
Cirino is the minor deity of Shadows and is currently listed under “Extremely Hostile” by the Universal Divine Church. He was first recorded in 1943 TCE, and it is still unknown who exactly he was in life. Cirino is still active as of 486 TGE, though his number of followers have thinned greatly in recent years. He gained notoriety at the beginning of The Romantic Era, when a handful of his followers were responsible for the disappearance of the famous bard Lexi Le Tellier.   In keeping with his namesake, Cirino lends his followers powers that are meant to be used discreetly. People that seek out his help are typically doing so with the hope that they will help them make an adversary of theirs disappear, as is his specialty. His magic and tactics are specially tailored to avoid detection, and his followers are quick to teach any new members their secretive means of worship. It is still unknown how exactly his followers are so efficient with dispatching targets, though there have been several attempts by different law and civilian forces to study his cult directly.   When the Universal Divine Church started allowing minor deity worship in 292 TGE, he was one of the first deity’s listed under “Extremely Hostile” and was not allowed to be worshiped in any capacity. He remains one of the most well-known minor deities, as even those with scarce little knowledge of alternative religions know of his followers' exploits. Given that he is not demonic, and therefore able to be talked about and studied by the general public, his cult has been the inspiration and focus of many pieces of art over the years; Both literature and visual. These pieces are almost always controversial in nature, however, and none have even been allowed to showcase at one of Nslir’s temples or services. Still, he remains a novelty and a cornerstone of alternative media.
Divine Classification
Minor Diety