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Grand Colosseum of Makimos

Purity is neither gifted nor granted.   Instead, it has to be earned on the frozen sands of the Colosseum.   ~ Councilor Nos'reme, Iron Lung of Makimos
  One of the largest and most frequently used gladiatorial arena in all of Cenorad, the Grand Colosseum forms the geographic and the cultural center of the Agsimer city-state of Makimos.   Upon its yellow-colored sands, which have been frozen solid by icy rains, the inhabitants of the city fight for their honor, their rights and in fact their very survival, for in the hailstorm-whipped streets of Makimos might makes not only right but is, in fact, the only feasible way to acquire the replacement organs the Agsimer rely upon for their continued wellbeing.   Despite being only a comparable young addition to the layout of the ancient city, the Colosseum has grown to such a size that it nowadays encompasses close to a fifth of the city's entire area, which commonly causes visitors to assume that entire city was built around it.

Purpose / Function

From the cradle of Purity to the shame of the grave, we shall fight beneath the countenance of our Pristine Mother.
  The primary and most obvious function of the Grand Colosseum is to serve as the venue for various types of combat games, such as gladiatorial fights, free-for-all brawls, and judicial duels.   In addition to this primary function, the Colosseum also fulfills various additional functions that most certainly would not associate with one of the largest arena complexes in the known world.   Perhaps the most surprising out of all of these auxiliary functions is the fact that the Colosseum houses the birthing facilities and nursery of the entire city-state deep within the subterranean parts of its bowels.   While it a first might seem paradoxically for a place so dedicated to the concepts of birth and life to be located beneath a place so closely linked with death and murder, once one begins to take the rather special way in which Makimos' citizens reproduce as well as the general idea of their "Purist" philosophy into consideration, this apparent dilemma quickly dissolves.   For the Demi-Clones produced by the by-now centuries old and commonly heavily damaged artificial wombs of Makimo's birthing facility are fully reliant on numerous spare parts harvested from the victims of the arena in order to become viable enough to be able to participate within their first and commonly also last arena fight, during which they have the chance to harvest the necessary spare parts required for the acquisition of a "complete" citizenship.   Given that most freshly made citizens lack the expertise and tools required to properly implant their gathered organs, the Colosseums also houses the Assembly Ministry of Makimos. In addition to assisting new citizens by their self-assembly, the ministry's Masters of Purgation are also tasked with harvesting the organs of those defeated within the arena and fairly redistributing them among the victors.   As the purity of each of these organs, also has to be tested and subsequently verified in order to ensure their compliance with the Purity Ministry's GHP ("Good Harvest Practice") regulations, it is no wonder that the main branch of said ministry is also located within the Colosseum, which turns it into the de-facto seat of Makimos' government, even though the Palace of the Iron Council is located outside of the Colosseum's boundaries.

Soundtrack for the Colosseum

Alternative Names
Purity's Cradle, Mother Pristine
Related Tradition (Primary)

Show your Worth

  Even though the frequent participation in the Colosseum's gladiatorial fights is heavily encouraged within Makimos, it is by no means obligatory, as each citizen is completely free to choose a drawn-out death via gradual organ failure over a glories death within the arena.   The sole exception to this rule is the participation within the Men-Te'ses ("Festival of Purity"), which is mandatory for every single citizen regardless of their social standing, as only through victory in at least one of the festival's categories are they able to prove that their lives are still more worth than the sum of their harvestable organs.  

Let the Games begin

  The so-called Ses'necric ("Glorious Games") are large gladiatorial tournaments that last several days and commonly include hundreds of participants from all the various Purist-aligned City-States.   In addition to the large amounts of organic salvage and Cradle Coins which a successful fighter can earn throughout the tournament, the winner of the final dueling series furthermore earns the right to challenge one of the members of the Iron Council to a duel for their governmental position.   Given that most members of the Council have held their position for several centuries, most tournament winners that decide to make use of this right barely last a full minute before they are brutally finished off by their opponent.

Cover image: by skeeze


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