
Goddess of Medicine & Healing

Gidis is one of the 8 major gods of Centaria. She is often called "The Heart of the Elves", as it is said she was the one who gifted elven races with their long lifespan. While elves no longer worship her exclusively (as it was in ancient times), she still maintains a steady number of followers. Her congregation is mostly composed of medical workers, as well as those who assist with end-of-life care and death rituals. While funerals have differing traditions depending on the diety, Gidis' doctrine lends itself well to the empathy and sensitivity one would need to constantly work in the field. Gidis' followers are expected to be ambivalent to major conflict and create amnesty wherever they may be.   Her symbol is a wreath.  

Celestial Beings

  Gidis creates a significant amount of celestial beings, with the third most overall. They can normally be found in hospitals, colleges, graveyards, and war zones. While they do spend most of their time assisting with the various needs of their location, they are also one type of celestial being that try to live relatively "normal" lives. They normally own some kind of home in whatever city/town they inhabit and remain on the moral plane for about as long as their presenting species would. Gidis' celestial beings normally do not live in hiding and are very forward about who they really are.   They frequently take the look of an older woman, to present a "comforting" mother-like figure. It is also common for them to share Gidis' golden-auburn hair and tall stature. They typically have a warm but reserved personality and do everything in their power to avoid conflict; They make excellent mediators. So much so that their guidance is often sought in legal disputes, as their word is seen as unbiased.   Her celestial beings naturally have bright orange/yellow hair.
Divine Classification