Demonologists & Demonic Study


  Demonologists are a private religious sect formed by the gods that are the only mortals allowed to study demon lords. Those in it are chosen by the gods and are separated from society. They work in an undisclosed location, with their identities kept hidden from the world. All that is known about them is that they are elven in nature and that they appoint representatives to individual major cities to monitor for demonic activity and unlawful demon study. Demonologists were formed due to the fact that demon lords grow more powerful the more people know about them, so having only a select few study them helps keep their power down.  

Demonologists Representatives

  The Association of Demonologists appoints demonologist "representatives" to major cities to monitor demonic activity and ensure no unapproved demon lord study/education is being used. They do not study demons themselves, nor do they keep their identities hidden as their overseers do. Instead, they work exclusively on repressing the knowledge and following of demon lords, as well as forming a small combative team to eradicate demon spawn (known as Demon Hunters, which is the only job pertaining to demons that one can seek out on their own). They keep a close eye on religious education, and attend any classes that teach about demon lords (most religious studies classes will have one module on demon lords, though it normally only lasts about a few days) to ensure minimal information is being shared. Demonologists will also oversee any legal cases involving an individual accused of studying or following a demon lord, as the accused are not allowed to personally stand trial. Instead, they are interviewed exclusively by the representative to ensure no one else learns more than they need to. Because the representatives are limited in numbers, some countries will forgo a trial entirely if there is enough evidence to reasonably convict someone of study/worship.  

Unlawful Demonic Study

  Aside from the Association of Demonologists and their representatives, any outside study/hunting of demon lords & their spawn is strictly forbidden as outlined in The Code of Demonologists. Anyone found in violation of these rules is subject to the (highly unyielding) laws of their respective countries, which vary slightly. Below is a breakdown of the current punitive measures laid out for respective countries.
CountryGeneral Violation of The Demonologists CodeDemon Worship
Aclon Memory-altering magic, life in prison Execution if convicted
Armoriya Memory-altering magic, 10 to 20 years imprisonment centennial races /40 to 50 years for quincentennial races Memory-altering magic, Life imprisonment
Brimfire Memory-altering magic, 100 years to life imprisonment Execution if convicted
Cadax Execution if convicted Execution without trial
Ciel 10 to 20 years solitary imprisonment centennial races/ 40 to 50 years for quincentennial races Execution without trial
Duerett Memory-altering magic, 10 to 20 years solitary imprisonment centennial races/ 40 to 50 years for quincentennial races Memory-altering magic, Life imprisonment
Faraday Memory-altering magic, 10 to 20 years imprisonment centennial races/ 40 to 50 years for quincentennial races Memory-altering magic, 60 years to life imprisonment centennial races/ 200 years to life for quincentennial races
Galetthia Execution without trial Execution without trial
Goet 60 years to life solitary imprisonment for centennial races/200 years to life for quincentennial races Execution if convicted
Maider Memory-altering magic, 10 to 20 years imprisonment centennial races/ 40 to 50 years for quincentennial races Memory-altering magic, 60 years to life imprisonment centennial races/ 200 years to life for quincentennial races
Shinia 60 years to life solitary imprisonment centennial races/ 200 years to life for quincentennial races Life imprisonment to Execution if convicted Life - Execution if convicted
White Shore Life imprisonment to Execution if convicted Execution without trial

Code of Demonologists

  The Code of Demonologists was formed when the sect was, in year 1 of The Independent Era, as a template for world leaders to use to ensure their populous does not empower demon lords. Every country implements the code, and any attempt by a country to divert has been met with hostility from the surrounding countries (which was a major factor in The 50 Years War). Demonology representatives are the primary ones responsible for ensuring the code is being followed in their respective countries.              
The Code of Demonologists
-No persons may worship, speak in good name, or otherwise show reverence to demon lords or their spawn-   -No persons unauthorized shall teach and/or study the history, power, cults, doctrine, planes, or spawn of demon lords-
  -No persons unauthorized shall deliberately seek out demon spawn to befriend, hunt, or otherwise interact with-     -No persons unauthorized shall deliberately seek out demonic cults and/or worshipers to befriend, hunt, or otherwise interact with-     -Demon spawn are to be reported by laymen that know of them and immediately disposed of by authorized persons-     -Cults are to be reported by laymen that know of them and immediately disposed of by authorized persons-     -Persons engaged in unauthorized demon study are to be reported by laymen that know of them and immediately detained by authorized persons-     -Authorized Demon Hunters pledge their life to the profession and will be willing to sacrifice their lives in the name of demonic activity eradication-     -Authorized Demonologist Representatives pledge their life to the profession and will be willing to sacrifice their lives in the name of demonic activity eradication-     -No persons may impersonate an authorized demon hunter, demonologist representative, or demonologist-     -No persons may impersonate a demon spawn or lord-   -No persons may own or sell demonic paraphernalia including but not limited to demonic symbols, unauthorized study texts, demonic weapons, demonic clothing, or any item that has been desecrated-