Queen Ophelia Von Seiat


  Princess Ophelia was born on the 24th of Sturots in the year 422 of The Glory Era during the reign of her father Harriot Von Seiat. Her parents were quick to publicize her birth and made their first public appearance with her only 2 days after she was born. The 24th of Sturots was immediately named a national holiday, a tradition of Acoln monarchs that can be traced back to The Independent Era. Ophelia was raised in the limelight, with every major life event celebrated with lavish parties and events attended by nobility and royalty.   In 420 of The Glory Era, Princess Éyela Eglantine-Camden Ragnarsson of Cadax was born, making it the first time in nearly 500 years that two monarchs from separate countries were born within 3 years of each other. This carried significant weight to the projected future of both Aclon and Cadax, as the two princesses were expected to maintain a close relationship to strengthen the precarious relationship between the two countries. To achieve this, the two were brought up closely together, with both frequently making trips to each other's respective countries. The efforts of those facilitating this friendship paid off, as both Éyela and Ophelia remain close to this day.   Ophelia maintained her highly publicized life until 433 TGE, when The Equalizing Outbreak finally hit Aclon. Ophelia and her mother, Yvette Von Seiat, quarantined themselves in a private abode in Kite while King Harriot continued to hold the throne in Labile. Queen Yvette and Ophelia returned to Labile in 435 TGE.   King Harriot retired from the throne in 452 TGE, and Ophelia was coronated on her birthday of that same year. Her coronation was highly anticipated by her subjects (as well as the monarchs of the surrounding countries) and she quickly began enacting several decrees. Most were of little consequence to the general public, though some did turn a watchful eye on her when she overturned her father's law that ensured those of artistically-earned nobility could not hold any kind of public office. A general rumor about her reasoning was that it was to help a close friend of hers, famed actor Withermore Harrold, gain political power in their respective district. When he lost the local election, however, most forgot about the incident entirely.   Currently, Queen Ophelia is seen as a rather lukewarm leader. Some hold her on a petastool as if she was a celebrity, constantly praising and obsessing over her every move. Others see her as a coincided woman who over-indulges in the spoils of royalty. Most, however, just consider her an inoffensive if not useless figurehead. Still, many give her the benefit of the doubt, as being a leader in peacetimes gives her no major conflict to "prove herself" with.

Personality & Rule

  Ophelia is well-known for being rather haughty and boisterous; she frequently hosts lavish parties and primarily associates with famous artisans. She has been this way her entire life and has hardly shown any signs of letting up, though has softened up on her former snobbish tendencies slightly. Her primary focus for Aclon seems to be continuing its famed arts programs and ensuring the country's lucrative economic future. She is currently betrothed to a nobleman from Cadax, Antioco Vella, whom she met on one of her many trips to visit Queen Éyela.
Crowned in 452 TGE
Current Status
Queen of Aclon
Date of Birth
24th of Sturots, 422 TGE
Labile, Aclon
Blonde w/ Black Tips, Long, Thick
Skin Tone/Pigmentation