deterrent. Marine variants of the tool are some of the most powerful versions of the weapon owing to the attenuation of sound through water. A specific model was distributed to members of the Vassal Crater dive team which is heavy and somewhat uncomfortable for the user but is also very powerful and easy to maintain. It was designed with a wide range of modes for versatility. The unique underwater fauna of Vassal Crater provided a varied set to challenges that couldn't be dealt with using multiple specialized tools. So, all divers are given a single weapon and some other tools to try and protect themselves from as many creatures as possible.  

Effects on Life


The ultrasonic frequencies of the sound emitted aren't deadly. However, the intensity of the sound can potentially damage the hearing of wildlife or any people if they are close enough. Disorientation is the goal. Creatures that use sound to navigate or are otherwise sensitive to sounds can be dissuaded from an area or attack path by expertly aimed sound. Vibration sensitive creatures may also be effected. Fauna that navigate via vibrations in the water may view the sound waves being emitted from the weapon as some kind of barrier or school of fish. Results vary between species but it can be studied.  


Some flora have been noted to response to sound emitted from ultrasonic rifles. Especially deep water species. There are some species of predatory plants that are known to lash out at sources of vibrations and sound emitted from the weapon can cause them to try and grab something that isn't there. Bioluminescent plants sometimes respond by changing the intensity or color of their light.
6kg (13.4lbs)
80 x 20 x 16cm (31.5 x 7.9 x 6.3 inches)

Cover image: Celestial Grove Header by Savoic


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